Geissois pentaphylla C.T.White

Fortune Hopkins, Helen C., 2006, Nomenclature and typification in Geissois (Cunoniaceae) in the South-West Pacific, Adansonia (3) 28 (2), pp. 311-327 : 322

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5187044

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scientific name

Geissois pentaphylla C.T.White


3. Geissois pentaphylla C.T.White View in CoL

Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 31: 86 (1950) ; C.T. White ex F.S. Walker , Forests of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate: 110 (1948), nom. inval., description in English. — Type (as given in protologue): “Santa Cruz Group:Vanikoro: near Lamia River, F.S. Walker BSIP 217 About BSIP , Nov. 1945 ”. — Lectotype (here designated): Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Group, Vanikoro, near Lamia R., lowland rain forest on fern-covered hillside subject to fire, 30.XI.1945, Walker BSIP 217 About BSIP (BRI! sheet no. 023150 [fl. and fr.]; isolecto-, BRI! sheet no. 023151, K! × 2; also A [fide Hoogland’s card index, but not listed in Harvard University Herbaria Index of Botanical Specimens, html, consulted 11 April 2006]).


Material at BRI (seen by me on loan at HO in December 2000) consists of two sheets: the lectotype has broken leaf material, flowers and fruits, and a typed sheet with the description from Walker (1948), and the isolectotype has mostly whole, detached leaflets and two packets. Both sheets have previously been labelled “ holotype ”.

The four sheets of Walker’s collection that I have seen all have labels from Queensland Herbarium, and although the collection number indicates “BSIP”, this specimen does not belong to the BSIP number series of the herbarium in Honiara (BSIP), which was not founded until 1965 ( Holmgren et al. 1990). Some later collections of this species, however, are numbered in the Honiara series.


Queensland Herbarium


Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery

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