Incasarus garciai Gonzalez, Rasmussen, & Engel, 2013

Gonzalez, Victor H., Rasmussen, Claus & Engel, Michael S., 2013, Incasarus garciai, a new genus and species of panurgine bees from the Peruvian Andes (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), Journal of Melittology 8, pp. 1-9 : 6-8

publication ID 10.17161/jom.v0i8.4506

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scientific name

Incasarus garciai Gonzalez, Rasmussen, & Engel

sp. nov.

Incasarus garciai Gonzalez, Rasmussen, & Engel View in CoL , new species


( Figs. 4–20 View Figures 4–10 View Figures 11–20 )

DIAGNOSIS: In addition to the generic characters, this species is easily recognized by the modified mandible ( Fig. 7 View Figures 4–10 ).

DESCRIPTION: ♂: Body length 7.5 mm; forewing length 5.3 mm. Head 1.2 times wider than long; intertorular distance 1.4 times torular diameter, shorter (0.7 times) than torulorbital distance; torulus diameter about as wide as median ocellar diameter; ocellocular distance 2.7 times median ocellar diameter; ocelloccipital distance slightly longer than median ocellar diameter, 0.4 times ocellocular distance; interocellar distance 1.7 times median ocellar diameter, 0.6 times length of ocellocular distance; compound eye 1.8 times longer than broad; clypeus mid-apically slightly depressed, projecting about 0.6 times compound eye width in lateral view; gena 0.7 times narrower than compound eye in profile; scape 2.4 times longer than broad; pedicel about as long as broad, 0.7 times length of first flagellomere; first flagellomere twice as long as broad, 1.3 times longer than second; second flagellomere slightly longer than broad, shorter than third, remaining flagellomeres progressively increasing in length, apical flagellomere longest; malar area linear; mandible with outer ridge strong, forming distinct protuberance about one-third from base ( Fig. 7 View Figures 4–10 ), thus appearing elbow-shaped in dorsal view. Protibial spur with apical portion of rachis long, 0.7 malus length, with distinct row of eight elongate branches (not including apical portion of rachis).

Color black, except as follows: mandible, labrum, tegula, and legs dark reddish brown. Wing membranes brownish, veins and pterostigma dark brown.

Mandible with tuft of dense, branched setae beneath protuberance formed by outer ridge ( Fig. 7 View Figures 4–10 ).

Outer surface of mandible distally and basal area of labrum smooth and shiny, impunctate; clypeus with sparse, faint punctures separated by a puncture width or more, integument between punctures smooth and shiny except basally weakly imbricate; supraclypeal area with small, contiguous punctures; subantennal area and lower paraocular area imbricate with larger punctures than on supraclypeal area separated by a puncture width; lower mesal paraocular area largely impunctate, smooth and shiny; frons and vertex with larger, coarser, contiguous punctures than on supraclypeal area; gena smooth and shining between shallower, larger punctures than on vertex; postgena with scattered punctures, largely smooth and shiny, except weakly imbricate near hypostomal carina. Mesosoma generally smooth and shiny except imbricate on mesepisternum posteriorly, metepisternum and sides of propodeum; mesoscutum and mesoscutellum with contiguous, shallower punctures than on vertex; metanotum duller, with coarser punctures than on mesoscutellum; mesepisternum with larger, shallower, sparser punctures than on mesoscutum; metepisternum transversely weakly striate near wing base, otherwise with scattered, small punctures separated by a puncture width; sides of propodeum with large, faint punctures. Metasomal terga largely smooth and shiny except weakly imbricate on seventh tergum; first and second terga with punctures on discs slightly smaller than those on mesoscutum, separated by a puncture width, with finer, contiguous punctures on marginal zones; remaining terga with punctures smaller and sparser on discs except on seventh tergum with large, coarse punctures separated by a puncture width, marginal zones with punctures becoming faint, forming lines, thus becoming weakly lineolate on distal terga; distal margins impunctate, smooth; sterna strongly imbricate with large, scattered, faint punctures.

♀: Unknown.

HOLOTYPE: ♂; Peru: Ayacucho, 2750 m, 22.xi.71, col. R. Garcia / RG. 532. Deposited in the Museo de Historia Natural , Universidad Mayor de San Marcos , Lima, Peru.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet is a patronym honoring the late Peruvian Entomologist Renán Julio García Aronés (1936‒1977). García was born in Ayacucho and worked as an entomologist at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima ( Lamas, 1979). Following his death, his personal collection of 12,000 insect specimens was donated to the Museo de Historia Natural, previously known as Museo de Historia Natural ‘Javier Prado’ (Rasmussen & Lamas, 2011). Most of the insects collected by García consisted of wasps and bees, and included the unique specimen described herein.

COMMENTS: Incasarus garciai was collected 42 years ago around the city of Ayacucho. This city is located in an interandean valley characterized by narrow canyons and a rather warm and dry climate despite being found at a high elevation. No other specimens of I. garciai have been found and nothing is known about the phenology of the bee fauna from this area.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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