Armbruster, Jonathan W., 2004, Phylogenetic relationships of the suckermouth armoured catfishes (Loricariidae) with emphasis on the Hypostominae and the Ancistrinae, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 141 (1), pp. 1-80 : 51-53

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Within the Hypostomini , Hypostomus is a paraphyletic assemblage whose members are sisters to Aphanotorulus , Isorineloricaria , and Cochliodon ( Fig. 37 View Figure 37 ). Armbruster & Page (1996) and Armbruster (1998a) provide evidence that suggests that Aphanotorulus , Isorineloricaria , H. emarginatus , and H. squalinus form a monophyletic group (the H. emarginatus group).

Analysis including the characteristics suggested in the previous studies provides several potential synapomorphies for the H. emarginatus group: elongated first hypobranchial (23: 1), seven or more infraorbital plates (91: 2), contact between metapterygoid and lateral ethmoid shifted anteriorly (99: 1; Fig. 20D View Figure 20 ), an enlarged central papilla in the buccal cavity (178: 1), and hypertrophied odontodes on the bodies of breeding males (199: 1; Fig. 39A View Figure 39 ). The unique coloration of these species (white to tan ground colour with black spots; Figs 39A View Figure 39 , 40A View Figure 40 ) makes them readily identifiable from most other Hypostomus . In this analysis, a monophyletic H. emarginatus group was found in most of the most parsimonious trees; however, Isorineloricaria was restricted from the group in the strict consensus tree ( Fig. 37 View Figure 37 ). Montoya-Burgos et al. (1998) also suggest that Aphanotorulus and H. emarginatus are sisters; however, Isorineloricaria is the sister to Parancistrus (Ancistrini) in their analysis. A monophyletic group of Isorineloricaria and Parancistrus is not supported by any morphological evidence. Squaliforma was described in Isbrücker et al. (2001); however, no evidence was found to support Squaliforma Isbrücker , which consists of species of the H. emarginatus group minus Aphanotorulus and Isorineloricaria .

Cochliodon also appears to be a well-diagnosed group supported by the following synapomorphies: loss of the notch between the metapterygoid and hyomandibula (36: 0; Fig. 15A, H, I View Figure 15 ), a strongly curved maxilla (70: 1; Fig. 17C View Figure 17 ), and spoon-shaped teeth (205: 1; Fig. 35C View Figure 35 ). Evidence that Cochliodon is not as unique as taxonomy suggests is provided by Hypostomus hemicochliodon ( Fig. 37 View Figure 37 ). This species shares several synapomorphies with Cochliodon : preoperculohyomandibular ridge deflected posteriorly such that it is visible mesially (46: 1; Fig. 15D, I View Figure 15 ), a longitudinal ridge on the quadrate (68: 1; Fig. 15H, I View Figure 15 ; reversed in C. cochliodon ), dentaries forming an angle averaging less than or equal to 80∞ (69: 1), and two plates between the suprapreopercle and exposed opercle (81: 2; reversed in C. cochliodon ). However, H. hemicochliodon has teeth that, though tending towards the spoon-shaped teeth characteristic of Cochliodon , are not spoon-shaped ( Fig. 35B View Figure 35 ). Cochliodon uses its spoon-shaped teeth as chisels to remove small chips of wood from submerged logs ( Schaefer & Stewart, 1993; pers. observ.), and the vast majority of material in the intestine consists of small flakes of wood (pers. observ.). H. hemicochliodon predominantly has wood in the digestive tract, but has much more algae and detritus than typical Cochliodon . The placement of H. hemicochliodon in the phylogeny suggests that Cochliodon has evolved from algivorous Hypostomus .

Although the H. emarginatus group and Cochliodon (with the addition of H. hemicochliodon ) are probably monophyletic entities within the Hypostomini , there are no general trends in the relationships of the remainder of the species. There is very limited osteological differentiation among the various species of Hypostomus , and there are currently no characters that would allow one to break the Hypostomini into meaningful monophyletic groups. The Hypostomini is supported by the following synapomorphies: a hatchet-shaped opercle (78: 1; Fig. 19B View Figure 19 ), the anterior process of the pterotic-supracleithrum passing halfway through the orbit (112: 1), and a pointed cleithral process (156: 1). The decay index for the Hypostomini is fair (DI = 3) and equal to the decay index of many other similar groups). Because there is support for the Hypostomini as monophyletic, and because there is no information to suggest how to break the Hypostomini into smaller monophyletic entities, only Hypostomus is recognized, with Aphanotorulus, Cochliodon , Isorineloricaria , Squaliforma , and Watawata as synonyms. In the future, it would probably be useful to Tribe Genus



Acanthodemus (syn. Parancistrus )

Ancistomus (syn. Hemiancistrus )








Guyanancistrus (syn. Pseudancistrus ) Hemiancistrus

Hemiancistrus landoni



Hypocolpterus (syn. Chaetostoma )




Lipopterichthys (syn. Chaetostoma ) Lithoxancistrus (syn. Pseudancistrus )




Oligancistrus (syn. Spectracanthicus ) Panaquolus (syn. Panaque )


Paralithoxus (syn. Lithoxus )



Peckoltichthys (syn. Peckoltia )

Pristiancistrus (syn. Ancistrus ) Pseudacanthicus



Scobinancistrus (syn. Panaque )

Sophiancistrus (syn. Peckoltia ) Spectracanthicus

Stoniella (syn. Pseudacanthicus )

Thysanocara (syn. Ancistrus )

Xenocara (syn. Ancistrus )

Zonancistrus (syn. Dekeyseria )




Aphanotorulus (syn. Hypostomus )

Cheiridodus (syn. Hypostomus )

Cochliodon (syn. Hypostomus )


Isorineloricaria (syn. Hypostomus )

Squaliforma (syn. Hypostomus )

Watawata (syn. Hypostomus )


Glyptoperichthys (syn. Pterygoplichthys ) Hemiancistrus annectens group

Liposarcus (syn. Pterygoplichthys ) Pterygoplichthys


Canthopomus (syn. Pseudorinelepis ) Monistiancistrus (syn. Pseudorinelepis ) Pogonopoma

Pogonopomoides (syn. Pogonopoma ) Pseudorinelepis

Rhinelepis break Hypostomus into subgenera, doing so is beyond the scope of the present study.

Armbruster JW, Page LM. 1996. Redescription of Aphanotorulus (Teleostei: Loricariidae) with description of one new species, A. ammophilus, from the Rio Orinoco basin. Copeia 1996: 379 - 389.

Armbruster JW. 1998 a. Review of the loricariid catfish genus Aphanotorulus and redescription of A. unicolor (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwaters 8: 253 - 262.

Isbrucker IJH, Seidel I, Michels JP, Schraml E, Werner A. 2001. Diagnose vierzehn neuer Gattungen der Familie Loricariidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Teleostei, Ostariophysi). In: Stawikowski R, ed. Datz-Sonderheft Harnischwelse 2. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, DE, 17 - 24.

Montoya-Burgos JI, Muller S, Weber C, Pawlowski J. 1998. Phylogenetic relationships of the Loricariidae (Siluriformes) based on mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences. In: Malabarba LR, Reis RE, Vari RP, Lucena ZMS, Lucena CAS, eds. Phylogeny and classification of neotropical fishes. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 363 - 374.

Schaefer SA, Stewart DJ. 1993. Systematics of the Panaque dentex species group (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), woodeating armored catfishes from tropical South America. Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwaters 4: 309 - 342.

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Figure 15. Suspensorium, right side, lateral view. A, Astroblepus sp., USNM 302674. B, Dolichancistrus cobrensis (Schultz), MCNG 6470. C, Delturus anguilicauda (Steindachner), USNM 318209. D, Hemiancistrus sp. 1, UF 77850. E, Hypostomus unicolor, FMNH 101120. F, Isbrueckerichthys duseni, UMMZ 215212. G, Lithoxus lithoides, BMNH 1972.7.17: 66–115. H, Pseudacanthicus leopardus (Fowler), FMNH 95554. I. Spectracanthicus murinus, MZUSP 34279. Scale bars = 1 mm. Shaded area is cartilage. In B, the lateral wall of the pterygoid channel is deflected at a right angle so that it appears as a ridge in the drawing when it is as tall as the mesial wall. Arrows point to highly deflected preoperculohyomandibular crests in D and I and to a furrow in the metapterygoid that is the precursor to the pterygoid channel in C.

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Figure 17. Maxilla, right side, lateral view. A, Astroblepus sp., FMNH 70017. B, Hypostomus plecostomus, YPM 4194. C, Panaque maccus, INHS 29862. D, Lithoxus lithoides, BMNH 1972.7.17: 66–115. Scale bars = 1 mm.

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Figure 19. Opercle, right side, mesial view. A, Hemiancistrus maracaiboensis, EBRG 2855. B, Hypostomus taphorni (Lilyestrom), ANSP 16195. C, Peckoltia sp., FMNH 70863. D, Ancistrus pirareta Müller, UMMZ 206085. Scale bars = 1 mm.

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Figure 20. Lateral ethmoid, right side, ventral view. A, Chaetostoma pearsei, INHS 345889. B, Delturus anguilicauda, USNM 318209. C, Hemipsilichthys sp., USNM 320377. D, Hypostomus unicolor, USNM 319355. Scale bars = 1 mm. Shaded area is cartilage. Dashed line indicates the extent of the nasal capsule.

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Figure 35. Inner dentary teeth, right side, ventral view. A, Hypostomus plecostomus 3, INHS 28903. B, Hypostomus hemicochliodon, FMNH 97010. C, Hypostomus plecostomoides (H. cochliodon group), INHS 59831. D, Scobinancistrus pariolispos Isbrücker and Nijssen, ZMA uncatalogued. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.

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Figure 37. Relationships of the hypostomine tribes and taxa within the Corymbophanini, the Rhinelepini, the Hypostomini, and the Pterygoplichthini based on the ordered analysis. This is part of the strict consensus of 5098 most parsimonious trees of trees of 1328 steps, CI = 0.203, remainder of the strict consensus tree is in Figs 36 and 38. Numbers above the branches are clade numbers, numbers below are decay indices. 1Aphanotorulus, Cochliodon, and Isorineloricaria are placed in Hypostomus. 2The Hemiancistrus annectens group represents an undescribed genus, Hypostomus panamensis is now placed in Hemiancistrus. 3Glyptoperichthys and Liposarcus are placed in Pterygoplichthys.

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Figure 39. Examples of the Hypostomini. A, Hypostomus ammophilus (holotype), INHS 32035, 86.0 mm SL. B, Hypostomus cochliodon, UMMZ 206338, 139.8 mm SL. Photographs by K. S. Cummings.

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Figure 40. Examples of the Hypostomini. A, Hypostomus emarginatus 2, INHS 29085; 196.4 mm SL. B, Hypostomus plecostomus (type species of genus), ZMA 105.306, 111.2 mm SL. Photographs by K. S. Cummings.