Gastrodia molloyi Lehnebach & J.R.Rolfe, 2016

Lehnebach, Carlos A., Rolfe, Jeremy R., Gibbins, Jasmine & Ricthie, Peter, 2016, Two new species of Gastrodia (Gastrodieae, Orchidaceae) endemic to New Zealand, Phytotaxa 277 (3), pp. 237-254 : 244-248

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.277.3.2


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scientific name

Gastrodia molloyi Lehnebach & J.R.Rolfe

sp. nov.

Gastrodia molloyi Lehnebach & J.R.Rolfe View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 )

Holotype:— NEW ZEALAND. North Island, Paraparaumu, Maungakotukutuku Valley, in Beilschmiedia tawa ( Cunningham 1838: 379) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk (1889: 257) forest, J. R. Rolfe GASlc1327 & M. Ward, 24 January 2014, WELT SP 104366 (Isotype: WELT SP 104369).

Diagnosis:— It resembles G. cooperae and G. sesamoides in the length of the column but it differs from G. cooperae by the yellow colour of the labellum tip and from G. sesamoides by the verrucose texture and golden-brown to dark green colour of the perianth.

Description:— Terrestrial, leafless, achlorophyllous, deciduous herb. Rhizome tuberous, fusiform, pale brown to blackish, often covered in papery scales. Plant (29.6)39.3–65.8(80) cm tall at flowering. Stem solitary, glabrous, golden brown to pale pink-greyish, with gray-whitish longitudinal streaks; (1.8)2.9–3.8(8.5) mm diameter. Stem bracts 3–5, papery, glabrous, sheathing. Inflorescence erect, terminal, flowers (12)20–31(55), densely arranged, non-resupinated, nectarless, scented, erect when developing and pendulous at anthesis. Floral bract papery, glabrous, deltoid, apex acute, (3.3)4.7–6.6(9.3) × 1.8–2.7 mm. Pedicel (1.1)3.1–4.3(6.6) mm long. Perianth tube (7.7)9.4–14.1 × (2.3)3–5.3(7.6) mm, greenish gold to golden brown, surface with pale green to gray wart-like elevations. Sepals slightly reflexed, white to pale green abaxially; margin entire to slightly irregular towards the apex; apex acuminate. Petals adnate to the tube formed by the sepals, oblong, 2.7–4.4 × 1.3–2 mm, white on both sides; margin irregular, apex obtuse. Labellum 7.8–10.5 mm long; adnate to the base of the perianth, fleshy. Hypochile yellow to orange, covered in pseudo-pollen, margin entire. Mesochile strongly contracted; margins entire. Epychile trilobed, white. Lateral margins incurved, entire in the basal portion then irregularly crenate to cristate towards the apex. Two bright yellow to orange, warty ridges extend from the basal section of the epychile to the middle section, where they join and extend as one towards the apex. Pseudo-pollen accumulates on both sides of the ridge. Labellum apex fleshy, yellow to orange. Column erect, 6.8–7.9 mm tall, narrow at base and wide towards the apex, 2.5–3.7 mm wide. The rostellum is flanked by one oblong or two deltoid column wings. Pollinia two, pollen joined into massulae; rostellum flap like, positioned under anther. Stigma at base of the column, ovate. Ovary (3.4)4.3–6.2(8.7) mm long, brown with a few grayish wart-like elevations. Capsules upright when mature; seeds pale brown.

Specimens studied:— NORTH ISLAND: Auckland, Great Barrier Island, Motairehe Stream, Taylor s.n., 7 Jan 1983, AK 271500 ; Auckland, Great Barrier Island , Motairehe Stream, Taylor s.n., 7 Jan 1983, AK 161005 ; Waikato, Maungatautari, Petrie s.n., Jan 1917, WELT SP019066 ; Bay of Plenty, Kaingaroa Forest , Purnell s.n., 28 Jan 1964, CHR 148365 View Materials ; East Coast, Gisborne, Awatere River , Petrie s.n., Jan 1897, WELT SP 019086 ; Hawke’s Bay, Puketitiri , Ball’s Clearing, Ecroyd s.n., 28 Jan 1989, NZFRI 17987 About NZFRI ; Hawke’s Bay, Waipukurau, Tukituki Bush, Andrew s.n., no date, WELT SP043709 ; Taranaki, New Plymouth, Arden s.n., no date, WELT SP019097 ; Wairarapa, Marangai Station , Rolfe GASlc1321 & Gibbins, 13 Dec 2013, WELT SP 102797 ; Wellington, Tararua Range, Smith Creek , Moore s.n., 7 Feb 1942, CHR 44681 View Materials ; Wellington, Tararua Range, Puffer Track, Molloy, 27 Nov 1989, CHR 584233 View Materials ; Wellington, Orongorongo River, Green Stream, Huzziff s.n., 11 Jan 1971, CHR 586385 View Materials . SOUTH ISLAND: Nelson, The Brook Waimarama Sanctuary, Ecroyd s.n., 8 Feb 2014, WELT SP 104441 ; Nelson, Wairoa Gorge, Kirk s.n., 18 Jan 1896, WELT SP43710 ; Marlborough, Queen Charlotte Sound, Resolution Bay, Beever 9145, 7 Jan 1992, AK 208132 ; Marlborough, Cloudy Bay, Macmillan 95/25 & Aiken, 20 Jan 1995, CHR 506634 View Materials ; Marlborough, Kaikoura, Mount Fyffe Road , de Lange 3232, 7 Feb 1997, AK 232679 ; Tasman, Kikiwa, Allan, 26 Jan 1929, CHR 1091 View Materials ; Tasman, Lake Rotoroa , Godley s.n. & Lyon, Jan 1974, CHR 285331 View Materials ; Tasman, Lake Rotoroa, D’Urville River delta, Simpson 2502, 1 Feb 1961, CHR 118811 View Materials ; West Coast, Otira, Kellys Creek , Petrie, Jan 1893, AK 3679 ; Canterbury, Christchurch , Banks Peninsula, Gebbies Pass, Wilson BP902 & Robertson, 10 Dec 1985, CHR 493283 View Materials ; Otago, Waikouaiti River , Johnson 604, 11 Jan 1987, CHR 436735 View Materials ; Otago, Dunedin , Town Belt, Bannister s.n., Mar 1985, OTA 042142 About OTA ; Southland, Tapanui, Rolfe GASlc1329 & Lazare, 4 Feb 2014, WELT SP 104429 ); Southland, Te Anau, Eglinton Valley , Knobs Flat, Scott s.n., 11 Feb 1966, OTA 014949 About OTA ; Southland, Lake Manapouri , Shallow Bay, Johnson s.n., 18 Jan 1970, OTA 028525 About OTA ; Southland, Otautau , Holt Park, Rennell s.n., 16 Mar 2003, CHR 622449 View Materials ; Southland, Invercargill, Esler s.n., 3 Feb 2014, WELT SP 104436 . STEWART ISLAND: Halfmoon Bay, Wilson 798-260 & Tindal , 10 Feb 1980, CHR 368819 View Materials .

Etymology:— The epithet of the species honours Brian P. J. Molloy (1930–) for his important contributions to the study and conservation of the New Zealand flora in general, especially orchids, and for his early insights about the distinctiveness of this species.

Distribution:— Endemic to New Zealand. North Island (south of Auckland), South Island and Stewart Island ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 ).

Habitat:— Gastrodia molloyi is commonly found on disturbed sites including, for example, under Salix viminalis Linnaeus (1753: 1021) and S. fragilis Linnaeus (1753: 1017) alongside flood-prone waterways, amongst trackside exotic weeds and grasses including Holcus lanatus Linnaeus (1753: 1048) , Rubus armeniacus Focke (1874: 183) and Trifolium repens Linnaeus (1753: 767) in forest dominated by Lophozonia menziesii ( Hooker 1844: t. 852) Heenan & Smissen (2013: 16), and under Pinus pinea Linnaeus (1753: 1000) in a private garden. It is also known from indigenous forests dominated by Beilschmiedia tawa , Kunzea robusta or Nothofagaceae species and scrublands dominated by Kunzea species or Leptospermum scoparium Forster & Forster (1775: 72) . As with other Gastrodia species it may be found singly, in groups of a few stems, or in large numbers.

Phenology:—Flowering in December to March; fruiting in January to April.

Conservation status:— Gastrodia molloyi is widespread throughout most of NZ south of Auckland. It is, therefore, regarded as ‘Not Threatened’ using the criteria of Townsend et al. (2008).


University of the Witwatersrand


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa - Herbarium


Instituto de Botânica

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