Gaylussacia pseudogaultheria Chamisso & Schlechtendal (1826: 535)

Dalastra, Claudenice Hilda & Heiden, Gustavo, 2022, Ericaceae in Rio Grande do Sul state, Southern Brazil, Phytotaxa 564 (2), pp. 149-190 : 180-181

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.564.2.2


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Gaylussacia pseudogaultheria Chamisso & Schlechtendal (1826: 535)


3.3 Gaylussacia pseudogaultheria Chamisso & Schlechtendal (1826: 535) View in CoL .

Gaultheria hispida Sprengel (1825: View in CoL 28), nom. ileg. ≡ Lussacia hispida Sprengel (1827: 160) Adnaria hispida Kuntze (1891: 382) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL . Minas Gerais: Barbacena , “In Brasilia Tropica”, 1825, F . Sellow s.n. (syntypes BM [ BM000993615 ], image; BR [BR0000006996574], image!; E [E00292760], image!; F [V0055403F], image; G-DC [G00204390], image; HAL [HAL0098449, HAL0098450], image!; HBG [HBG515433] image!; K [K534702] image!; K [K534703], image!; K [K534704], image!; L [L0007283], image!; L [L0007214], image!; NY [NY0074], image!; NY [NY10075], image!; MPU [MPU012321], image!; P [P00647809], image!; W [W0050990], image!). [ Figs. 21–22 View FIGURE 21 View FIGURE 22 , 23 C View FIGURE 23 ]

= Vaccinium scabrum Pohl (1828: 37) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Barbacena, Registro Velho , September 1818, J.B.E. Pohl 194 (syntypes BR [ BR0000005068425 ], image!; F [ F0055560 V], image!; NY [ NY00162379 ], image!; W [ W0050989 ], image!).

Subshrubs, 0.2–0.8 m tall, base erect, crown profusely branched; stem smooth; branches tomentose, trichomes glandularheaded and scattered. Leaves slightly discolorous; surface pubescent; petioles rigid, 1.36–2.61 mm; blade oblong, to elliptic, sometimes oblanceolate, 1.73–2.99 cm × 0.6–1.08 cm; base rounded to obtuse, frequently subcordate; apex rounded to obtuse, mucronulate, with apical callous gland; margin entire to slightly revolute; sometimes seeming serrulate due to glandular-headed trichomes; adaxial surface lucid, puberulous to glabrescent mainly at midvein and at blade margins, with scattered glandular-headed trichomes; abaxial surface tomentose, glandular-headed trichomes mainly at midvein and blade margins, scattered punctate glands tawny to fawn-colored. Racemes axillary, apical, 5-16-flowered, pubescent to tomentose, with densely glandular-headed trichomes, 1.04–6.07 cm; pedicel 1.06–6.25 mm; floral bracts leafy, ovate to rhombic or elliptic, citrine and or redish in color, pubescent with glandular-headed trichomes and capitate glandular along the edge, 5.92–8.4 mm; bracteoles narrowly triangular to linear, 2.43–3.52 mm. Flowers with connate portion of calyx densely hispidulous glandular and with glandular-headed trichomes, lobes 1.87– 2.7 mm; corolla campanulate, white, 4.67–9.1 mm; staminal filaments tomentose, 0.87–2.48 mm; anthers 2.27–4.77 mm. Fruit a nuculanium, oblate, greenish/brownish when mature, 4.09–4.25 mm diam. × 2.27–2.57 mm high; seeds 1.7–1.84 mm. [ Figs. 21–22 View FIGURE 21 View FIGURE 22 ]

Etymology:—False Gaultheria L., due to the superficial resemblance with this genus.

Flowering and fruiting:—Flowering from September to February, and Fruiting from December to March.

Geographical distribution & habitat:— Brazil (BA, MG, SP, RJ, PR, SC, RS) ( Romão et al. 2022). In Rio Grande do Sul the species occurs in subtropical highland grasslands ( Fig. 23 C View FIGURE 23 ) in rocky hillsides and cliffs, basaltic outcrops, wet sandy soils, peat bogs, grasslands along cloud forests, and riverine forests, rarely in dry grasslands ( Fig. 21 A View FIGURE 21 ).

Conservation status:—EN in Rio Grande do Sul [B1, B2ab(iii)].– Gaylussacia pseudogaultheria was analyzed under criterium B of IUCN (2019) and the geographic range in the form of B1 (EOO) and B2 (AOO). The extent of occurrence of this species is 1,888.156 km ² and its area of occupancy is 20.000 km ², both placing it under category “Endangered” (EN). The occurrence in the state is limited to a few records and seems severely fragmented (subcriterium a). Moreover, the area, extent, and quality of habitat (subcriterium biii) are in continuous decline due its habitat specificity and the increasing anthropization of the native grasslands, mostly converted into monocultures and pasture for livestock. This species is not included in the Official List of Endangered Species of Brazilian Flora ( Martinelli & Moraes 2013), neither in the CNC Flora Red List (CNCFlora 2020) to Brazil. We recommend the inclusion of G. pseudogaultheria in the state´s red list, in the threat category “Endangered” (EN).

Examined specimens:— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: s.l. 19 January 1975, K . Hagelund 8731 ( HAS). Cambará do Sul, 17 December 2018, C. H . Dalastra 6 ( ICN); 11 December 1992, D. B . Falkenberg 5994 ( ICN, MBM); 27 December 1980, J . Goergem ( ICN 049991 View Materials ); January 1978, S . Boechat ( ICN 41928); -29.142495, -50.087782, 5 December 2015, F GoogleMaps . Gonzatti 2249 ( HUCS); 18 December 2018, C. H . Dalastra 16 ( ICN); -29.165212, -50.09699, 18 December 2018, C. H GoogleMaps . Dalastra 14 ( ICN); Parque Nacional dos Aparados da Serra , 13 December 1980, D. B . Falkenberg 47 ( FLOR); -29.075083, -49.974861, 4 November 2006, G. O GoogleMaps . Romão 1898 ( MBM, ICN). São Francisco de Paula , -29.458333, -50.613333, 4 March 2012, P. J. S GoogleMaps . Silva Filho 1552 ( ICN); 16 March 2007, M. L . Lorscheitter & L. R. M . Baptista ( ICN 172829 View Materials ). São José dos Ausentes, -28.8, -49.9525, 3 November 2006, G. O . Romão et al. 1861 ( ICN, HAS); BR 285 , -28.799722, -49.953056, 17 November 2016, G GoogleMaps . Heiden et al. 2334 ( ECT). Sapucaia do Sul [São Leopoldo], 5 September 1945, B . Rambo ( PACA 29498 About PACA ) .


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Bristol Museum


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


Royal Botanic Gardens


Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul


University of Copenhagen


University of Helsinki


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


University of the Witwatersrand


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile














Gaylussacia pseudogaultheria Chamisso & Schlechtendal (1826: 535)

Dalastra, Claudenice Hilda & Heiden, Gustavo 2022

Vaccinium scabrum

Pohl, J. B. E. 1828: )

Gaylussacia pseudogaultheria

Chamisso, A. & Schlechtendal, D. F. L. 1826: )
GBIF Dataset (for parent article) Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF