Glyphiulus basalis, Golovatch & Geoffroy & Mauriès & Spiegel, 2007

Golovatch, Sergei I., Geoffroy, Jean-Jacques, Mauriès, Jean-Paul & Spiegel, Didier Van Den, 2007, Review of the millipede genus Glyphiulus Gervais, 1847, with descriptions of new species from Southeast Asia (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Cambalopsidae). Part 1: the granulatus-group, Zoosystema 29 (1), pp. 7-49 : 39-40

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5392079


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Glyphiulus basalis

sp. nov.

Glyphiulus basalis View in CoL n. sp.

( Figs 27-29 View FIG View FIG View FIG )

TYPE MATERIAL. — China. Sichuan Prov., Xin Long County, Gan Chuan Cave, Nos 414, 417 and 421, 6.VIII.1999, leg. J. & B. Lips, holotype ♂ ( MNHN GA 043 About MNHN ) ; paratypes 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀ ( MNHN GA 043 About MNHN ) ; 1 ♀ ( ZMUM) ; 1 ♀ ( ZMUC) ; 1 ♀ ( SEM) .

ETYMOLOGY. — To emphasize the presumed basal position of this species within the group.

DIAGNOSIS. — Differs primarily by the retained telopodites of male legs 1, coupled with the large size, the crests on the collum and the spines at claw base both strongly reduced, the crests on metaterga reduced but the ozoporiferous tubercles high, the troglomorphic traits (complete depigmentation, the lack of ocelli, the evidently elongated antennae and legs), the low, but evident, transverse pleural ridge behind the gonopod opening on male segment 7.


Length of ♂, 30-32 mm, width 1.8 mm; of ♀, 23-42 and 1.5-2.2 mm, respectively. Length of holotype about 30 mm, width 1.3 mm. Coloration usually uniformly yellowish, sometimes dark red-brown due to heavy sclerotization.

Holotype with 48p+3a+T; ♂ paratype with 45p+4+T; ♀ paratypes with 40-59p+4-1a+T.

Antennae much more elongate than usual ( Figs 27A View FIG ; 29A View FIG ). Ocelli absent. Gnathochilarium with (n = 1) or without (n = 2) division of mentum ( Fig. 29B View FIG ).

Crests on collum, dorsad of a well-developed lateral carina, nearly completely obliterated, pattern visible only as (4)5+m+5(4) extremely faint undulations at caudal margin ( Fig. 27A, B View FIG ). Carinotaxy of subsequent metaterga typical ( Fig. 27D View FIG ; 28D View FIG ), but only two crests present below rather strikingly elongated ozoporiferous tubercles; all other crests distinctly underdeveloped ( Figs 27A, D View FIG ; 28A, C View FIG ). From segment 7 or 8 on, median crest clearly doubled anteriorly ( Fig. 27D View FIG ). Midbody segments round in crosssection ( Fig. 28C View FIG ). A low, but evident, transverse pleural ridge present behind gonopod opening on male segment 7. Epiproct narrower caudally, hypoproct more narrowly emarginate at caudal margin ( Fig. 28B View FIG ).

Legs elongate ( Figs 27C View FIG ; 28C View FIG ; 29F View FIG ), longer than midbody height; claws strongly elongate, with a very small spine at base ( Fig. 28D View FIG ). Male legs 1 unusual in being fully leg-like, only very modestly reduced:a coxa, a 3-segmented telopodite and a claw supplied with a spine at base are all very clearly expressed ( Fig. 29C View FIG ); male legs 2 and 3 typical ( Fig. 29D, E View FIG ), but penes devoid of strong setae distolaterally.

Anterior gonopods with evident, subunciform protuberances at median corners of coxosternum ( Fig. 29G View FIG ). Posterior gonopods with a flagelliform and micropilose distal process ( Fig. 29H View FIG ).


Based on morphological evidence alone, this species seems to be a troglobite.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Zoological Museum, University of Amoy


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen

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