Glyphiulus paragranulatus, Golovatch & Geoffroy & Mauriès & Spiegel, 2007

Golovatch, Sergei I., Geoffroy, Jean-Jacques, Mauriès, Jean-Paul & Spiegel, Didier Van Den, 2007, Review of the millipede genus Glyphiulus Gervais, 1847, with descriptions of new species from Southeast Asia (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Cambalopsidae). Part 1: the granulatus-group, Zoosystema 29 (1), pp. 7-49 : 24

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5392079

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scientific name

Glyphiulus paragranulatus

sp. nov.

Glyphiulus paragranulatus View in CoL n. sp. ( Figs 10-12 View FIG View FIG View FIG )

TYPE MATERIAL. — China. Yunnan Prov., Jianshui County, Yan Dong Cave , 12.I.1989, leg. P. Beron, holotype ♂ ( NMNHS) ; paratypes 2 ♀♀, 1 fragm. juv. ( NMNHS) ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ ( MNHN GA 036 About MNHN ) ; 1 ♂ ( ZMUM) ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ ( SEM) .

ETYMOLOGY. — To emphasize the obvious similarity to G. granulatus .

DIAGNOSIS. — Differs from the most similar congeners by the antennae being more slender, the body segments somewhat compressed laterally, the ocellaria only slightly reduced, the accessory spine at the claw base especially prominent, the anterior gonopod coxosternum with small but evident distomedial outgrowths.


Length of adults of both sexes 18-25 mm, width 1.0- 1.2 mm. General coloration pallid, pattern much as in G. granulatus , but ocellaria light brown while lateral stripes level to ozoporiferous tubercles narrow.

Adults with 39-45p+2-1a+T. Holotype about 25 mm long, 1.2 mm wide, with 44p+2a+T.

Other characters as in G. granulatus , including gnathochilarium (divided into pro- and eumentum, n = 1) ( Fig. 12B View FIG ), the carinotaxy formulae ( Figs 10 View FIG A-D; 11B), telson ( Figs 10E, F View FIG ; 11A View FIG ), male legs 1-3 ( Fig. 12 View FIG C-E), posterior gonopod structure ( Figs 11E View FIG ; 12G, H View FIG ), etc., but body size much larger (see above); segments compressed laterally ( Fig. 11B View FIG ); antennae slightly elongate ( Figs 10A, B View FIG ; 12A View FIG ); claw with a particularly prominent spine at base ( Fig. 11D View FIG ); only some 9-11 ocelli in adults; legs somewhat longer (about as long as body height) ( Figs 10D View FIG ; 11C View FIG ); anterior gonopod coxosternum with small but curved distomedian outgrowths and acute distolateral corners ( Figs 11F View FIG ; 12F View FIG ).


Even though there are some indications of troglomorphism in this species (pallid general coloration, somewhat elongated antennae and legs), its troglophily seems more likely than troglobiosis. The morphological evidence being inconclusive, without further observations this problem can never be solved. On the other hand, Bollmania beroni Stoev & Enghoff, 2005 ( Diplopoda, Callipodida , Caspiopetalidae Lohmander,1931 ), a presumed troglobitic millipede, occurs in the same cave ( Stoev & Enghoff 2005).


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Zoological Museum, University of Amoy

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