Hoplopleura topapuensis, Musser, Guy G., Durden, Lance A., Holden, Mary Ellen & Light, Jessica E., 2010

Musser, Guy G., Durden, Lance A., Holden, Mary Ellen & Light, Jessica E., 2010, Systematic Review of Endemic Sulawesi Squirrels (Rodentia, Sciuridae), with Descriptions of New Species of Associated Sucking Lice (Insecta, Anoplura), and Phylogenetic and Zoogeographic Assessments of Sciurid Lice, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2010 (339), pp. 1-260 : 1-260

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/695.1

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Hoplopleura topapuensis

sp. nov.

Hoplopleura topapuensis , new species

HOLOTYPE AND TYPE LOCALITY: Male ex male Prosciurillus topapuensis (USNM 219493; Rodentia , Sciuridae , Nannosciurinae, Nannosciurini, Hyosciurina) collected by H.C. Raven at 1800 m at Rano Rano (1 ° 309S, 120 ° 289E; see gazetteer and fig. 11), Propensi Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia on 21 December, 1917. The holotype is deposited in USNM.

REFERRED SPECIMENS: One additional male, 12 females (including allotype), 1 nymph ex male P. topapuensis (AMNH 225505) collected by G.G. Musser at 4900 ft (1509 m) on Gunung Kanino (01 ° 179S, 120 ° 089E) on 11 May , 1975 ; 2 females ex male P. topapuensis (AMNH 226932) collect- ed by G.G. Musser at 1000 m at Tomado, Danau Lindu (1 ° 199S, 120 ° 039E) on 15 August , 1973 ; 2 females ex male P. topapuensis (AMNH 223532) collected by G.G. Musser at 4800 ft (1463 m) on Gunung Kanino (1 ° 179S, 120 ° 089E) in November 1973. All localities are in the central core of Sulawesi ( Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah). Paratypes are deposited in AMNH, BMNH, LAD, and USNM .

DISTRIBUTION: Hoplopleura topapuensis is known only from Prosciurillus topapuensis , which is restricted to middle elevations and mountains in the central core of Sulawesi (see fig. 11 and table 4). It has been collected from squirrels trapped at elevations between 1000 m and 1463 m.

ETYMOLOGY: Hoplopleura topapuensis has been named for the specific epithet of its host.

DIAGNOSIS: Hoplopleura topapuensis can be distinguished from all other species of Hoplopleura using a combination of the following characters: (1) the presence of three dorsal abdominal plates posteriorly in the male; (2) the shape of the thoracic sternal plate; (3) the shape and length of the apical paratergal setae in both sexes; (4) the shape, proportions, and setation of the male and female genitalia. This species is morphologically similar to Hoplopleura murinus n. sp., a parasite of Prosciurillus murinus , which is also described in this paper. These two species of Hoplopleura can be distinguished using the following characters. Males: (1) five dorsal abdominal plates posteriorly in H. murinus n. sp. compared to three plates in H. topapuensis ; (2) one short apical seta and one seta of intermediate length on paratergal plate III in H. murinus n. sp. compared to two fairly long apical setae on this plate in H. topapuensis ; (3) two apical setae of intermediate length on paratergal plate VI in H. murinus n. sp. compared to one short apical seta and one fairly long apical seta on this plate in H. topapuensis ; (4) a distinct lateral protuberance on each side of the pseudopenis in H. murinus n. sp. —this is absent in H. topapuensis , which has finely crenulated lateral margins on each side of the pseudopenis; (5) the smaller size of H. murinus (range, 0.62–0.74 mm) compared to H. topapuensis (range, 0.83–0.99 mm). Females: (1) one row of 4 DCAS immediately preceding the dorsal abdominal plates in H. murinus n. sp. compared to 9–10 DCAS in this position in H. topapuensis ; (2) 3–4 DLAS and no VLAS in H. murinus n. sp. compared to 10–20 DLAS and 10–20 VLAS in H. topapuensis ; (3) gonopod VIII with four setae in H. murinus n. sp. but with three setae in H. topapuensis ; (4) the smaller size of H. murinus n. sp. (range, 0.85–1.03 mm) compared to H. topapuensis (range, 1.04–1.39 mm).

DESCRIPTION: Male (fig. 50A–D). Length of holotype 0.99 mm (mean for series 0.91; range 0.83–0.99, N 5 2). Head, thorax, and abdomen well sclerotized.

Head. Longer than wide with broadly rounded anterior apex; 2 SuHS, 3 DMHS, 1 DAnCHS, 1 SpAtHS, 2–3 AnMHS, and 1 VPHS on each side; DPHS fairly long, extending to mesothoracic spiracle, with 1 DAcHS medial to DPHS. Antennae. 5- segmented with basal segment much wider than second segment, wider than long.

Thorax. Broader than long; thoracic sternal plate (fig. 50B) with broadly rounded anterior apex and tapering, broadly rounded posterior apex; mesothoracic spiracle moderate in size (0.017 mm in diameter); DPTS moderate in length (0.135 mm) almost extending to anterior region of paratergal plate III; 1 DMsS anteromedial to DPTS. Legs. Fore and mid-coxae subtriangular; forelegs small each with narrow acuminate claw; hindlegs robust each with broad acuminate claw; midlegs intermediate in size between fore and hind legs.

Abdomen. Wider than thorax; one plate per segment dorsally on segments 7–9; one broad plate per segment ventrally on segments 1 and 2; two plates per segment ventrally on segments 3–7; segment 3 with one broad and one narrow plate ventrally; first row of DCAS with two setae, second and third rows each with 4 DCAS, and rows 4–7 each with 8–10 DCAS, followed by two rows of TeAS each with 6–8 setae and by one row of 2–3 TeAS; 1 DLAS on each of segments 7 and 8; first ventral plate without setae; ventral plates 2–12 each with 4–8 StAS; ventral plates 2 and 3 each articulating with corresponding paratergal plates. Paratergal plates (fig. 50C) present on segments 1–8: plate II with one fairly long apical seta and one of intermediate length; plate III with two apical setae of intermediate length; plates IV– VI each with one short apical seta and one of intermediate length; plates VII and VIII each with two long apical setae; all plates subtriangular; plates II–VI each with both apical angles produced into points; plates III–VII each with moderate size spiracle.

Genitalia (fig. 50D). Aedeagal basal apodeme about as long as parameres; parameres curved and tapering posteriorly; pseudopenis short, barely extending beyond apices of parameres; lateral margins of pseudopenis crenulated.

Female (fig. 51A–D). Length of allotype 1.29 mm (mean for series 1.19; range 1.04– 1.39; N 5 15).

Head, thorax, and legs. As in male unless indicated otherwise. 4 DMHS on each side of head.

Abdomen. Wider than thorax; three plates per segment dorsally on segments 4–6; two plates per segment dorsally on segments 7 and 8; one broad plate ventrally on each of segments 1 and 2; two broad plates ventrally on segment 3; three plates per segment ventrally on segments 4–7; first row of DCAS with two setae, second and third rows each with 4 DCAS, row 4 with 8–10 DCAS, followed by 13 rows of TeAS each with 6–9 setae; first ventral plate lacking setae; ventral plates 2–16 each with 6–9 StAS; ventral plates 2 and 3 each articulating with corresponding paratergal plates; rows of 1–2 DLAS and VLAS on segments 4–8. Paratergal plates (fig. 51C) as in male except both apical setae on plate III fairly short; plates II–VI subtriangular.

Genitalia (fig. 51D). Subgenital plate with deep lateral indentation on each side; two long lateral setae on each anterior arm of subgenital plate; gonopod VIII with two short medial apical setae and one lateral apical seta of intermediate length; gonopod IX with one stout seta; vulvar fimbriae distinct.













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