Hesperinus graecus L. PAPP, 2010

Papp, L., 2010, A Study On Hesperinus Walker With Description Of A New Species (Diptera: Hesperinidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (4), pp. 347-370 : 362-368

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12584249

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scientific name

Hesperinus graecus L. PAPP

sp. nov.

Hesperinus graecus L. PAPP View in CoL , sp. n.

( Figs 44–51 View Figs 44–51 , 61 View Fig , 62)

Holotype male ( HNHM): Greece: Florina county [prefecture], Verno Mts, Pisoderi, stream in a beech forest, 3 km of the village, 15.05.2006 – N40°47’16.5” E21°13’26.7”, 1317 m, leg. Dányi-Kontschán-Murányi [its abdomen with male genitalia is in a microvial with glycerol]. GoogleMaps

Measurements in mm: length of head plus thorax 1.48, of abdomen 3.13, total body length 4.51, wing length 4.74, wing width 1.92.

Body dark grey, covered by whitish grey microtomentum.

Ocelli form a triangle somewhat broader than an isosceles, occupying 1/3 of postfrons between eyes. Antenna comparatively longer than that of H. imbecillus , entire flagellum 3.9 mm long. Length of left flagellomeres of the holotype (without distal necks): 0.86, 0.44, 0.38, 0.36, 0.33, 0.235, 0.32, 0.27, 0.23, 0.25, width of 5th flagellomere 0.08 mm ( Fig. 44 View Figs 44–51 ). Distal dorsal corners of first flagellomere and that of the next ones indistinct ( Fig. 45 View Figs 44–51 ), contrarily to those on H. imbecillus ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–3 , fig. 2d,e). First flagellomere 0.08 mm thick at middle covered with fine microtrichia, and bears short for Figs 45–46 View Figs 44–51 , 0.2 mm for Figs 47–49, 50–51 View Figs 44–51 , respectively, 0.05 mm for the outset of Fig. 49 View Figs 44–51 phallus). Scales: 0.2 mm for Figs 52–54, 56–57 View Figs 52–57 , 0.1 mm for Fig. 55 View Figs 52–57

medial process. Scales: 0.4 mm for Figs 58–59 View Figs 58–60 , 0.2 mm for Fig. 60 View Figs 58–60

stiff spiniform setae. Tenth (terminal) flagellomere ( Fig. 46 View Figs 44–51 ) not globular but cylindrical, 0.25 mm long, five times longer than broad, with long setae all around.

Pronotum well visible in dorsal view. Mesoscutum with several not wholly arranged white setulae in acrostichal dorsocentral and intra-alar rows. Metanotum flat, insertion of abdomen is rather caudal and on a comparatively large surface of thorax.

Membrane of wing light brown, veins darker brown, pterostigma indistinct. Costa continued to slightly more than halfway on section of apices of R 5 and M 1. R 4 with 1 dorsal seta on both left and right side subapically. Costal sections (H to apex of Sc, to R 1, R 1 -R 4, R 4 -R 5): 222–95–24–110 (1 unit = 0.011 mm). R-M cross-vein 0.25 mm. Setae present on dorsal side of R 1, Rs, R 5, also on M 1, M 2, M 3 and some also on apical part of Cu 1. Halter dark, length (except for basal part) 0.96 mm, the longest setulae on stalk 0.09 mm.

Spur on fore tibia very short. Fore leg ratios: coxa 37, trochanter 28, femur 68, tibia 201, basitarsus 83, tarsomeres 2–5: 34, 26, 19, 21 units. Length of tarsomeres on mid leg: 74, 31.5, 25, 17, 22 units. Length of tarsomeres on hind leg: 100, 42, 31.5, 22, 22 units (1 unit = 0.011 mm).

Male postabdomen and genitalia are as given in Figs 47–57 View Figs 44–51 View Figs 52–57 . Tergite 8 ( Fig. 47 View Figs 44–51 ) twice as broad as long, in contrast to the mostly quadrate tergite

8 of H. imbecillus . Sternite 8 ( Fig. 48 View Figs 44–51 ) very short,

proximal (cranial) middle part strongly and un-

evenly emarginated. Epandrium ( Fig. 49 View Figs 44–51 ) somewhat longer than its median width (strongly varying in H. imbecillus ), cranial part bare, setae on central part scattered. Microtrichia on epandrium are uneven, in-groups of 2–4 detectable at higher magnification ( Fig. 49 View Figs 44–51 , cf. KRIVOSHEINA

& MAMAEV 1967: fig. 3). Gonocoxites ( Fig. 52 View Figs 52–57 )

much broader than long, medio-cranial gonocoxal apodemes strong and thick. Gonostylus

( Figs 50–52 View Figs 44–51 View Figs 52–57 ) rather broad in widest view, I saw them as slightly asymmetrical; subapical medial lobe long but not particularly broad, sub-basal process obviously double, but not much projecting. Cerci and hypoproct ( Figs 53–54 View Figs 52–57 ) structur-

ally as in H. imbecillus , cerci rather broad with long setae, hypoproct with shorter and distinctly thinner setae. Ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 55 View Figs 52–57 )

asymmetrical, distal apex curved. Inner genitalia

( Figs 56–57 View Figs 52–57 ) largely triangular in dorsal and ventral view, phallus rather narrowly rounded at apex.

Female unknown.

Etymology. The specific epithet of the new species refers to its type locality ( Greece).

The differentiating features are given in the key below. Its terminal Fig. 62. The holotype male of Hesperinus grae- flagellomere elongate, five times longer cus sp. n. Photo G. LENGYEL than broad. Its male gonostylus is longer than broad, like in H. ninae but its first flagellomere is long and thin and evenly setose. Also male gonostylus is distinctly different with less projecting sub-basal gonostylar lobe ( Figs 50 View Figs 44–51 , 52 View Figs 52–57 ). This is the smallest Hesperinus fly, which I saw from Europe. Wing length of H. imbecillus in the males studied is from 6.5 to 7.7 mm.

Hesperinus sp. n. (Krasnaya Polyana; Figs 58–60 View Figs 58–60 ). Its identity (i.e. that it is a distinct species) was established in the last phase of this study only. It was described in a separate paper as H. ninae L. PAPP et M. KRIVOSHEINA, 2010 . Its main differentiating features are given in the key.

Extra-European species studied during this project

Hesperinus nigratus OKADA, 1934 – Material studied: 1 male: “(HONSHU) Kanayama YAMANASHI, 2. VI. 1975, T. SAIGUSA” – “ Hesperinus nigratus OKADA , m” det. T. Saigusa, 19”87”; 2 males: “[KYUSHU] Shiratoriyama Kumamoto, Jun. 6. 1980 /1988 T: SAIGUSA” – “ Hesperinus nigratus OKADA, 1934 ” det T. Saigusa “2006”.

Hesperinus rohdendorfi KRIVOSHEINA et MAMAEV, 1967 View in CoL – Material studied: 1 male: “(S. PRIMOR’YE) Ussurijsk Res., W. border, 130 m, 22. V. 1992, T. Saigusa – “ Hesperinus rohdendorfi Krivosheina et Mamaev, 1967 View in CoL ” det. T. Saigusa “2006”.


1 Terminal flagellomere globular ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–3 ). Male postabdomen and genitalia as depicted in Figs 4–39. A View Figs 4–11 View Figs 12–17 View Figs 18–21 View Figs 22–29 View Figs 30–35 View Figs 36–39 medium large species, male wing length 6.4 to

7.7 mm. Female wing reduced to a small scale. Central Europe from east-

ernmost part of Italy, Austria and Slovenia to Bulgaria

H. imbecillus ( LOEW, 1858) View in CoL

– Terminal flagellomere elongate, at least twice longer than broad ( Figs 46 View Figs 44–51 , 59 View Figs 58–60 , KRIVOSHEINA & MAMAEV 1997: fig. 1; this is valid also for H. brevifrons WALKER View in CoL , see HARDY & TAKAHASHI 1960: fig. 1a). Female wing reduced or normal. 2

2 Smaller species, wing length 4.7–6.0 mm. Male gonostylus longer than broad. Female unknown or has not been described. 3

– Larger species, wing length 10–12 mm. Male genitalia with gonostylus about as long as broad or it has 2 apical lobes. Females fully winged. Russian Far East and Japan. 4

3 First flagellomere long and thin ( Fig. 45 View Figs 44–51 ), evenly setose. Wing length of the holotype 4.74 mm. Male postabdomen and genitalia ( Figs 44–57 View Figs 44–51 View Figs 52–57 ) with less projecting sub-basal gonostylar lobe. Greece H. graecus sp. n .

– First flagellomere shorter and broader ( Fig. 58 View Figs 58–60 ), setose on dorsal and ventral surface but laterally and medially almost devoid of longer setae. Male wing length c. 6.0 mm. Male genitalia with projecting gonostylar lobe ( Fig. View Figs 58–60

60). North Caucasus (Krasnaya Polyana)

Hesperinus ninae L. PAPP & M. KRIVOSHEINA, 2010

4 Gonostyli ( KRIVOSHEINA & MAMAEV 1967: figs 1 and 4) with a narrow dorsal lobe and a long broad ventral lobe. Epandrium with a broad triangular caudal emargination. Russian Far East.

H. rohdendorfi KRIVOSHEINA & MAMAEV, 1967 View in CoL

– Gonostyli ( HARDY & TAKAHASHI 1960: figs 1 b-e) about as long as broad, not bifid. Japan 5

5 Gonocoxites much shorter medially than laterally with a small sagittal incision ( HARDY & TAKAHASHI 1960: fig. 1b). Gonostyli with a sharp apex (directed wholly medially), epandrium longer ( HARDY & TAKAHASHI 1960: fig. 1c). H. cuspidistylus HARDY & TAKAHASHI, 1960

– Gonocoxites not much shorter medially than laterally without small sagittal incision ( HARDY & TAKAHASHI 1960: fig. 1d). Gonostyli without a sharp apex but with a medially directed small tooth, epandrium shorter and broadly emarginated caudally ( HARDY & TAKAHASHI 1960: fig. 1e).

H. nigratus OKADA, 1934


Acknowledgements – I am grateful to Dr JOACHIM ZIEGLER (Zoologisches Museum, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany), for loan of a specimen from Orsova, to Dr JEAN-PAUL HAENNI (Neuchâtel, Switzerland) for sending me a male H. imbecillus from Bulgaria and for his very useful advice, and to Dr PETER SEHNAL (NHM, Vienna) for a loan of four male specimens from their Collection. My special thanks are due to Drs NINA and MARINA KRIVOSHEINA and to Dr PATRICK GROO- TAERT (Brussels) for the opportunity to study a male from the N Caucasus. I would like to thank my colleagues, DÁVID MURÁNYI and GÁBOR LENGYEL for the photos.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)














Hesperinus graecus L. PAPP

Papp, L. 2010

Hesperinus rohdendorfi


Hesperinus rohdendorfi Krivosheina et Mamaev, 1967


H. rohdendorfi




H. brevifrons

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