Sastry, D. R. K., Marimuthu, N. & Rajan, Rajkumar, 2019, Echinodermata of Lakshadweep, Arabian Sea with the description of a new genus and a species

Sastry, D. R. K., Marimuthu, N. & Rajan, Rajkumar, 2019, Echinodermata of Lakshadweep, Arabian Sea with the description of a new genus and a species, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 119 (4)

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Colobometridae     -1
Asterinidae     -1
Dactylosaster cylindricus     -1
Fromia milleporella     -1
Thelenota ananas     -1
Comaster undetermined     -1
Mariametridae key    -1
Breviturma pica     -1
Heterocentrotus mammillatus     -1
Phanogenia multibrachiata     -1
Phanogenia distincta     -1
Ophiocoma erinaceus     -1
Comaster multifidus     -1
Echinaster luzonicus     -1
Gymnolophus obscura     -1
Breviturma dentata     -1
Holothuriidae     -1
Echinometridae     -1
Oreasteridae key    -1
Tropiometra carinata     -1
Ophiotrichidae key    -1
Diadematidae     -1
Ophiodermatidae     -1
Ophiomastix annulosa     -1
Holothuria (Halodeima) atra     -1
Stomopneustes variolaris     -1
Diadema savignyi     -1
Echinothrix calamaris     -1
Stichopus chloronotus     -1
Stephanometra indica     -1
Culcita schmideliana     -1
Linckia multifora     -1
Culcita novaeguineae     -1
Stichopus herrmanni     -1
Toxopneustidae     -1
Tropiometridae     -1
Himerometridae     -1
Indophioderma ganapatii   sp. nov.  -1
Phanogenia gracilis     -1
Macrophiothrix longipeda     -1
Ophiocomidae     -1
Goniasteridae key    -1
Ophiocoma scolopendrina     -1
Stephanometra tenuipinna     -1
Indophioderma   gen. nov.  -1
Lamprometra palmata     -1
Echinasteridae     -1
Diadema setosum     -1
Stichopodidae     -1
Tripneustes gratilla     -1
Ophiomastix elegans     -1
Cenometra bella     -1
Stomopneustidae     -1
Comatella stelligera     -1
Choriaster granulatus     -1
Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) vigelandi     -1
Comatulidae key    -1
Capillaster multiradiatus     -1
Ophidiasteridae key    -1
Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) purpurea     -1
Echinometra mathaei     -1
Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) marginata     -1
Acanthasteridae     -1
Echinostrephus molaris     -1
Aquilonastra burtoni     -1
Himerometra robustipinna     -1