Goeldia utcuyacu, Almeida-Silva & Brescovit, 2024

Almeida-Silva, Lina M. & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2024, Unraveling the mysteries of Goeldia Keyserling, 1891: revision, description of seven new species and first record from USA (Araneae: Titanoecidae), Zootaxa 5428 (2), pp. 151-193 : 185-187

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5428.2.1

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scientific name

Goeldia utcuyacu

sp. nov.

Goeldia utcuyacu sp. nov.

( Figs 21 View FIGURE 21 ; 22 View FIGURE 22 ; 25 View FIGURE 25 )

Type material. Holotype ♂ from Utcuyacu (11°11’11.9”S 75°27’51.4”W), Junin, Peru, elev. 1600–2200 m, III.1984, F. Woytkowski coll. ( AMNH); paratype female with same data as holotype ( AMNH). GoogleMaps

Additional Material Examined. PERU. Cuzco. Ocongate (13°37’45”S 71°23’10”W), Hacienda Capana , elev. 3670 m, 2♀, 6–11.IV.1947, J. C. Pallister coll. ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; Urubamba, Machu-Picchu , (13°09’47”S 72°32’44”W), elev. 2600–2800 m, 1♀, 1–5.VIII.1964, B. Malkin coll. ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . Junin: San Ramon (11°07’29”S 75°21’25”W), Estância Naranjal , 2♀, 20– 7.VII.1965 ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; Huacapistana (11°13’59”S 75°28’59”W), elev. 1800 m, 1♂, 2♀ 1juv., 27–30.VII.1965 ( AMNH) GoogleMaps all collected by P. & B. Wygodzinsky; San José de Utcuyacu (11°11’10”S 75°27’47”W), 3♀, 1♂, 4 juv., III.1948, F. Woytkowski coll. ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; Colonia Perene, Rio Perene , 18 mi. NE La Merced, 2♂ 2♀, 3.I.1955, E. Schlinger & E. Ross coll. ( CAS 9021317 About CAS , SEM, male palp and female leg IV) .

Etymology. The specific epithet is a noun in apposition from the type locality, San José de Utcuyacu, Peru.

Diagnosis. Goeldia utcuyacu sp. nov. differs from other species of the genus by the thick patellar apophysis with sinuous tip ( Figs 21B–D View FIGURE 21 ; 22E View FIGURE 22 ); and by the tegular process subrectangular and with enlarged base in the male palp ( Figs 21A View FIGURE 21 ; 22A View FIGURE 22 ). Females can be recognized by the epigynum with median field wide, with posterior edge almost straight ( Fig. 21E View FIGURE 21 ), and the vertical spermathecae slender and longer than copulatory ducts ( Fig. 21F View FIGURE 21 ).

Description. Male (Holotype, AMNH). Carapace brown with cephalic area darker; femur I brown; other leg segments yellowish-brown; chelicerae dark brown, labium and endites brown. Total length 4.8. Carapace: length 2.4; width 1.8; height 1.34. Clypeus: height 0.16. Opisthosoma: length 2.43; width 1.4. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.06; ALE 0.11; PME 0.10; PLE 0.12; AME–AME 0.11; AME–ALE 0.11; ALE–PLE 0.5; PME–PLE 0.20; PME–PME 0.13; AME–PME 0.12. Chelicerae paturon: length 1.25. Leg measurements: I: femur 2.2/ patella 1.3/ tibia 2.3/ metatarsus 2.2/ tarsus 1.0/total 9.0; II: 2.0/ 0.8/ 1.9/ 1.85/ 0.95/ 7.5; III: 1.85/ 0.7/ 1.5/ 1.6/ 0.7/ 6.35; IV: 2.35/ 0.7/ 2.2/ 2.0/ 0.85/ 8.1. Leg formula: 1423. Leg spination: femur I–II p1ap; tibia II v2-0-2 or v0-0-2, p1ap, r1ap; III v2sa or v1-0-2, r 0-0-1, p0-1-1; IV: v1-0-2 or v0-1-2, p1ap, r1ap; metatarsus I v1p-2- 1m, p1ap, r1ap; II v2-1r-2(1p-1r)-2(1p-1r)-2ap, p0-2-2, r2ap. Patellar apophysis dorso-posteriorly projected ( Figs 21B–D View FIGURE 21 , 22E View FIGURE 22 ). MLT base enlarged and apex partially sclerotized ( Figs 21C View FIGURE 21 , 22D–E View FIGURE 22 ). Cymbium with macrosetae ( Figs 21B View FIGURE 21 , 22D View FIGURE 22 ). Tegular process with uniform width and base membranous ( Figs 21A View FIGURE 21 ; 22A View FIGURE 22 ). Pars pendula thickening far from embolus tip ( Figs 21D View FIGURE 21 ; 22A View FIGURE 22 ).

Female (AMNH). Coloration: carapace, chelicerae, and femora dark brown; other leg segments, labium and endites caramel brown. Total length: 6.8. Carapace: length 2.56; width 1.92, height 1.28. Clypeus: height 0.21. Opisthosoma: length 4.4, width 3.2. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.08; ALE 0.13; PME 0.12; PLE 0.13; AME–AME 0.08; AME–ALE 0.13;ALE–PLE 0.04; PME–PLE 0.21; PME–PME 0.14; AME–PME 0.09. Chelicerae paturon: length 1.29. Leg measurements: I: femur 1.85/ patella 0.85/ tibia 1.8/ metatarsus 1.55/ tarsus 0.8/ total 6.85; II: 1.8/ 0.9/ 1.5/ 1.4/ 0.7/ 6.3; III: 1.75/ 0.75/ 1.25/ 1.2/ 0.55/ 5.5; IV: 1.8/ 0.8/ 1.65/ 1.55/ 0.55/ 6.35. Leg formula 1423. Leg spination: femur I–II p1ap; tibia III p1ap; metatarsus I–II v2-2- 1m, p 1ap, r1ap; III v1r-1p-2ap, p1-0-1ap, r0-0-1p; IV v1p-1p- 2m, p1ap, r1ap. Median field of epigynum wide but not closing copulatory openings ( Fig. 21E View FIGURE 21 ). Copulatory duct wall visible by transparency on the median field and partially visible at the copulatory opening area ( Fig. 21E View FIGURE 21 ). Copulatory duct base enlarged ( Fig. 21E–F View FIGURE 21 ). Vertical spermathecae straight ( Fig. 21F View FIGURE 21 ). Horizontal spermathecae straight shorter than vertical spermathecae ( Fig. 21F View FIGURE 21 ). Fertilization ducts enlarged and separated by their length ( Fig. 21F View FIGURE 21 )

Variation. Length (2 ♂): total 4.20–4.80; carapace 2.00–2.40; femur I 2.10–2.20; (10 ♀): total 5.20–7.10; carapace 2.14–2.60; femur I 1.78–1.88.

Distribution. Peru ( Fig. 25 View FIGURE 25 ).


American Museum of Natural History













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