Goniographa funkei ( PÜNGELER, 1901 ) Varga & Ronkay, 2002

Varga, Z. & Ronkay, L., 2002, A Revision Of The Palaearctic Species Of The Eugraphe Hübner, [1821] 1816 Generic Complex. Part I. The Genera Eugraphe And Goniographa (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (4), pp. 333-374 : 347-350

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587286

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scientific name

Goniographa funkei ( PÜNGELER, 1901 )

comb. nov.

Goniographa funkei ( PÜNGELER, 1901) comb. n.

( Figs 5 View Fig , 6 View Fig , 30, 31 View Figs 30–35 , 56, 57 View Figs 50–57 )

Agrotis funkei PÜNGELER, 1901 , Dt. ent. Z. Iris 14: 181. Type locality: Zeravshan Mts.

Type material examined: A syntype male, illustrated in Fig. 56 View Figs 50–57 ; the labels of the genitalia slide are as follows: “ Holotype [printed]/ Agrotis funkei / Pglr. / Sarawschan (2500m)/ 30.VI.1900 [hand - written] Boursin [printed]” (red label). This specimen is designated here as the lectotype of Agrotis funkei PÜNGELER (in coll. PÜNGELER, ZMHU Berlin) .

Additional material examined. Tadjikistan: 4 males, 1 female, Seravshan Mts , 45 km SEE Aini, 2000–2600 m, 68°03’E, 39°20’N, 17–18.VII.1994, leg. LUKHTANOV (coll. P. GYULAI, Z. VARGA) GoogleMaps , 3 males, Seravshan Mts , Dasht, 2600 m, 68°03’E, 39°20’N, 18–19.VII.1994, leg. LUKHTANOV GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 2 females, Seravshan Mts , Iskander-kul, 2200 m, 23–25.VII.1968, leg. SHCHETKIN ; 1 male, 1 female, Seravshan Mts , 2200 m, 22.VII.1968, leg. SHCHETKIN ; 3 males, 3 females, Hissar Mts , Iskanderful, 1900–2300 m, 19–21.VII.1994, leg. LUKHTANOV (coll. P. GYULAI) ; 1 female, Hissar Mts , Takob, 1900 m, VII.1981, leg. V.V. DUBATOLOV (coll. G. RONKAY) ; 1 male, 3 females, Hissar Mts , 25 km S Pendzhikent, 1800 m, 10.VII.1994, leg. LUKHTANOV; Hissar Mts, Kvak valley, 1800 m, 21.VII.1960, leg. SHCHETKIN ; 9 specimens, Hissar Mts , Takob, Varmonik, 1800 m, 20–21.VII.1961, 14–17.VII.1994, leg. SHCHETKIN ; 5 specimens, Hissar Mts , Kondara valley, 1800 m, 21.VIII.1955, 20.VIII.–1.IX.1994, leg. SHCHETKIN ; 1 male, Hissar Mts , Kabuty, 1950 m, 10.VII.1961, leg. SHCHETKIN ; 1 male, Hissar Mts , Acrobat valley, 1600 m, 1–10.X.1997, leg. V. GURKO (coll. L. LEH-

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MANN) 1 female, Varzob valley , 2000 m, 1.VIII.1967 , leg. SHCHETKIN; 6 females, Varzob valley, Maihur , 2000 m, 12.VIII.–16.IX.1967 , leg. SHCHETKIN (coll. P. GYULAI); 2 females, Pamir Mts, Artuch valley , 2–10.VIII.1988 , coll. A.V. NEKRASOV (coll. HNHM Budapest and G. RONKAY) ; 3 females, Karategin range, Sangikar gorge, 1700 m, 28.VIII.1969 , leg. SHCHETKIN; 1 male, from the same site, 1–4.IX.1994, leg. SHCHETKIN; 3 females, Peter 1st Mts, Daran-Nazarak valley , Ganishou , 1700 m, 5–13.VIII.1972 , leg. SHCHETKIN; 1 male, from the same locality, 8–27.VIII.1974 , 21–22.

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VIII.1994, leg. SHCHETKIN; 1 male, 5 females, Peter 1st Mts , Daran-Nazarak valley, Ganishou, 2100

m, 8.VIII.1974, 17–18.VIII.1994, leg. SHCHETKIN; 2 females, Turkestan Mts , Shahristan pass, Kushikat, 3100 m , 26–28.VII.1994; 2000 m, 5–8.VI.1994, leg. LUKHTANOV (coll. P. GYULAI and J. STUMPF) .

Slide Nos GYP 1564m, RL 7549m, RL 7551m, RL 7576m, RL 7577m, RL 7582m, 7043 VZ, 7151 VZ, 7152 VZ, 7154 VZ (males), RL 7480f, RL 7553f, RL 7554f, RL 7556f, RL 7557f, RL 7558f, RL 7579f, RL 7580f, RL 7585f, RL 7586f, RL 7589f, RL 7590f (females).

Diagnosis. The forewing pattern of G. funkei is the most distinct within the funkei- group, even in case of the darkened specimens (see Figs 56–61 View Figs 50–57 View Figs 58–65 ), the forewing of G. funkei is somewhat broader than that of G. metafunkei . No further key features can be found for the three closely related species of the group, the satisfactory identification requires the study of the genitalia.

The male genitalia of G. funkei differ from those of G. metafunkei by the shape of the pollex bending characteristically down (proximo-ventrally)(see Figs 5–8 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig ), the narrower distal part of the valva with longer “pseudopollex” and the much shorter cornutus of the vesica sitting usually on a somewhat broader bulb. The differences between G. funkei and G. naumanni are much more prominent as G. funkei has much shorter harpe, downwardly bent pollex (it is curved upwards in G. naumanni )and smooth carina (which is armed with large, heavily sclerotised teeth in G. naumanni ).

The female genitalia of G. funkei differ from its sibling species, G. metafunkei , by their shorter ostium bursae, significantly shorter but somewhat broader ductus bursae having only weak lateral fold and short, less sclerotized proximo-lateral rib(s)and shorter, apically more rounded appendix bursae (see Figs 30–33 View Figs 30–35 ). The female genitalia of the third species of the G. funkei group, G. naumanni , is conspicuously different from those of the two closely allied taxa by their heavily sclerotized, much broader and entirely flattened, rather cask-shaped ductus bursae, fused firmly with the relatively short but broad, trapezoidal ostium bursae ( Figs 34, 35 View Figs 30–35 ).

Description. Wingspan 32–36 mm, length of forewing 15–17 mm. The main external features are fairly characterised by PÜNGELER in the original description, the slight differential characteristics are given in the diagnosis.The lectotype (male)and a typical female are illustrated in Figs 56 and 57 View Figs 50–57 .

Male genitalia ( Figs 5 View Fig , 6 View Fig ): The typical features of the species group are given in the diagnosis of the genus. Distal part of valva narrow, with more or less parallel margins; valval apex fine, acute, “pseudopollex” long, straight. Harpe rather short; pollex long, thin, bent downwards. Aedeagus long and thin, slightly arcuate; carina smooth. Vesica relatively small, short, recurved, with a short but broadly bulbed cornutus.

Female genitalia ( Figs 30, 31 View Figs 30–35 ): Ostium bursae sclerotized, ventral plate triangular, caudal margin slightly convex, arcuate, with rather deep medial incision. Ductus bursae medium-long, broadly tubular, flattened, granulously sclerotized, finely tapering towards ostium bursae. Proximal half of ductus bursae slightly curved laterad, often with lateral rib or a weak, short fold at anterior end; junction to corpus bursae with short, ribbed lamina at inner curve. Apical part of bursa copulatrix wrin-

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kled-ribbed, partly gelatinous and scobinate-verrucose. Appendix bursae relatively short, subconical-semiglobular; corpus bursae discoidal-globular, weakly membranous; signa absent.

Bionomics and distribution. Goniographa funkei has the largest distribution in this species group. The type locality is the Zeravshan range, the area of the species covers the western Tien-Shan Mts (Turkestan Mts, Karategin range, Peter I. Mts, etc.), the Hissar Mts and also the western parts of the Pamir massif, where it occurs sympatrically with G. naumanni .


Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt Universitaet


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)














Goniographa funkei ( PÜNGELER, 1901 )

Varga, Z. & Ronkay, L. 2002

Agrotis funkei PÜNGELER, 1901

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