Senecio cilicius Boissier (1856: 37)

Calvo, Joel, Álvarez, Inés & Aedo, Carlos, 2015, Systematics of Senecio section Crociseris (Compositae, Senecioneae), Phytotaxa 211 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.211.1.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Senecio cilicius Boissier (1856: 37)


19. Senecio cilicius Boissier (1856: 37) View in CoL . Jacobaea cilicia (Boissier) Nordenstam in Greuter & Raab-Straube (2007: 181). TYPE: Turkey, Mersin, Tauri alpes , Bulgar Dagh, Deve Deppe et Güllek Magara, [37º15'N 34º20'E], 13 Aug 1853, T. Kotschy 257 b (lectotype, designated here, G-150304 image!; isolectotypes, G-96254 image!, LE!, S!, UPS!, WAG-645 image!).

Senecio bertramii Post (1900: 95) View in CoL [“Bertrami”]. TYPE: Lebanon, Cedars of Libanon, [34ºN 36'E], 23 Aug 1898, G.E. Post 907 (lectotype, designated here, G-96304 image!; isolectotype, G-162684!).

Arnica senecionoides Fenzl View in CoL , nom. nud., in sched. ( McNeill et al. 2012, ICN Art. 38.1) (B-10-0325121!, H-1439547!, S!).

Senecio fenzlii Schultz , nom. nud., in sched. ( McNeill et al. 2012, ICN Art. 38.1) (LE!).

Perennial herb. Rhizome 2.1–4.2 cm long, 0.4–1.1 cm in diam., ± horizontal, with swelled fastigiate roots. Stem 25–72 cm, erect, leaved, sulcate, solid, not ramificated, floccose to lanate, base without remnants of old leaves or tufts of hairs. Basal leaves 5.5–20.2 cm long, 1.4–4.2 cm wide, persistent, sometimes withering early, lanceolate to oblanceolate (ratio basal leaf width / basal leaf length = 0.15–0.36), obtuse, rarely acute, attenuate to cuneate, with a petiole 2–7.2 cm long, entire to widely-spaced teeth (teeth 0.5–2.5 mm deep), ± lanate, concolorous. Cauline leaves 5–12; middle cauline leaves 3.4–13 cm long, 0.4–3.4 cm wide, alternate, lanceolate to oblanceolate (ratio

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middle leaf width / middle leaf length = 0.09–0.31), obtuse to acute, sometimes apiculate, semi-amplexicaul, sometimes attenuated into a petiole up to 2.1 cm long, entire to widely-spaced teeth (teeth 0.3–2.2 mm deep), ± lanate, tertiary venation inconspicuous; upper cauline leaves 1.4–9.5 cm long, 0.2–1.8 cm wide, narrowly lanceolate to oblong (ratio upper leaf width / upper leaf length = 0.07–0.30), acute to apiculate, sessile to semi-amplexicaul, entire to slightly denticulate (denticles 0.3–1.5 mm long), ± lanate. Synflorescence 3–32 cm long, corymbose to corymbose paniculate, with linear-oblong bracts. Capitula (3–)5–11(–15), 20.2–37.3 mm in diam.; involucre 10.6–23.8 mm in diam., 7–14 mm long, bell-shaped to obconical; involucral bracts (10–)14–15(–16), 5.7–10.6 mm long, 1.6–3 mm wide, with scarious margin 0.3–1 mm wide, ensiform, acute, 2–3-dark-keeled when visible, apex without a black spot, floccose to lanate; supplementary bracts (5–)6–8(–10), 4.3–11.9 mm long, 0.3–0.8 mm wide, subulate, without scarious margin, two thirds to as long as involucral bracts, rarely slightly longer, floccose to lanate, not imbricated. Ligulate florets 11–14, 11.8–22.1 mm long, deep yellow to orange; tubular florets 5.6–8.2 mm long, 0.7–1.6 mm in diam., deep yellow to orange. Achenes 3.3–4 mm long, 0.9–1.2 mm wide, subcylindrical to fusiform (ratio achene width / achene length = 0.25–0.29), shorter than pappus (ratio achene length / pappus length = 0.58–0.59), with 10–12 ribs, with scattered intercostal trichomes 0.1–0.2 mm long; pappus 5.1–7.2 mm long, whitish. Chromosome number: unknown. Figure 26 View FIGURE 26 .

Distribution and habitat: — Lebanon, Turkey (mainly eastern Anatolia); subalpine meadows, rocky slopes, steppes, woods of Cedrus libani , usually on calcareous soils; elevations of 1650–2450 m ( Figure 25 View FIGURE 25 ).

Phenology: — Flowering from June to August.

Etymology: — The epithet cilicius refers to the ancient region called Cilicia, the southern coastal region of Asia Minor, south of the central Anatolian plateau.

Discussion: — Senecio cilicius can be recognized by its lanate indumentum on stem, leaves, and involucre, conferring a whitish aspect to the whole plant. It is similar to S. inops and S. tauricola (see comments under it). Regarding to S. inops , it differs in the indumentum type (± lanate, persistent in S. cilicius vs. arachnoid-floccose, usually caducous in S. inops ). In fact, the latter is a greenish plant while S. cilicius is whitish. These species do not overlap their areas of distribution.

The populations from Cedars of Libanon ( Lebanon) were described by Post as S. bertramii . Despite an apparently slight difference in the colour of the ligulate flowers, otherwise it fits perfectly with the diagnostic characters of S. cilicius , and therefore, it is considered herein as a synonym. According to Post (1900) and Dinsmore (1933), the populations of Lebanon have the corollas orange, whereas the Turkish ones are deep yellow ( Matthews 1975). This character cannot be confirmed on the basis of the dried material studied.

It is important to clarify that the two numbers indicated on the label of the type material correspond to different collections in the same locality. We lectotypify the name with Kotschy 257 b, collected on 13 Aug 1853. Kotschy 66 a was collected on 9 July 1853, becoming a syntype (G-150305 image!). The other syntype is a Huet de Pavillon’s collection from Maimansour (Erzurum) that was collected in August 1853. We have located its duplicates at G, O , and P.

Selected specimens examined. LEBANON. Liban, 34º0’N, 36º0’E, Monllard s.n. ( G) GoogleMaps . TURKEY. Bayburt: Kop Dag Pass, 40º3’N, 40º27’E, 9 Aug 1962, P GoogleMaps . Furse 3797 ( G, K); montes Kop Dagh inter Askale et Bayburt , 40º3’N, 40º28’E, 4 Aug 1965, K. H GoogleMaps . Rechinger 32891 ( G) . Bingöl: Bingöl Da. above Karliova, 39º18’N, 41º0’E, 10 July 1966, P. H GoogleMaps . Davis 46189 ( K) . Bitlis: dist. Kotum, Karz Dag, above Kamer, 38º18’N, 42º25’E, 24 Aug 1954, P. H GoogleMaps . Davis & O . Polunin 24585 ( E, K, MO) . Erzincan: Armenia turcica, Hassanova ad Kurutschai, versus Nerskiep, 39º38’N, 38º31’E, 15 July 1890, P GoogleMaps . Sintenis 2922 ( B, G, K, LE, WU); Armenia turcica, Sipikordagh , 39º52’N, 39º35’E, 29 July 1890, P GoogleMaps . Sintenis 3271 ( C, G, S) . Erzurum: Cappadocia bor.: in summo monte Ak-dagh, 40º35’N, 41º47’E, 2 Aug 1889, J GoogleMaps . Bornmüller 1121 ( B, LE, WU); in collibus inter Baibout et Ispir , 40º24’N, 40º37’E, 24 July 1862, E GoogleMaps . Bourgeau 125 ( C, FI, LE) . Gümüşhane: Karagoelldagh: Alask-Sasvesi, 40º22’N, 39º6’E, 29 July 1894, P GoogleMaps . Sintenis 7219 ( B, E, FI, G, LE, M, S, WU) . Konya: Phrygia, Akscheher (Wilajet Konia) , in regione alpina montis Sultandagh, 38º19’N, 31º20’E, 21 June 1899, J GoogleMaps . Bornmüller 4619 ( B) . Malatya: Kube Dag Malatya-Pötürge, beim Karakol 36 km von M ., 38º13’N, 38º38’E, 15 June 1949, A GoogleMaps . Huber-Morath 9161 ( G) . Mersin: in Monte Tauro, 1836, T . Kotschy 314 ( B, H, LE, S); Tauri alpes , Bulgar Dagh, Deve Deppe et Güllek Magara , 37º15’N, 34º20’E, 9 July 1853, T GoogleMaps . Kotschy 66 ( G) . Muş: Bulanik-Muş, Weiden 3 km nach Hasangüran, 38º57’N, 41º54’E, 14 July 1951, A GoogleMaps . Huber-Morath 11255 ( G); Bimgoell montis, ad Gumgum in districtu Warto , in valle amoena Merga Sauk , 39º18’N, 41º19’E, 23 Aug 1859, T GoogleMaps . Kotschy 399 ( G, LE, S, UPS, US) . Sivas: Kangal, Kangal-Tecer, 12 km südl. Tecer, 39º19’N, 37º11’E, 28 June 1955, A GoogleMaps . Huber-Morath 13258 ( G); 46 km südlich Divriği , zwischen Divriği und Arapgir, 39º11’N, 38º18’E, 15 July 1982, M GoogleMaps . Nydegger 17168 ( B, BR, FI, G, H, MA) . Tunceli: Pülümür-Mutu , 2 km


Phytotaxa 211 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 67 N der Passhöhe, 39º28’N, 39º54’E, 26 June 1951, A GoogleMaps . Huber-Morath 11256 ( G). Van: dist. Satak, Kavussahap Däg , 38º10’N, 42º55’E, 22 July 1954, P GoogleMaps . H GoogleMaps . Davis & O . Polunin 23036 ( K); Kavussahap Daglari , S of Pisvanik, N side above Arpit, 38º10’N, 42º55’E, 14 Aug 1967, J GoogleMaps . M GoogleMaps . Watson, Mitchell & M . J . Cheese 3600 ( E, K) .

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Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Royal Botanic Gardens


University of Helsinki


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Missouri Botanical Garden


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Servico de Microbiologia e Imunologia


Wayland University


University of Copenhagen


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


University of the Witwatersrand


Natural History Museum


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Uppsala University, Museum of Evolution, Botany Section (Fytoteket)


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


Real Jardín Botánico


Nanjing University














Senecio cilicius Boissier (1856: 37)

Calvo, Joel, Álvarez, Inés & Aedo, Carlos 2015

Senecio bertramii

Post, G. E. 1900: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF