Kiwi gronous Khalaim & Ward, 2019

Khalaim, Andrey I. & Ward, Darren F., 2019, Tersilochinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from New Zealand. Part 2. Review of genera Kiwi gen. nov. and Zealochus Khalaim, Zootaxa 4613 (3), pp. 521-545 : 532-533

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4613.3.6

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scientific name

Kiwi gronous Khalaim & Ward

sp. nov.

Kiwi gronous Khalaim & Ward , sp. nov.

( Figs 10 View FIGURES 7–10 , 62)

Comparison. The new species differs from its congeners by long gena, almost entirely yellow-orange head and antenna ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 7–10 ), and ovipositor with a single dorsal subapical tooth.

Description. Female. Body length 3.5 mm. Fore wing length 3.0 mm.

Head granulate, impunctate, dull, with gena almost smooth and weakly polished. Head in dorsal view roundly tapered behind eyes, with gena as long as eye width. Clypeus small. Flagellum of antenna moderately slender, filiform, with 18–19 flagellomeres; sub-basal flagellomeres almost twice and subapical flagellomeres about 1.2× as long as broad. Mandible slightly twisted, with upper tooth longer than lower tooth. Malar space as long as basal mandibular width.

Mesosoma granulate, impunctate, dull. Notaulus with distinct longitudinal wrinkle on anterolateral side of mesoscutum. Foveate groove crenulate, long, extending from epicnemial carina to almost base of mid coxa. Propodeum basal part as long as apical area; transverse carina strong; apical area broad, with apical longitudinal carinae complete. Fore wing with vein 2m-cu slightly postfurcal, unpigmented in front 0.6; vein R1 not reaching apex of the wing. Hind coxa without median ventral crest or prominence.

Metasoma with first tergite slender, 3.6× as long as posteriorly broad, petiole longitudinally striate, postpetiole granulate. Glymma situated in centre of first tergite, moderately deep. Thyridial depression shallow, about 1.5× as long as broad. Ovipositor strongly upcurved apically, with a single subapical tooth dorsally and approximately four fine teeth ventrally; sheath 1.3× as long as hind tibia.

Head yellow-orange, interocellar area darkened. Clypeus, mandible (except blackish teeth), palpi and tegula yellow. Antenna yellow-orange with distal end of flagellum blackish ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 7–10 ). Mesosoma with pronotum, propleuron, mesoscutum, scutellum and front upper part of mesopleuron yellow-orange, partly with weak reddish brown markings, mesoscutum with three longitudinal blackish stripes; remaining mesosoma dark reddish brown. Pterostigma brown. Legs brownish yellow with hind coxa darkened. First tergite dark reddish brown. Metasoma posterior to first tergite yellowish orange to brown.

Male. Unknown.

Etymology. The species is named after the type locality, Mt Grono.

Remarks. By having slightly twisted mandible, K. gronous resembles species of the genus Zealochus and Gauldiana triangulata Khalaim & Ward , but other characters (long foveate groove on mesopleuron and broad apical area on propodeum, unspecialized hind coxa of female, ovipositor with a single dorsal subapical tooth, etc.) clearly distinguish this species from these taxa.

Material examined. Holotype female (NZAC), South Island , FD, Secretary Island, ridge towards Mt Grono, pan trap, 27–30.XI.1981, coll. C.F. Butcher, NZAC04035736 About NZAC .

Distribution. South Island (FD).













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