Gonioctena (Brachyphytodecta) klapperichi, Cho, 2024

Cho, Hee-Wook, 2024, Two new species of the genus Gonioctena Chevrolat, 1836 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) from China, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 132778-e 132778 : e132778-

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/BDJ.12.e132778

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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft

scientific name

Gonioctena (Brachyphytodecta) klapperichi

sp. nov.

Gonioctena (Brachyphytodecta) klapperichi sp. nov.


Type status: Holotype. Occurrence: recordedBy: Johann Friedrich Klapperich; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; occurrenceID: 1983B4D1-CD7A-53CE-8B06-C1C0E9322F90; Taxon: scientificName: Gonioctena klapperichi ; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Coleoptera ; family: Chrysomelidae ; genus: Gonioctena ; subgenus: Brachyphytodecta; specificEpithet: klapperichi ; Location: higherGeography: China; stateProvince: Fujian; county: Wuyishan; locality: Guadun ; verbatimElevation: 2,300 m; Event: eventDate: 08-06 - 1938; Record Level: basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen


Measurements in mm (n = 1): length of body: 5.30; width of body: 3.60; height of body: 2.40; width of head: 1.57; interocular distance: 1.05; width of apex of pronotum: 1.77; width of base of pronotum: 3.10; length of pronotum along mid-line: 1.40; length of elytra along suture: 4.10.

Body (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ) oval and strongly convex. Head yellowish-brown, with an obscure spot on vertex. Mandibles reddish-brown, apex blackish-brown. Maxillary palps blackish-brown. Antennomeres I – II yellowish-brown, III – XI lost. Pronotum yellowish-brown, basal margin black. Scutellum black. Elytra black, lateral margins beyond 10 th striae yellowish-brown. Venter blackish-brown, with hypomera and apical margin of last abdominal ventrite yellowish-brown. Legs blackish-brown to black.

Head. Vertex weakly convex, covered with sparse punctures, becoming coarser and denser towards sides. Frontal suture V-shaped, reaching anterior margin, coronal suture rather long, weak. Frons flat, strongly depressed at anterior margin, covered with dense punctures. Clypeus very narrow and trapezoidal. Anterior margin of labrum weakly concave. Mandibles with two sharp apical teeth and large excavation for apical maxillary palpomere on outer side. Maxillary palps four-segmented, with apical palpomere slightly widened, truncate apically.

Pronotum. Lateral sides widest at base, roundly strongly narrowed anteriorly, anterior angles strongly produced. Anterior and lateral margins bordered, lateral margins barely visible in dorsal view. Trichobothria absent on both anterior and posterior angles. Disc covered with sparse or moderately dense punctures; lateral sides covered with much larger and denser punctures; interspaces covered with fine and sparse punctures. Scutellum slightly wider than long, narrowed posteriorly.

Elytra. Lateral sides very slightly widened posteriorly, widest near middle, thence roundly narrowed posteriorly. Humeral calli well developed. Disc covered with eleven regular rows of large punctures, including a short scutellar row; interspaces covered with fine and sparse punctures. Epipleura visible, except near base in lateral view. Hind wings well developed.

Venter. Hypomera weakly rugose, with few punctures near anterolateral corners of prosternum. Prosternum covered with coarse and dense punctures bearing long setae; prosternal process enlarged apically, bordered laterally, with sparse punctures. Metaventrite covered with small and sparse punctures in median region, large and dense punctures in lateral region. Abdominal ventrites covered with sparse or dense punctures bearing short setae.

Legs. Moderately robust. Tibiae widened apically, with tooth-like projection. Fore legs with tarsomere I very lightly narrower than III. Tarsal claws appendiculate.

Genitalia (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ). Aedeagus rather thick, subparallel-sided, moderately narrowed from apical 1 / 5 to widely rounded apex in dorsal view; strongly curved, apex pointed in lateral view.

Female: unknown.


Gonioctena klapperichi sp. nov. is similar to G. scutellaris Baly, 1862 and G. melanota Kippenberg, 2010 in having reddish-brown pronotum, black scutellum and generally black elytra. From these two species, Gonioctena klapperichi sp. nov. can be distinguished by long oval aedeagus (apical 1 / 3 of aedeagus very slender in G. scutellaris and apical 1 / 3 distinctly narrowed to blunt apex in G. melanota ).


The new species is named after the German entomologist, Johann Friedrich Klapperich, who collected the type specimen.


China: Fujian Province (Guadun).











