Halosarcia R G. Wilson

Kuehn, U., 1993, Chenopodiaceae, The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 2, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 253-281 : 273

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Halosarcia R G. Wilson


55. Halosarcia R G. Wilson

Fig. 51

Halosarcia R G.Wilson, Nuytsia 3: 28 (1980). Arthrocnemum sect. Leiosperma J.M.Black (1919) , sect. Trachysperma J. M. Black (1919) and subgen. Angianthemum Moss (1954). Arrhrocnemum auct. non Moq. s. str.: Ulbr. in E.-R, Nat. Pflanzenfam. (1934), p. p.

Dwarf shrubs. Leaf blades insignificant; sclereids absent in the chlorenchyma. Flowers in triads in the axil of opposite, usually connate bracts, bisexual or rarely pistillate; perianth 3-lobed; stamen 1, abaxial. Seed coat membranous to crustaceous; embryo curved perisperm present, lateral. Twenty three spp., Australia, rarely S Asia.

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