Ilex pubifructa Pruesapan, S.Andrews & D.A.Simpson

Yang, Yi, Chen, Li, Sun, Lu & Peng, Hua, 2020, Taxonomic notes on Ilex sect. Ilex (Aquifoliaceae) from China II: Revision of I. fargesii and related species based on molecular and morphological evidence, Phytotaxa 432 (1), pp. 47-64 : 59

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.432.1.5


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scientific name

Ilex pubifructa Pruesapan, S.Andrews & D.A.Simpson


2. Ilex pubifructa Pruesapan, S.Andrews & D.A.Simpson View in CoL (2017[21]: 1).

Type: — THAILAND. Chiang Mai: Doi Pui , 16 June 1968, Beusekom & Phengkhlai 1295 (holotype K; isotype L-0759074!) .

Evergreen trees, up to 20 m tall. Twigs pubescent or later glabrescent (the male individuals are usually more densely pubescent than the female ones). Young branches green to blackish-green, turning black when dried; third- to fourth-year branches scattering with obvious lenticels and usually thinly fissured. Terminal buds ovate, usually densely pubescent. Petioles 0.5–2 cm long; leaf blades leathery, obovate, broadly elliptic, or oblong-elliptic, 4–14 cm long, 2–6 cm broad, glabrous above and densely pubescent to glabrous below, midvein slightly sunken above, prominent below, lateral veins 7–13 pairs, obscure or slightly sunken above, sub-prominent below, reticulate veins usually obscure on both surfaces, base cuneate to round, margin crenate to obscure denticulate with very obscure teeth, apex obtuse to slightly rounded to rounded acute. Inflorescences: cymes, fasciculate; rachises and pedicels pubescent; flowers whitish or yellowish, 4-merous. Male inflorescences: cymes of order 2, 3-flowered; rachises 5–20 mm; bracts deltoid; pedicels 2–3 mm; bracteoles 2; calyx patelliform, ca. 2 mm in diam., 4-lobed; corolla ca. 7 mm in diam., petals 4–5 mm long; stamens as long as petals, anthers oblong; rudimentary ovary ovoid-conical. Female inflorescences: 1-flowered cymes; rachis 3–15 mm, pedicels 2–5 mm; calyx and petals as in male flowers; sterile anthers sagittate; ovary ovoid, densely pubescent, stigma discoid. Fruit red when ripe, sub-globose, 6–7.5 × 4–5 mm, surface pubescent; pyrenes 4, subellipsoid, 3–6 × 2.5–4 mm, abaxially and laterally irregular sulcate, pitted, endocarp woody.

Phenology:— Ilex pubifructa flowers from March to April, its fruits ripen from August to September.

Distribution and habitat:—This species is currently found in southwestern China (Yunnan) and northern Thailand (Chiang Mai, Lampoon), where it grows in montane forest at elevation range 700–2000 m. The distribution information is showed in Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 .

Additional specimens examined:— CHINA. Yunnan: Kunming City , KIB (cultivated), elev. 1940 m, 6 April 2018, Y. Yang OYY00062 (♂) & OYY00063 (♀) ( KUN), the same location, 29 August 2016, L. Jiang JL00467 ( KUN) ; Yimen County, elev. ca. 1850 m, 31 July 2018, H. Peng et al. OYY00087 ( KUN) ; Jianshui County, Pingjie-ba to Gantang , elev. unknown, 19 Mar 1941, T. N. Liou 18356 (IBSC, PE) ; Menghai (Fo-Hai) County, elev. 2000 m, July 1936, C. W. Wang 77406 (A ( HUH), HIB, IBSC, KUN, LBG, NAS, PE, WUK) . THAILAND. Chiang Mai: Banbahng Koom, Yahog Moeun Subdistrict, Doi Mon Angget , elev. 1300 m, 16 May 1993, J. F. Maxwell 93-435 (L) ; between Sop Aep and Tat Noi , elev. 700 m, 21 March 1967, T. Smitinand et al. 10226 (L, P) . Lampoon: Mae Tah, Doi Kuhn Dahn National Park, along the trail from Yaw 2 to 3, elev. 1125 m, 2 March 1994, J. F. Maxwell 94-304 (L) .

Additional specimens of Ilex denticulata examined:— INDIA. Tamil Nadu: Mount. Nilagiri , elevation and data unknown, R. Wight 438 (K, NY), R. Wight 490 (A ( HUH), E, K, P) ; Mount. Nilagiri, elevation unknown, 1854, Metz 1455 (A ( HUH)) and Metz 1456 (FI, K, P) ; Yercad, Salem , elev. 1600 m, N. Venugopal & T. S. Jayaseelan 22412 ( US).


Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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