Grebennikovius pafelo Montanaro, Grebennikov, Rossini, Grapputo, Ruzzier & Tarasov, 2024

Montanaro, Giulio, Balhoff, James P., Girón, Jennifer C., Söderholm, Max & Tarasov, Sergei, 2024, Computable species descriptions and nanopublications: applying ontology-based technologies to dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeinae), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 121562-e 121562 : e121562-

publication ID 10.3897/BDJ.12.e121562


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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft

scientific name

Grebennikovius pafelo Montanaro, Grebennikov, Rossini, Grapputo, Ruzzier & Tarasov, 2024


Grebennikovius pafelo Montanaro, Grebennikov, Rossini, Grapputo, Ruzzier & Tarasov, 2024 View in CoL


Type status: Holotype. Occurrence: catalogNumber: ; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: dry specimen; occurrenceID: B5BA29D3-3E5A-5D76-95BB-A24310DBB962; Taxon: taxonID: 6AA504F4-91BB-4EF9-AF8F-31EDA06AD5F9; scientificName: Grebennikovius pafelo ; family: Scarabaeidae ; genus: Grebennikovius ; specificEpithet: pafelo ; scientificNameAuthorship: Montanaro, Grebennikov, Rossini, Grapputo, Ruzzier & Tarasov, 2024; Location: country: Tanzania; locality: Uluguru Mountains, at Tchenzema village ; verbatimElevation: 2429 m; verbatimLatitude: - 7.121944; verbatimLongitude: 37.621944; Identification: identifiedBy: G. Montanaro; dateIdentified: 2023; Event: samplingProtocol: litter sifting; eventDate: 11-07 - 10; habitat: forest; fieldNumber: sifting 09; Record Level: institutionCode: MZH; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen


male organism Catalog Number CNCCOLVG 00001735

male organism Catalog Number

male organism has role in modeling TU denotes species species Taxon ID 6AA504F4-91BB-4EF9-AF8F-31EDA06AD5F9 species Parent Name Usage ID

male organism, chitin-based cuticle: red brown;

male organism, ventral side: dark brown;

male organism, antenna: yellow brown;

male organism, gena: obtuse;

male organism, lateral clypeal tooth 1 lateral clypeal tooth 1: upturned; lateral clypeal tooth 1: sharp;

male organism, head margin at genoclypeal sulcus: notched;

male organism, head capsule, frons, interpunctural distance = 1.0, unit: diameter of cuticular puncture;

male organism, vertex, posterior region, medial region: smooth;

male organism, antenna with 9 antennomeres, antennal club antennal club, flagellomere 5: present; antennal club, flagellomere 6: present; antennal club, flagellomere 7: present;

male organism, glossa: present;

male organism, epipharynx: present;

male organism, insect maxilla: present;

male organism, maxillary palpus with 4 palpomeres: present;

male organism, labial palpus with 3 palpomeres: present;

male organism, pronotum pronotum, antero-lateral region: flattened; pronotum, posterior region posterior region, row of punctures, ocellate cuticular puncture ocellate cuticular puncture: increased size; ocellate cuticular puncture: ovate; posterior region: sloped; pronotum, antero-lateral margin antero-lateral margin: curved; antero-lateral margin: obtuse; pronotum, posterolateral pronotal angle: curved; pronotum, posterior margin: curved; pronotum, postero-lateral region: parallel-sided; pronotum, longitudinal pronotal groove: smooth; pronotum: width width smaller than width of elytron with 9 striae elytron with 9 striae of male organism elytron with 9 striae, elytral stria, cuticular puncture, diameter = 3, unit: width of elytral stria; elytron with 9 striae, elytral interstria 8, cuticular carina cuticular carina medial _ to lateral region lateral region of elytron with 9 striae lateral region: sloped; cuticular carina, distal region: increased height; width of pronotum pronotum, interpunctural distance = 1.5, unit: diameter of ocellate setigerous cuticular puncture;

male organism, elytron with 9 striae

male organism, elytral interstria 4, proximal region: concave;

male organism, elytral interstria 5 elytral interstria 5, proximal region: concave; elytral interstria 5, cuticular tubercle: absent;

male organism, elytral interstria 6, anterior-most region: concave;

male organism, elytral interstria 8, anatomical side anatomical side lateral _ to cuticular carina anatomical side: convex;

male organism, scutellar shield: concealed;

male organism, hind wing hind wing: atrophied; hind wing: length; *

male organism, anterior hypomeral depression: present;

male organism, procoxal cavity, width = 0.375, unit: width of pronotum;

male organism, mesometaventral sulcus mesometaventral sulcus, medial region: curved; mesometaventral sulcus, lateral region: straight;

male organism, mesoventrite, cuticular puncture: present;

male organism, metaventrite metaventrite, punctate cuticle punctate cuticle, posterior region, cuticular puncture: diameter smaller than diameter of cuticular puncture of anterior region of punctate cuticle punctate cuticle, interpunctural distance = 1, unit: diameter of cuticular puncture; metaventrite: convex;

male organism, abdomen with 7 sternites: present;

male organism, abdominal tergite VIII abdominal tergite VIII, anatomical margin coincident with cuticular groove of abdominal tergite VIII abdominal tergite VIII, cuticle with setigerous punctures, ocellate setigerous cuticular puncture: present; abdominal tergite VIII: convex;

male organism, protarsus with 5 protarsomeres: present;

male organism, mesotarsus with 5 mesotarsomeres: present;

male organism, metatarsus with 5 metatarsomeres: present;

male organism, protibia protibia, dorsal protibial cuticular tooth 1: present; protibia, dorsal protibial cuticular tooth 2: present; protibia, dorsal protibial cuticular tooth 3: present; protibia, antero-distal margin, cuticular seta cuticular seta: multiple; cuticular seta: increased thickness; protibia, postero-distal margin postero-distal margin: dilated; postero-distal margin: curved; protibia: curved; protibia, dorsal protibial cuticular tooth 4: absent;

male organism, mesotibia, distal region: dilated;

male organism, metatibia metatibia, distal region: dilated; metatibia, medial region: curved; metatibia, distal region: dilated; metatibia, dorsal margin, distal region: curved;

male organism, profemur, ventral side: dilated;

male organism, metafemur metafemur, dorsal margin, cuticular carina: present; metafemur, ventral margin, proximal region, cuticular tubercle: present; metafemur, anatomical region anatomical region distal to cuticular tubercle anatomical region: dilated;

male organism, procoxa, ventral region, cuticular carina, cuticular tubercle: present;

male organism, parameres parameres, lateral side lateral side, distal region: tapered; lateral side: curved; parameres, proximal region, ventral region: notched; parameres: symmetrical; parameres: elongated;

male organism, left ventral conjunctiva of paramere: thickness similar in magnitude relative to thickness of right ventral conjunctiva of paramere of male organism

male organism, lamella copulatrix lamella copulatrix, distal region distal region: flattened; distal region: angular; lamella copulatrix: elongated;

male organism, fused axial and subaxial endophallites: present;

male organism: ovate;

male organism: flattened;

male organism, posterior longitudinal hypomeral carina: absent;

male organism, frontolateral peripheral endophallite: absent;

male organism, length = 4.9, unit: millimeter;


The asterisk (*) next to " hind wing: length; " denotes an incomplete conversion to NL; see the description of G. armiger for details.


Finnish Museum of Natural History


Tulane University, Museum of Natural History