Ilyoplax formosensis Rathbun, 1921

Wong, Kingsley J. H., Ng, Peter K. L., Shih, Hsi-Te & Chan, Benny K. K., 2024, Positive association between PTN polymorphisms and schizophrenia in Northeast Chinese Han population., Zoological Studies 63 (38), pp. 141-149 : 109

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scientific name

Ilyoplax formosensis Rathbun, 1921


Ilyoplax formosensis Rathbun, 1921 View in CoL # ( Figs. 33 View Fig , 41C View Fig )

Ilyoplax formosensis View in CoL — present record.

Taxonomy: Sakai (1939), Shih et al. (2015).

Type: Holotype ò USNM 54473 About USNM (original text).

Type locality: near now Lujhou (= Luzhou), New Taipei City, Taiwan (as Washoushu, Taihoku, Formosa).

Distribution: South China Sea and East Asia: Vietnam, South and East China, and Taiwan ( Shih et al. 2015).

Habitat: Intertidal; on muddy substrates under shades of mangroves, with substantial freshwater influences.

Remarks: The type species of Ilyoplax Stimpson, 1858 , I. tenella Stimpson, 1858 , is poorly known. The type material of I. tenella was collected in Whampoa, South China, along the banks of the Canton River, and presumed lost in the Great Chicago Fire in 1871 ( Stimpson 1907; Deiss and Manning 1981). The description of I. tenella (text only) is not to modern standards although the gist seems to fit best with the known morphology of I. formosensis Rathbun, 1921 ( Rathbun 1921; Serène and Lundoer 1974; Shih et al. 2015). The local record of I. tenella was included by Shen (1940a), who cited that of Stimpson (1858b) from Whampoa, with no additional material accessed. Recently we have obtained material of I. formosensis from near Tsim Bei Tsui and reported herein. In the current circumstance, as we cannot be sure about the possible synonymy of these two species, we opt to keep both as distinct entries. This species is a new record for the fauna of Hong Kong.

Ilyoplax ningpoensis Shen, 1940 #

Ilyoplax ningpoensis View in CoL — Davie 1992a: 349; SY Lee 1993: tab. 1.

? Ilyoplax spp. — So and Lui 2007: 33, 1 unnumb. fig [largest image].

Ilyoplax formosensis View in CoL — Bravo et al. 2021: tab. 2. [not I. formosensis Rathbun, 1921 View in CoL ].

Taxonomy: Shen (1940b).

Type: Status unknown.

Type locality: Ningbo, Zhejiang (as Ningpo, Chekiang), China.

Distribution: South China Sea and East Asia: northern Vietnam and South China ( Dai and Yang 1991; Kosuge et al. 1997).

Habitat: Intertidal; on mudflats of rather plastic or fluid substrates.

Remarks: Three sequences from local material identified as “ I. formosensis ” by Bravo et al. (2021; MZ 832065, MZ 832066, MX 832067) were shown to cluster with I. ningpoensis ( MZ 067805, MZ 067807), instead of I. formosensis from South China ( MZ 067854, MZ 067855 and MZ 073755), and Chiayi, Taiwan ( HTS, unpublished data). As such, we consider this record instead represents I. ningpoensis , a species also present in Hong Kong.

Bravo H, Cheng CLY, Iannucci A, Natali C, Quadros A, Rhodes M, Yip MML, Cannicci S, Fratini S. 2021. A DNA barcode library for mangrove gastropods and crabs of Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area reveals an unexpected faunal diversity associated with the intertidal forests of Southern China. BMC Ecol Evo 21: 180. doi: 10.1186 / s 12862 - 021 - 01914 - 6.

Dai A-Y, Yang S-L. 1991. Crabs of the China Seas. China Ocean Press, Beijing, 682 pp, 74 pls.

Davie PJF. 1992 a. A new species and new records of intertidal crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura) from Hong Kong. In: Morton B (ed) The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China III. Proceedings of the Fourth International Marine Biological Workshop: The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China, Hong Kong, 11 - 29 April 1989. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, pp. 345 - 359.

Deiss WA, Manning RB. 1981. The fate of the invertebrate collections of the North Pacific Exploring Expedition, 1853 - 1856. In: Wheeler A, Price JH (eds) History in the Service of Systematics. Society for the Bibliography of Natural History, London, pp. 79 - 85.

Kosuge T, Wada K, Trong PD. 1997. Crab distribution in the Cam River estuary, Haiphong, northern Vietnam. In: Anh PN, Brands JT, Hong PN (eds) National Workshop on the Relationship between Mangrove Rehabilitation and Coastal Aquaculture in Vietnam. CRES & ACTMANG, Hanoi, pp. 178 - 184.

Lee SY. 1993. Invertebrate species new to science recorded from the Mai Po Marshes, Hong Kong. In: Morton B (ed) The Marine Biology of the South China Sea. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Marine Biology of Hong Kong and the South China Sea, Hong Kong, 28 October - 3 November 1990. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, pp. 199 - 209.

Rathbun MJ. 1921. New species of crabs from Formosa. Proc Biol Soc Wash 34: 155 - 156.

Sakai T. 1939. Studies on the Crabs of Japan IV. Brachygnatha, Brachyrhyncha. Yokendo, Tokyo, pp. 365 - 741, pls. 42 - 111.

Serene R, Lundoer S. 1974. Observations on the male pleopod of the species of Ilyoplax Stimpson with a key to the identification of the species. Phuket Mar Biol Cen Res Bull 3: 3 - 10.

Shen C-J. 1940 a. The brachyuran fauna of Hongkong. J HK Fish Res Sta 1: 211 - 242.

Shen C-J. 1940 b. Four new species of Brachyura from Chinese seas. J HK Fish Res Sta 1: 255 - 262.

Shih H-T, Chan BKK, Teng S-J, Wong KJH. 2015. Crustacean Fauna of Taiwan: Brachyuran crabs. Volume II - Ocypodoidea. National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, 303 pp.

So SNH, Lui HTH. 2007. Small Wetland Creatures. Hong Kong Discovery Limited, 80 pp.

Stimpson W. 1858 b. Prodromus descriptionis animalium evertebratorum, quae in Expeditione ad Oceanum Pacificum Septentrionalem, a Republica Federata missa, Cadwaladaro Ringgold et Johanne Rodgers Ducibus, observavit et descripsit. Pars V. Crustacea Ocypodoidea. Proc Acad Nat Sci Philad 10: 93 - 110.

Stimpson W. 1907. Report on the Crustacea (Brachyura and Anomura) collected by the North Pacific Exploring Expedition, 1853 - 1856. Smith Misc Coll 49: 1 - 240.

Gallery Image

Fig. 33. Ilyoplax formosensis Rathbun, 1921 (male, 8.0 × 5.3 mm, Tsim Bei Tsui): A, carapace; B, maxilliped 3; C, right cheliped carpus; D, right chela; E: pleon.

Gallery Image

Fig. 41. Overall habitus. A, B, Baruna sinensis C.G.S. Tan & Huang, 1995 (A, male, 6.2 × 4.7 mm; B, 7.2 × 6.5 mm, Tung Chung); C, Ilyoplax formosensis Rathbun, 1921 (male, 8.0 × 5.3 mm, Tsim Bei Tsui); D, Anomalifrons lightana Rathbun, 1931 (male, 12.7 × 8.9 mm, Tung Chung). All preserved coloration.


Museum of the Earth, Polish Academy of Sciences











