Gomphonema guayabense E.Reichardt, 2015

Reichardt, Erwin, 2015, Two new species of the genus Gomphonema (Bacillariophyceae) from Guayabo Waterfall, Cuba, Phytotaxa 203 (2), pp. 185-191 : 186-187

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.203.2.8



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scientific name

Gomphonema guayabense E.Reichardt

sp. nov.

Gomphonema guayabense E.Reichardt , sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–14 View FIGURES 1–8 View FIGURES 9–14 )

Cells nearly rectangular in girdle view, mantles without additional structures except for the endings of the transapical striae. Valves rhombic-lanceolate, only slightly gomphonemoid-cuneate with obtusely rounded headpole and broadly rounded or subcapitate rounded foot pole. Length 55–95 μm, width 10–15 μm. Raphe lateral, external fissures nearly straight, internal fissures weakly arched. External and internal central raphe endings conspicuously different, the latter about four times wider apart and abruptly deflected to the same side. Axial and central area combined to form a broad rhombic-lanceolate hyaline field. No isolated pore (stigmoid) present in central area. Striae short, slightly radiate, 8–10 in 10 μm, more densely spaced near the ends and clearly elongated near the foot pole. Areolae in striae 24–28, mainly circa 28 in 10 μm.

In SEM external views show irregularly C- to 3-shaped areolar foramina situated in depressions clearly visible in oblique view ( Figs. 9, 12 View FIGURES 9–14 ). On the mantle the foramina are less arched and more broadly slit-like ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 9–14 ), near the footpole the last 2–3 striae consist of small round foramina only ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 9–14 ). At the edge of the valve face/mantle junction the interstriae are studded with small granula ( Figs. 9–10, 12 View FIGURES 9–14 ). Central raphe fissures approximate, straight and slightly expanded to form elongate , slightly drop-shaped central raphe endings ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9–14 ). At the foot pole a large nearly round pore field is present, bisected by the terminal raphe fissure on the valve face, but with poroids running continuously around the lower part of the polar mantle as the raphe fissure terminates within the pore field ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 9–14 ). Internally the central raphe fissures are situated in an apically elongated central nodule, deflected to the same side and recurved at their ends ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 9–14 ). Helictoglossa at the distal raphe endings shifted to the secondary side especially at the foot pole ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 9–14 ). Alveoli with straight margins, stubs or struts are lacking ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 9–14 ). Well-developed pseudosepta are present at both poles ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 9–14 ).

Type:— CUBA. Salto del Guayabo. From mosses, Andreas Müller, 6 September 2003. Coll. Reichardt sample S2450 (holotype slide S2450- T01 Coll. Reichardt, Botanical Museum Berlin (B) holotype represented by Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–8 ; isotype slide Zu 9/99, Hustedt Collection, Bremerhaven ( BRM)) .

Etymology:— This taxon is named after the type locality Salto del Guayabo.


Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung

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