Isotomiella louisi, Mendonça & Queiroz, 2016

Mendonça, Maria Cleide de & Queiroz, Gabriel Costa, 2016, A new Brazilian species of Isotomiella (Collembola: Isotomidae) from the state of Pará, Brazil, Zoologia (e 20160005) 33 (3), pp. 1-4 : 1-4

publication ID 10.1590/S1984-4689zool-20160005

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scientific name

Isotomiella louisi

sp. nov.

Isotomiella louisi View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 1-11 View Figures 1-8 View Figures 9-11

Body length of holotype 0.71 mm. Habitus slender and cylindrical, typical of the genus. Color white. Body chaetotaxy ciliated; few chaetae slightly ciliated or smooth. Integument without craters. Pseudopores and channels not visible.

Head. All chaetae ciliated and subequal, anterior and posterior chaetae longer ( Fig. 1 View Figures 1-8 ). Ant I (25 µm) with 15 ciliated chaetae, 2 basal microchaetae, one dorsal and one ventral; 2 ventral unequal sensilla, one plump (5 µm) and one (3 µm) very thin. Ant II (30 µm) with 26 ciliated chaetae and one dorso-basal microchaeta ( Figs. 2, 3 View Figures 1-8 ). Ant III and Ant. IV damaged. Labrum with 4 anterior spinules; labral chaetae pattern 4/5,5,4. Maxillary outer lobe bifurcated with basal ciliated chaeta and 3 sublobal hairs. Linea ventralis of head with 3+3 chaetae.

Tergites. Th II with 9+9 axial chaetae, 3+3 lateral sensilla (5 µm, 7 µm, 5 µm), 1+1 lateral macrochaetae (45 µm) ( Fig. 4 View Figures 1-8 ). Th III with 6+6 axial chaetae, 2+2 lateral sensilla (5 µm), 1+1 lateral macrochaetae (55 µm) ( Fig. 5 View Figures 1-8 ). Abd I with 3+3 axial chaetae, 1+1 lateral sensilla, 1+1 lateral macrochaetae (56 µm). Abd II with 3+3 axial chaetae, 1+1 lateral sensilla (4µm), 3+3 macrochaetae (60 µm) Abd III without defined pattern of axial chaetae, 1+1 ventral sensilla (4 µm) and 1+1 lateral sensilla (7µm), 3+3 macrochaetae (62 µm). Abd IV without defined pattern of axial chaetae, 1+1 lateral sensilla, 3+3 anterior macrochaetae (62 µm) and 2+2 posterior macrochaetae (62 µm). Abd V-VI with several macrochaetae (65 µm) among mesochaetae of different sizes (20-45 µm), 1+1 spl long, thick and slightly curved dorso-lateral sensilla (35 µm), 1+1 Appendages. Subcoxa III with about six ciliated chatae, ventral sensilla sv with (4 µm) and 3+3 dorso-lateral sensilla sa, longer; Femur III with about 19 ciliated chaetae; Tita III strongspe, spi very long and thin each with 38µm, 45µm and 40µm re- ly thickened, with about 31 ciliated chaetae and 5 digitiform spectively ( Fig. 11 View Figures 9-11 ). Sensillary formula by half tergite 3,2/1,1,2,1,5. chaetae ( Figs. 6, 7 View Figures 1-8 ). Femur I with about 19 ciliated chaetae; Tita Unpaired chaetae a0, m0, p0 not visualized. I ( Fig. 8 View Figures 1-8 ) and II of normal shape, with 24-26 and 26-27 chaetae respectively. Tita I, II and III with 7 chaetae on distal whorls; The group includes three Brazilian species (I. digitata Deharveng tibiotarsal tenent chaetae pointed. Unguis of normal shape (18 & Oliveira, 1990, I. distincta Mendonça & Fernandes, 2003 and I. µm), without teeth; unguiculus lanceolate (8 µm). Ventral tube falcata Mendonça & Fernandes, 2003) that share two remarkable with 3+3 anterior, 2+2 posterior and 5+5 distal chaetae (Fig. apomorphies: metathoracic tibiotarsus strongly thickened with 9). Tenaculum (20 µm) with 4+4 teeth and one chaeta. Furcal several digitiform chaetae, and basal chaeta of maxillary outer anterior subcoxae with 6 chaetae, three of them longer. Furcal lobe ciliated. The new species, I. louisi sp. nov. also shares with posterior subcoxae with 6 chaetae, one longer. Manubrium (40 them the following characteristics: chaetae of body ciliated; µm) with 2+2 anterior, 20 posterior and no lateral chaetae. Dens unguis toothless; and reduced furcula with few chaetae (1+1-2+2) slightly crenulated (56 µm) with 13 anterior and 2 posterior on anterior side of manubrium. The species I. macedoi Mendonça chaetae. Mucro small, (5µm) bidentate ( Fig. 10 View Figures 9-11 ). et al. 2012 has tibiotarsus III of male similar to the condition

Material examined. Holotype female, BRAZIL, Pará: found in I. digitata group, but differs from it by the presence Santarém municipality ( Alter do Chão , litter near Tapajós of a set of characteristics: sensillary pattern (3,2/0,0,1,3,5), 3+3 River margin, secondary Amazon Forest , local coordinates to 5+5 ventral chaetae of manubrium, mucro tridentate and 4 2°33’1.67”S, 54°57’15.28”W), 27.IX.2014, Queiroz, C.G. leg., sublobal chaetae found in minor and nummulifer group sensu 2489 CM / MNRJ. KóVAC & PALACIOS-VARGAS (2008). Furthermore, in I. macedoi the GoogleMaps

Etymology. The species epithet is to honor Dr. Louis basal chaeta of the maxillary outer lobe is smooth, the digitiform Deharveng for his great contribution to the knowledge of chaetae are thinner on metathoracic tibiotarsus and are only Isotomiella . present in the male. The digitata group can be separated from

Remarks. The new species, Isotomiella louisi sp. nov., be- other groups of Isotomiella defined so far by the table in KOVáC longs to a group of species proposed here as the I. digitata group. & PALáCIOS- VARGAS (2008).


The new species is similar to I. digitata, both share the same KOVáC L, PALACIOS-VARGAS JG (2008) Redescription of Isotomiella sensillar formula (3,2/1,1,2,1,5) and the same number of chaetae alulu and I. delamarei ( Collembola: Isotomidae ) with notes on ventral tube. However, I. louisi sp. nov. differs by having 5 on systemattics of the genus and new records from the Neodigitiform chaetae on tibiotarsus III (versus 4), manubrium with tropics. Zootaxa 1825:1-17.

2+2 anterior chaetae (versus 1+1), dens with 13 anterior and 2 MENDONÇA MC, FERNANDES LH (2003a) New species of Isotomiella posterior chaetae (versus 6 and 1) and 4+4 teeth on tenaculum Bagnall, 1939 and Records of new occurrences of Isotomiella (versus 3+3) ( Table 1). nummulifer and I. quadriseta from Brazil ( Collembola, Isoto- Isotomiella louisi sp. nov. can be readily distinguished from midae). Boletim do Museu Nacional 502: 1-12.

I. distincta by the presence, in this last species, of 2 digitiform MENDONÇA MC, FERNANDES LH (2003b) Três novas espécies de chaetae on tibiotarsus III, number of chaetae on ventral tube (3+3 Isotomiella Bagnall, 1939 do sudeste do Brasil ( Collembola: distal, 1+1 anterior, 1+1 posterior) and 3+3 teeth on tenaculum. Isotomidae ). Lundiana 4: 111-116.

The new species also resembles I. falcata, especially in the pres- MENDONÇA MC, ABRANTES EA (2007) A new species of Isotomiella ence of five digitiform chaetae on tibiotarsus III, but it can be ( Collembola: Isotomiella ), with notes on I. bidentata Delamare easily separated from it by its bidentate versus falciform mucro. Deboutteville, 1950 and I. amazonica Oliveira & Deharveng, Isotomiella louisi sp. nov. also deviates from species of the digitata 1990. Zootaxa 1652: 41-48.

group by having on Abd V-VI the sensillae, sa, spe, spi very thin MENDONÇA MC, ABRANTES EA, NEVES ACR (2012) New species of and long, about twice as long as lateral macrochaetae on Th II. Isotomiella Bagnall, 1939 from Southeast of Brazil ( Collembola: Isotomidae ). Zookeys 232: 21-30. doi: 10.3897/

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS zookeys.233.3553

OLIVEIRA E, DEHARVENG L (1990) Isotomiella ( Collembola, Isotomi- We are thankful to Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Es- dae) d’Amazonie: les espèces du groupe minor. Bulletin du tado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ E-26/111.504/2013) for financial Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle 12: 75-93.

support, to CNPq for grant to Maria Cleide de Mendonça (process

307644/2015-4) and to CNPq for the second author’s grant.

Submitted: 7 January 2016

LITERATURE CITED Received in revised form: 31 March 2016

Accepted: 18 April 2016


Editorial responsibility: Ricardo Pinto da Rocha


D (2012) Errata Corrigenda and update for the “Synthesis of

Brazilian Collembola: an update to the species list.” Abrantes et al. (2010), Zootaxa 2388: 1-22. Zootaxa 3168: 1-21. Author Contributions: MCM wrote and illustrated the paper.

DEHARVENG L, OLIVEIRA E (1990) Isotomiella ( Collembola: Isotomi- GCQ took the sample and organized the table.

dae) d’Amazonie: les espèces du groupe delamarei. Annales Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no de la Société Entomologique de France (NS) 26: 185-201. competing interests exist.


Chongqing Museum


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro

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