Goniographa shchetkini, Varga & Ronkay, 2002

Varga, Z. & Ronkay, L., 2002, A Revision Of The Palaearctic Species Of The Eugraphe Hübner, [1821] 1816 Generic Complex. Part I. The Genera Eugraphe And Goniographa (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (4), pp. 333-374 : 346-347

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587286

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Goniographa shchetkini

sp. nov.

Goniographa shchetkini sp. n.

( Figs 28, 29 View Figs 24–29 , 55 View Figs 50–57 )

Holotype: female, Tadjikistan, Pamir Mts , Vanch, Liangar glacier, 4000 m, 20.VIII.1962, ex pupa, leg. SHCHETKIN; slide No. RL7547 f (coll. P. GYULAI, in HNHM Budapest).

Diagnosis. The unique type specimen of G. shchetkini resembles mostly a small G. discussa female but even more unicolorous, with only very weak paler brownish-ochreous irroration but with stronger violaceous hue, the filling of the

Acta zool. hung. 48, 2002

orbicular and reniform stigmata is also matching with the violaceous brown ground colour and the fine brownish suffusion of the hindwing is also more concolorous.

The female genitalia of G. shchetkini have the smallest ostium bursae and the shortest, proximally conspicuously dilated ductus bursae within the three closely allied species of the decussa -line.

Description. Wingspan 31 mm, length of forewing 14 mm. The main external features fit well with those of the decussa -group, the differential characteristics are given in the diagnosis. The holotype female is illustrated in Fig. 55 View Figs 50–57 .

Female genitalia ( Figs 28, 29 View Figs 24–29 ): Ovipositor medium-long, weak; gonapophyses slender, fine. Ostium bursae sclerotized, small, ventral plate triangular-calyculate, with fine, narrow medio-caudal incision. Ductus bursae heavily sclerotized, relatively short, proximal half considerably broader, with large, rounded lateral angle at middle of left side. Ventral surface of ductus bursae with fine, narrow longitudinal medial suture, junction of ventral plate to corpus bursae forming a rather flat arch. Apical part of bursa copulatrix semiglobular, small, wrinkled-ribbed; appendix bursae relatively long, elliptical, wrinkled. Corpus bursae medium-long, elliptical-ovoid; signa absent.

Bionomics and distribution. A poorly known species, its unique type was collected as a pupa at a high altitude place nearby the Liangar glacier.

Etymology. The new species is dedicated to the late Yuri SHCHETKIN (senior), the famous explorer of the Lepidoptera of the Pamir and the Hissar Mts in Tadjikistan.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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