Hadrocryptus perforator Broad & Barthelemy, 2012

Barthelemy, Christophe & Broad, Gavin R., 2012, A new species of Hadrocryptus (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), with the first account of the biology for the genus, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 24, pp. 47-58 : 49-50

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Journal of Hymenoptera Research by Pensoft

scientific name

Hadrocryptus perforator Broad & Barthelemy

sp. n.

Hadrocryptus perforator Broad & Barthelemy   ZBK sp. n.


Female, exact label data: 'Pak Sha O, HK 50Q KK 242 849. 70m C. Barthélémy, 22.iii.10 Ref: 0386.A.Hy.1', 'Hong Kong Ex Xenorhynchium sp. in bamboo trap nest, coll. 7.2009, em. 3.2010 BMNH(E) 2010-74 AQ’, BMNH. Paratypes: 1 female, same data as holotype but '20.iii.10 Ref: 0384.A.Hy.1', 1 male, same data as holotype but '13.vi.10 Ref: 0414.A.Hy.1' and 'Ex Isodontia diodon in bamboo nest em. 6.2010', both BMNH; 1 female same data as holotype, 1 female same data as holotype but '20.iii.10, ref.: 0383.A.Hy.1', 2 males same data as holotype but ' 03.iv.11 ref.: 0432.A.Hy.1' and ' Ex. Zethus sp.', all BPC.

Female. First flagellomere 7.0 × as long as apically wide (basal ‘annellus’ section excluded). Frons largely polished, with weak punctures ventral to ocelli and some oblique wrinkling in a V-shape ventral to anterior ocellus. Vertex with conspicuous punctures, separated by more than twice their diameter. Facial horn, just below and between antennal sockets, large, pointed oval in dorsal view, protruding by distance slightly greater than inter-antennal distance ( Fig. 1a View Figure 1 ). Face and clypeus closely punctate, punctures becoming confluent medially on face. Clypeus apically concave with obtuse, low median tooth.

Pronotum mostly smooth, transversely striate lateromedially with short transverse striae along posterior edge. Mesoscutum polished, weakly granulate anteriorly, with isolated punctures anteriorly, medially. Notauli strong to level of anterior edge of notauli, fading then. Scutellum with punctures on smooth background, separated by about their own diameter. Mesopleuron densely punctate, punctures small and separated by about their diameter, except transversely striate anterodorsally and medially, speculum and subalar prominence weakly punctate on smooth background. Metapleuron strongly punctate posterodorsally, sparsely punctate medially. Pleural carina absent except basally. Juxtacoxal carina strong but with narrow interruptions anteriorly and posteriorly. Submetapleural carina complete. Propodeum with area anterior of anterior transverse carina polished, punctate in posterior half; anterior transverse carina strong, complete; remainder of dorsal surface reticulate, transversely striate medially ( Fig. 1c View Figure 1 ). First tergite polished, punctate on apical half, punctures coalescing medially, apically ( Fig. 1c View Figure 1 ). Lower edge of first sternite with weak teeth, separated by more than their width. Second tergite with semicircular basal, median area defined by depression behind this; third tergite with basal area defined by shallower curve; second and third tergites densely punctate, punctures faint on successive tergites. Ovipositor (measured from tip of hypopygium) 2.1 × length of hind tibia.

Mainly black with copious ivory/white markings ( Fig. 1b View Figure 1 ). The following ivory: several median flagellomeres, face, clypeus (except for small basal, median black patch), horn on upper face, inner orbits to vertex, outer orbits to dorsal 0.7 of eye, central, median part of pronotum, lateral corners of median lobe of mesoscutum, central area on mesoscutum, tegula, short section of lateral carina of mesoscutum immediately anterior to scuto-scutellar groove, subalar prominence, posteroventral patch on mesopleurum, scutellum, metascutellum, median longitudinal stripe on propodeum, interrupted posterior to transverse carina, widened posteriorly, metapleurum dorsally, posteriorly, fore and mid coxae (except tiny lateral black spot), extensive dorsal, posterior area on hind coxa, all trochanters (with brown dorsal stripe on mid and hind trochanters), fore and mid trochantelli, ventral patch on hind trochantellus, outer surface of fore and mid tarsomeres 1 to 3, all of hind tarsus except for apical patch on 5th, posterior bands on 1st to 7th tergites dull yellow or cream. Fore and mid femora and tibiae orange with dark brown dorsal stripes, fading to cream ventrally, hind tibia orange, apical 0.18 black, hind femur orange, apically and basally black-ringed.

Male. Similar to female, differs (in addition to the obvious sexual differences) only in the more extensive ivory area on the mesopleuron, extending anteriorly as lateral and median stripes on the mesosternum, and in the less modified antenna tip (simply pointed).


Hadrocryptus is an easily recognised genus of the Gabunia genus-group ( Gabuniina of Townes 1970), with its prominent facial tubercle in combination with several other characters (e.g. lateral, basal teeth on the first tergite, absence of the pleural carina). Gupta and Gupta (1983) revised the species of Hadrocryptus , which are restricted to the Oriental region. In Gupta and Gupta’s key, Hadrocryptus perforator sp. nov. will key out to Hadrocryptus ditissimus (Tosquinet), from which it differs most obviously in the much weaker ventral teeth on the first sternite and the centrally white pronotal collar.