Heteroponera Mayr, 1887

Scott-Santos, Cristiane P., Esteves, Flávia A. & Brandão, Carlos Roberto F., 2008, Catalogue of “ poneromorph ” ant type specimens (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 48 (11), pp. 75-88 : 75-88

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/S0031-10492008001100001

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scientific name

Heteroponera Mayr, 1887


Genus Heteroponera Mayr, 1887 View in CoL

Acanthoponera dolo var. schwebeli Luederwaldt, 1918:54. Lectotype: 1 w. [ Brazil], S[ão] Paulo, Alto da Serra [São Paulo]; [no date; E. Schwebel leg.]; nº 17.556. Missing A 1, A2, L6 claw. Junior synonym of Heteroponera inermis Emery, 1894d:143 (see Kempf, 1962a:36).

Heteroponera angulata Borgmeier, 1959a:310. Syntypes: 7 w. [ Brazil, Espírito Santo], S[anta] Tereza; 27.vii.1928 [date appears as 20.vii. 1928 in the original description]; O. Conde [leg.]; Coll. Borgm. # 4291. 1 worker, disarticulated head; missing L1 tibia, L4 trochanter, L5 tibia, A1, A2 funiculus. 1 worker, missing L1 trochanter, L2 tibia, L3 tibia, L6 claw, A1 funiculus. 1 worker, disarticulated head and L6, missing L1, L2, L3 femur. 1 worker, disarticulated A2, missing A1, A2 funiculus, L1 claw. 1 worker, missing L2 trochanter, L3 tarsus. 1 worker, missing head .

Heteroponera flava Kempf, 1962a:38. Holotype: w; paratypes: 1 g, 13 w. [ Brazil, São Paulo], S[erra] Cantareira; 1.iii.1959; [W.W.] Kempf & [ V. dos] Santos [leg.]; Coll. Kempf # 2992. Paratypes: 1 worker, missing L5 femur, L6 tarsus. 1 worker, missing L2 trochanter, L6 femur. 1 worker, missing L2 tarsus. 1 worker, missing L1 and L4 tarsus. 1 worker, missing L3 tarsus. 1 worker, missing L1 claw, L2 tarsus, L4 and L6 claw. 1 worker, missing A1. 1 worker, missing L5 and L6 tarsus. 1 worker, missing L2 trochanter, L3 tibia, L5 claw. 1 worker, missing gaster. 1 worker, missing A1 .

Heteroponera inca Brown, 1958g:259. Paratypes: 6 w. Colombia, Valle, 6 mi [les] W[est] of Cali, 1630 m; 20.iii.1955; E.I. Schinger & E.S. Ross [leg.]; Holotype nest series. 1 worker, missing A1 funiculus. 1 worker, missing A1 funiculus. 1 worker, missing head .

Heteroponera mayri Kempf, 1962a:43. Holotype: 1 w; paratypes: 8 g, 39 w. [ Brazil], S[anta] C[atarina], Chapecó; vii.1960; F. Plaumann [col]; WWK # 3562. Paratypes: 1 gyne, missing A1 funiculus. 1 gyne, missing L3 femur. 1 worker, missing L2 claw. 1 worker, disarticulated head; missing A1 e A2. 1 worker, disarticulated head; missing L1, L4. 1 worker, missing L2 tarsus. 1 worker, missing L3 tarsus. 1 worker, missing L6 tarsus .

Heteroponera microps Borgmeier, 1957a:112 . Holotype: w; paratype: 1 w. Brasilien [ Brazil, Santa Catarina], Nova Teutonia , 27°11’B. 52°23’L ; Holotype: x.1953 [dates in the description appears as iv.1954], and paratype: iv.1954; Fritz Plaumann [leg.]; 300 bis 500 m, n. sp. NB eyes, mands (in the label paratype) . Holotype: missing L2 tarsus. Paratype: missing L1 claw, L2 and 3 trochanter, A1 funiculus.

Heteroponera monticola Kempf & Brown, 1970:312. Paratypes: 15 w. Colombia, Dept. Valle, TV [Television] Tower Rd [Road], Salidito, W. of Cali, 1900-2100 m; 23.iii.1967; R. B. Root & W.L. Brown [leg.]; C- 25 in rotten wood. 1 worker, missing L2 and L5 femur. 1 worker, missing L1 trochanter, L3 tibia, L6 tarsus, A1. 1 worker, disarticulated head, missing L4 femur, A2. 1 worker, missing L2 femur. 1 worker, missing L1 femur .

Heteroponera robusta Kempf, 1962a:36. Holotype: w; paratypes: 1 g, 28 w. Brasil, S[ão] P[aulo], Salesópolis, Est [ação] Biol [ógica] Boracéia; 13.ix.1960; K. Lenko [col.]; nº 1480. Holotype: missing L2 tarsus. Paratypes: 1 worker, missing L1 claw. 1 worker, missing L2 tarsus, A1 funiculus. 1 worker, disarticulated gaster in part. 1 worker, missing L5 tarsus. 1 worker, missing L2 trochanter, L3 tibia. 1 worker, disarticulat- ed head. 1 worker, missing L3 tibia. 1 worker, missing L3 femur. 1 worker, missing L3 tibia. 1 worker, missing L1. 1 worker, missing L2 femur, L3 tibia .

Subfamily Ponerinae


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