Iberhoratia morenoi, Arconada & Delicado & Ramos, 2007

Arconada, Beatriz, Delicado, Diana & Ramos, M. Ángeles, 2007, A new genus and two new species of Hydrobiidae (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda) from the Iberian Peninsula, Journal of Natural History 41 (29 - 32), pp. 2007-2035 : 2011-2015

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1080/00222930701529273

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Iberhoratia morenoi

sp. nov.

Iberhoratia morenoi View in CoL new species

(Figures 2–4)

Type locality

Spring in Prado del Rey, Cádiz, UTM: 30STF8160 .

Material examined

Type material. Holotype: MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46980 ( SEM preparation, Figure 2A) . Paratypes: MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46980 ( SEM preparation, ethyl alcohol and frozen material).

Other populations examined. This species was found in the provinces of Cádiz , Sevilla , and Málaga ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ). Populations in Almería and Huelva have tentatively been assigned to this species as Iberhoratia cf. morenoi until new specimens are studied. Localities are the following: spring in Prado del Rey, Cádiz (type locality), UTM: 30STF8160, E. R., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46980 (ethyl alcohol, SEM preparation); B. A., 16 April 1998, MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46981 (ethyl alcohol, SEM preparation, frozen material); Benamahoma, Cádiz, UTM: TF87 , 18 October 1998, E. R., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46982 (ethyl alcohol); spring Los Palominos, Zahara, Cádiz, UTM: TF87 , 18 April 1998, E. R., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46983 (ethyl alcohol); spring El Cañajoso, Coripe, Sevilla, UTM: 30STF848928, 24 April 1992, D. M., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46984 (dried material); 16 April 1998, B. A., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46985 (ethyl alcohol, SEM preparation); Casarabonela, Málaga, UTM: 30 SUF3572 View Materials , E. R., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46986 (ethyl alcohol, SEM preparation); spring Matiaña, El Chorro, Málaga, UTM: 30 SUF4386 View Materials , 14 April 1998, B. A., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46520 (ethyl alcohol, frozen material, SEM preparation); spring La Quemona, Málaga, UTM: 30 SUF0581 View Materials , E. R., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46987 (ethyl alcohol), 15 April 1998, B. A., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46988 (ethyl alcohol, frozen material); spring El Valentín, Alozaina, Málaga, UTM: 30 SUF3366 View Materials , 14 April 1998, B. A., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46989 (ethyl alcohol) .

Iberhoratia cf. morenoi : spring in Bérchul , Félix , Gador mountains , Almería, UTM: 30SWF298813, E. R., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46503 (ethyl alcohol and SEM preparation); 26 March 1998, B. A., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46504 (ethyl alcohol, frozen material, SEM preparation); El Marchal de Antón López, Almería, UTM: 30SWF3383, 11 October 1992, E. R., D. M.; 26 March 1998, B. A., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46502 (ethyl alcohol, frozen material); spring las Mimbreras, Zufre, Huelva, UTM: QB39, 2 August 2002, B. A., M. O., MNCN 15.05 About MNCN /46990 (frozen material).

Material examined for morphometry. Shell measurements (Table I) correspond to the following populations: Ib. morenoi from Prado del Rey (type locality) and Ib. cf. morenoi from Félix. Operculum measurements (Table II) to: Ib. morenoi from Prado del Rey (type locality) and Ib. cf. morenoi from Félix and El Marchal de Antón López. Anatomical measurements (Tables III, V – VII) to: Ib. morenoi from Prado del Rey (type locality), Casarabonela, Setenil, and El Chorro, and Ib. cf. morenoi from Félix and El Marchal de Antón López. Radular measurements (Table IV) belong to type locality specimens. Males and females studied and measured were collected in the following months: March, April, October, and November.


Dedicated to Dr. Diego Moreno, for his contribution to field collection and study of Iberian Hydrobiidae .


Shell valvatiform (rarely planispiral); operculum almost circular without peg; the oesophagus makes a loop near the cerebral commissure; rectum strongly U-shaped; male genitalia with a slender penis having a non-glandular penial lobe located in a medial position; female genitalia with a well-developed bursa copulatrix and two seminal receptacles; distal seminal receptaculum elongated and proximal one lying over the widened part of the renal oviduct; central tooth of the radula with one basal cusp on each side.


Shell shape valvatiform (Figure 2A–C, E, G; Table I), sometimes planispiral in Félix and Casarabonela populations, with less than 3.5 whorls (Figure 2J, K); shells from type locality are completely transparent making it possible to follow the position of the intestine; body whorl well-developed measuring 6/7 of total shell length; 1.5 protoconch whorls, total width and nucleus width are 316 and 142 Mm, respectively (Figure 2L–N); pitted or malleated protoconch microsculpture (Figure 2O–Q); wide umbilicus, 0.4 mm in diameter (Figure 2H, I); outer peristome simple, thin, and straight (Figure 2D, F).

Operculum thin, pliable, corneous, paucispiral, circular with a large and central nucleus ( Figure 3A–G View Figure 3 ; Table II); its muscle attachment area is rounded.

Body: head scarcely pigmented ( Figure 4F View Figure 4 ); tentacles with scarce black pigmentation around the eyes until the middle part of the tentacles; snout about as long as wide, parallelsided, with a medium distal lobation; buccal mass can be seen by transparency; ciliary fields located in the pallial edge ( Figure 3K View Figure 3 ).

Nervous system ( Figure 4A, B View Figure 4 ) with a very short suboesophageal and a mid-sized supraoesophageal connective; the oesophagus makes a complete loop posterior to the cerebral commissure; nervous system measurements are: length of the right cerebral ganglia: 0.19 mm; length of the right pleural ganglion: 0.06 mm; length of the left pleural ganglion: 0.06 mm; length of the supraoesophageal ganglion: 0.04 mm; length of the suboesophageal ganglion: 0.06 mm; length of the pleurosuboesophageal connective: 0.01 mm; length of the pleurosupraoesophageal connective: 0.06 mm. RPG ratio is 0.36.

Ctenidium with 6–12 well-developed lamellae ( Figure 4C View Figure 4 ), occupying three-quarters of the length of the pallial cavity; osphradium 50–60% of ctenidium length, bean-shaped, two to three times longer than broad (Table III).

Posterior stomach chamber smaller than the anterior one ( Figure 4D View Figure 4 ; Table V); style sac protrudes anteriorly to the intestinal loop; rectum strongly U-shaped ( Figure 4E View Figure 4 ) but tending to S-shaped in Almería populations.

Radula taeniaglossate, long (0.4%) relative to maximum shell dimension; its central tooth has one basal cusp on each side ( Figure 3H View Figure 3 ; Table IV); distance between internal

Figure 2. Shells of Iberhoratia morenoi (A, B, D, I, L, O) and Ib. cf. morenoi (C, E–H, J, K, M, N, P, Q). (A, B, D, I, L, O) Shells from Prado del Rey; (C, F, G, H, M, P) shells from Félix; (E, J, K, N, Q) shells from El Marchal de Antón López. (A) Holotype; (L–N) protoconch; (P, Q) detail of the microsculpture from the protoconch and teleoconch. Scale bar: 500 Mm (A–K).

cusps is 8.3 Mm, approximately; its central denticle is long and tapered, followed on each side by four long and tapered denticles in decreasing order of size; basal tongue V-shaped; lateral teeth with three to six denticles on each side of the central one; denticles from the internal marginal teeth approximately equal in size to those of the external marginal teeth ( Figure 3I, J View Figure 3 ).

Male genitalia with a large, bean-shaped prostate gland (Table VI; Figure 4E View Figure 4 ); seminal vesicle leans over the posterior chamber of the stomach; penis small, slender, with an unpigmented non-glandular penial lobe located in a medial position ( Figures 3L View Figure 3 , 4F View Figure 4 ); the penis is black pigmented near its tip, except for males from Almería populations which have an orangish pigmentation; penial duct runs straight near the outer edge of the penis.

Female genitalia with a renal oviduct making a tight S-shaped circle which leans over the albumen gland ( Figure 4G View Figure 4 ); ovary occupies approximately 75% of visceral mass; more than 50% of the oviduct glands (albumen + capsule glands) (Table III) are located inside the pallial cavity without narrowing; relative size of oviduct can vary between populations: albumen gland is larger than capsule gland in type locality ( Figure 4G View Figure 4 ; Table VII), but smaller in other populations examined; bursa copulatrix large and oval, with a mediumsized narrow duct, protruding posterior to albumen gland; the origin of bursal duct is anteroventral; distal seminal receptacle (SR1) large and elongated with a short stalk protruding from renal oviduct in the middle between the oviduct fold and the point where the bursa copulatrix duct joins the oviduct; proximal seminal receptacle (SR2) difficult to identify as it tightly lies over a widened part of the renal oviduct ( Figure 4H View Figure 4 ), having the characteristic refringent colour when it is full of sperm.


This species is distributed over an extended area in which populations are very much fragmented. This wide geographic area may lend itself to intraspecific differences. In this way, populations from Almería show more depressed shells, a penis with orangish pigmentation, a rectum loop which looks more S-shaped than U-shaped and smaller digestive and genital organs. Nevertheless, the general shape of anatomical characters for all populations is very conservative. In these populations, it is frequent to find an egg capsule located inside the umbilicus of the shell of both male and female specimens containing an embryo in different developmental stages.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute

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