Inoma fuscata, Cassis & Symonds, 2008

Cassis, Gerasimos & Symonds, Celia, 2008, Systematics, biogeography and host associations of the lace bug genus Inoma (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 48 (2), pp. 433-484 : 448-451

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5341505

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Inoma fuscata

sp. nov.

Inoma fuscata sp. nov.

( Figs. 1 View Fig , 3 View Fig , 5 View Fig , 10 View Fig d-f & k, 11, 12c-d, 13a)

Type material. HOLOTYPE: J, AUSTRALIA: NORTHERN TERRITORY: 184 km E of Stuart Hwy on Lasseter Hwy, 25.23334°S 131.5703°E, 510 m, 31 Oct 2001,Cassis, Schuh,Schwartz,Silveira,Wall, ex. Eremophila gilesii F.Muell. ( Myoporaceae ; det. NSW Herbarium NSW666275) ( AMNH _PBI 00010124) ( AM).

PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: NORTHERN TERRITORY: 184 km E of Stuart Hwy on Lasseter Hwy, 25.23334°S 131.5703°E, 510 m, 31 Oct 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, ex. Eremophila gilesii F. Muell. ( Myoporaceae ; det. NSW Herbarium NSW666275), 6 JJ ( AMNH _PBI 00010123, AMNH _PBI 00010127, AMNH _PBI 00010129, AMNH _PBI 00010134, AMNH _PBI 00010138- AMNH _PBI 00010139), 12♀♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00010121- AMNH _PBI 00010122, AMNH _PBI 00010126, AMNH _PBI 00010128, AMNH _PBI 00010130- AMNH _PBI 00010133, AMNH _PBI 00010135- AMNH _PBI 00010137, AMNH _PBI 00010141) ( AM), 29 JJ ( AMNH _PBI 00179560- AMNH _PBI 00179562, AMNH _PBI 00179568- AMNH _PBI 00179593), 31♀♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00179871- AMNH _PBI 00179901) ( AMNH); 25.3 km NW of Bond Springs on Tanami Rd, 23.51668°S 133.6212°E, 746 m, 21 Oct 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, ex. Eremophila gilesii F.Muell. ( Myoporaceae ; det.NSW Herbarium NSW658289), 7 JJ ( AMNH _PBI 00010105, AMNH _PBI 00010108- AMNH _PBI 00010110, AMNH _PBI 00010112- AMNH _PBI 00010113, AMNH _PBI 00010118), 8♀♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00010103- AMNH _PBI 00010104, AMNH _PBI 00010106- AMNH _PBI 00010107, AMNH _PBI 00010111, AMNH _PBI 00010114- AMNH _PBI 00010115, AMNH _PBI 00010117) ( AM), 5 JJ ( AMNH _PBI 00179514- AMNH _PBI 00179517, AMNH _PBI 00179529), 10♀♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00023899, AMNH _PBI 00179762- AMNH _PBI 00179767, AMNH _PBI 00179771- AMNH _PBI 00179773) ( AMNH); 26.8 km W of Tanami Rd on Mt Wedge Station Rd, 22.50001°S 132.179°E, 589 m, 23 Oct 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, ex. Eremophila gilesii F. Muell. ( Myoporaceae , det. NSW Herbarium, NSW658313), 1 ♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00010120) ( AM), 4 JJ ( AMNH _PBI 00023900- AMNH _PBI 00023902, AMNH _PBI 00179690), 3 ♀♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00179977- AMNH _PBI 00179979) ( AMNH); 71.6 km NE of Kings Canyon Resort, 23.80002°S 131.6635°E, 743 m, 03 Nov 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, ex. Eremophila gilesii F. Muell. ( Myoporaceae , det. NSW Herbarium, NSW666317), 4 JJ ( AMNH _PBI 00179683- AMNH _PBI 00179686) ( AMNH). QUEENSLAND: 14.2 km E of Charleville, 26.42171°S 146.3756°E, 375 m, 31 Oct 1998, Schuh,Cassis, Silveira, ex. Eremophila freelingii F. Muell. ( Myoporaceae ;det.NSW Herbarium NSW427507), 4 JJ ( AMNH _PBI 00010143- AMNH _PBI 00010144, AMNH _PBI 00010146, AMNH _PBI 00013643), 2 ♀♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00010142, AMNH _PBI 00010145) ( AM), 8 JJ ( AMNH _PBI 00179505- AMNH _PBI 00179508, AMNH _PBI 00179510- AMNH _PBI 00179513), 9♀♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00179753- AMNH _PBI 00179761) ( AMNH); 16 km W of Adavale, 25.9545°S 144.7206°E, 380 m, 01 Nov 1998, Schuh, Cassis, Silveira, ex. Aristida jerichoensis var. subopinulifera (Domin) Henrard ( Poaceae ; det. NSW Herbarium), 3JJ ( AMNH _PBI 00010150, AMNH _PBI 00010152- AMNH _PBI 00010153), 4♀♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00010147- AMNH _PBI 00010149, AMNH _PBI 00010151) ( AM); 8.2 km E of Mungallala, 26.46401°S 147.6248°E, 560 m, 31 Oct 1998, Schuh, Cassis, Silveira, ex. Acacia

sp. ( Fabaceae ; det. NSW Herbarium), 1 J ( AMNH _ PBI 00010163 About AMNH ) ( AM) ; Cunnamulla, 28.071°S 145.685°E, Oct 1941, N. Geary, 1 adult – sex unknown ( AMNH _ PBI 00010140 About AMNH ) ( AM) GoogleMaps .

Additional material examined. AUSTRALIA: NORTHERN TERRITORY: 184 km E of Stuart Hwy on Lasseter Hwy, 25.23334°S 131.5703°E, 510 m, 31 Oct 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, ex. Eremophila gilesii F. Muell. ( Myoporaceae ; det. NSW Herbarium NSW666275), 1 larva ( AMNH _PBI 00010125) ( AM).

Diagnosis. This species is recognised by the following combination of characters: medium size, red-brown to dark brown, with dark brown and cream patches on hemelytra and paranota ( Fig. 1 View Fig ); head and AI almost black ( Fig. 1 View Fig ); cephalic spines and rest of antennae lighter brown ( Fig. 1 View Fig ); body covered with silvery, elongate, somewhat curly, woolly setae ( Figs. 1 View Fig , 5d View Fig ), with setae on abdominal venter short, clavate and scale-like ( Fig. 5h View Fig ); pronotum and hemelytra with moderately elongate major setiferous tubercles, terminal seta straight and equal length or shorter than tuberculate base ( Fig. 5 View Fig c-e); major setiferous tubercles in one row on pronotum and hemelytra veins, in two opposing rows along costal margin, continuing to forewing apex ( Fig. 5 View Fig c-e); cephalic spines elongate, occipital spines strongly arcuate laterally ( Fig. 5a View Fig ); paranota and costal area biseriate ( Figs. 1 View Fig , 5 View Fig d-e); paranotal and costal areas biseriate ( Figs. 1 View Fig , 5d View Fig ); hemelytra with large areolae in costal and sutural areas, and smaller areolae in discoidal and subcostal areas ( Figs. 1 View Fig , 5e View Fig ).

Description of adult. Moderate size, macropterous form (males 2.55-3.19, females 2.66- 3.13) ( Fig. 1 View Fig ).

COLOURATION. Head: dark brown; spines stramineous; bucculae mostly orange-brown, margins paler. Labium: dark brown. Antennae: mostly orange-brown; AIV dark brown. Pronotum: dark brown, medially orange-brown between carinae; collum cream and orange-brown along medial ridge and posteriorly; paranota mottled cream and dark brown; carinae cream and medially orange-brown. Thoracic pleura: mostly orange-brown, margins paler. Thoracic sterna: sternal carinae cream. Legs: mostly orange-brown; tarsi dark brown. Hemelytra: orange-brown with contrasting cream and dark brown markings on the costal area, sutural area and veins of the discoidal area. Abdomen: venter uniformly orange-brown.

VESTITURE. Woolly setae present on head, dorsum and thoracic pleura, moderately dense distribution, mostly elongate, silvery, curly, and slightly thickened ( Fig. 5 View Fig a-e). Major setiferous tubercles on pronotum and hemelytra elongate, terminal seta same length or shorter than tuberculate base ( Fig. 5 View Fig a-e). Head: minor setiferous tubercles present, on lower half of cephalic spines ( Fig. 5a View Fig ). Antennae: minor setiferous tubercles present on AIII, terminal seta elongate, apex rounded ( Fig. 5b View Fig ). Pronotum: major setiferous tubercles in single rows ( Fig. 5d View Fig ). Thoracic pleura and sterna: woolly setae on supracoxal lobes and sterna not as dense, shorter and thickener than pleural woolly setae; posteroventral margin of proepimeron with a few major setiferous tubercles; sternal carinae with single row of simple setae, rounded distally. Legs: femora with minor setiferous tubercles, terminal seta thickened, truncate apically, semi-erect, silvery, bristle-like; tibiae with rows of minor setiferous tubercles, terminal seta more elongate, pale and semi-erect. Hemelytra: major setiferous tubercles in two alternating rows along costal margin and extending to forewing apex ( Fig. 5e View Fig ). Abdomen: venter with moderately dense distribution of short, clavate, silvery, scale-like setae ( Fig. 5h View Fig ).

STRUCTURE. Head ( Fig. 5 View Fig a-c): spines greatly elongate ( Fig. 5a View Fig ); frontal spines parallel or converging slightly ( Fig. 5a View Fig ); medial spine straight ( Fig. 5a View Fig ); occipital spines strongly curved outward ( Fig. 5a View Fig ). Labium: short, not extending past mesosternum. Antennae: AIV with elongate cylindrical base. Pronotum: disc convex ( Fig. 1 View Fig ); collum moderately enlarged ( Figs. 1 View Fig , 5d View Fig ); paranota obliquely extended, biseriate, areolae large ( Figs. 1 View Fig , 5d View Fig ); carinae, areolae large ( Figs. 1 View Fig , 5d View Fig ). Hemelytra: costal area biseriate, areolae large ( Figs. 1 View Fig , 5d View Fig ); subcostal and discoidal areas with areolae smaller than costal area ( Figs. 1 View Fig , 5d View Fig ); sutural area with large areolae ( Figs. 1 View Fig , 5d View Fig ); hypocosta narrow ( Fig. 5e View Fig ). Legs: pretarsus ( Fig. 5f View Fig ). Male genitalia: pygophore ( Fig. 5g View Fig ); parameres with rounded sensory lobe, sensory lobe with greatly elongate setae, inner margin of parameres with short setae, dorsal surface of parameres smooth without minute setae ( Fig. 10 View Fig d-e); distal U-shaped endosomal sclerite with deep and rounded cleft, long basal branches, and a straight distal margin ( Fig. 10f View Fig ); with paired basal endosomal sclerites, elongate-ovate in shape ( Fig. 10k View Fig ). Female genitalia: subgenital plate subtriangular, not greatly elongate ( Fig. 5h View Fig ).

Description of fifth instar larva ( Fig. 3 View Fig ). COLOURATION. Medium brown, with lighter yellow-brown areas along lateral portions of pronotum and abdominal tergites; apical portions of dorsal cuticular outgrowths, AIV and tarsi darkened.

VESTITURE AND STRUCTURE. Dorsum and thoracic pleura with moderate distribution of pale, stellate-shaped cuticular outgrowths, elongate and highly elevated above dorsum, apices with five short and rounded tips; pronotum with two pairs of medial processes; mesonotum, metanotum and abdominal tergite I with paired medial processes; abdominal tergites II, V, VI & VIII with single medial process; lateral margins of pronotum, forewing lobes and posterolateral corners of abdominal tergites with processes; all processes greatly elongate, projected dorsally and covered with minor setiferous tubercles; minor setiferous tubercles, terminal seta short with a broad cup-shaped apex.

MEASUREMENTS. Ranges of 10 JJ and 10 ♀♀ given in Table 1.

Differential diagnosis. This species is uniformly darker than other Inoma species , with large dark-brown patches on the hemelytra and pronotum. It also has a dark-brown pronotal disc, head, and abdominal venter, but such colour patterning is common to other species of Inoma . There is some colour variation within populations from dark brown to almost black to medium red-brown. This species is similar in appearance to I. breviseta sp. nov., I. kalbarri sp. nov. and I. stysi sp. nov. In I. fuscata sp. nov., the dorsum has a moderately dense distribution of elongate, curly woolly setae and a straight medial spine; these characters clearly distinguish it from I. breviseta sp. nov. There are only two Inoma species ( I. fuscata sp. nov. and I. breviseta sp. nov.) that possess distinctive short, clavate scale-like setae on the abdominal venter. Inoma fuscata sp. nov. can be distinguished from I. stysi sp. nov. by being larger, darker dorsally, and with a more linear and elongate body. Inoma fuscata sp. nov. can be distinguished from I. kalbarri sp. nov. by the biseriate paranota and costal area, and the entire costal area of the hemelytra with major setiferous tubercles. In addition, I. fuscata sp. nov. can be distinguished from both I. kalbarri sp. nov. and I. stysi sp. nov. by its greatly elongate cephalic spines, less dense distribution of woolly setae on head and pronotum, and the abdominal venter with short, clavate, scale-like, adpressed setae.

Etymology. This species is named for its fuscous colouration.

Biology. Inoma fuscata sp. nov. was collected on the emu bush species, Eremophila gilesii (Myoporaceae) in the Northern Territory ( Fig. 12d View Fig ) and Eremophila freelingii in Queensland. Single records from an Acacia sp. in Queensland and Aristida jerichoensis var. subopinulifera (Poaceae) at Adavale in Queensland may represent ‘sitting’ records. These two Eremophila species are both small to medium shrubs, which are broadly sympatric in western Queensland, north-west New South Wales and southern Northern Territory, although E. gilesii is more broadly distributed longitudinally ( CHINNOCK 2007). We have yet to establish if I. fuscata sp. nov. is found on both Eremophila species when they are locally sympatric.

Distribution. Inoma fuscata sp. nov. is known from eight localities in southwest Queensland and southern Northern Territory ( Fig. 13a), with significant disjunction across the Simpson Desert. This species has been collected with I. breviseta sp. nov. and I. silveirae sp. nov. ( Fig. 12c View Fig ).


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