Gamasomorpha taprobanica Simon, 1893

Eichenberger, Beata, Kranz-Baltensperger, Yvonne, Ott, Ricardo, Graber, Werner, Nentwig, Wolfgang & Kropf, Christian, 2012, Morphology of new Indian / Indonesian Gamasomorpha and Xestaspis species (Araneae: Oonopidae) 3160, Zootaxa 3160 (1), pp. 1-68 : 43

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3160.1.1


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Gamasomorpha taprobanica Simon, 1893


Gamasomorpha taprobanica Simon, 1893 View in CoL

( Figs. 32–34 View FIGURE 32 View FIGURE 33 View FIGURE 34 )

Gamasomorpha taprobanica Simon, 1893:303 View in CoL (in part, 3 males 2 females)

Gamasomorpha nigripalpis Simon 1893:304 (in part, 1 male, 2 females, misident.)

Type material examined: Lectotype male: Sri Lanka ( PBI_OON_00005526 ), deposited at MNHN ( AR 5705 About MNHN ) ; Paralectotypes: 2 females, same data and same vial as lectotype ; 2 males, same locality as lectotype ( PBI_OON_00025594 ) split from the herein designed lectotype vial, deposited at MNHN. Remarks: original vial received with label “MUSEUM PARIS AR 5705; 15082 Gamasomorpha taprobanica E.S.; Maturara - Nuwala Eliya!”; Simon, 1893 refers to Maturata (with a “t”) and Nuwara Eliya (Nuwara with a “r”), both places located in Central Sri Lanka at 1000-1300 m altitude .

Diagnosis: G. taprobanica differs from other Gamosomorpha species by the following combination of characters: Sternum with rows of large, droplike pits between coxae I-II, II-III and III-IV (figs. 32. C, 33. C, 34. A); small, elliptic and raised booklung covers with smooth surface and characteristic dorsoanterior tubercle combined with an almost contiguous suprapedicelar main ridge and with second, upper, downwards curved, scutal ridge (fig. 33. F); male palp, conductor (basal piece) distally stout and subquadrate, with a large, semicircular, ventral excavation (figs. 32. E–G); female genitalia with squared and elongated receptaculum as long as the posterior spiracle apodemes (figs. 34. B–D).

Description: MALE: Body length 2.38. Uniformely orange-brown colored species, legs pale orange (figs. 32. A–C). Carapace broadly oval in dorsal view (fig. 32. A); pars cephalica quite strongly elevated in lateral view (fig. 32. B), without posterolateral spikes and pits, surface sides granulate (fig. 32. A), carapace lateral margin straight from dorsal view. Anterior lateral eyes largest, oval, posterior median eyes and posterior lateral eyes circular (fig. 32. D). Sternum anterior margin with continuous transverse groove. Abdomen anteriorly extending far dorsal of pedicel, surrounding pedicel, scuto-pedicel region with widely W-shaped scutal ridge (see fig. 33. F); pedicel tube with small, dorsolateral, blunt extensions (see fig. 33. F); booklung covers small, elliptical, anterolateral edge with tubercle, slightly elevated from surface. Postepigastric scutum with short, posteriorly directed lateral apodemes. Legs patella plus tibia I shorter than carapace. No detailed description on promarginal chelicerae setae, serrula, grooves on lateral margin of sternum, trichobothria hood structure, tarsal organ and scopula between claws. Male genitalia (figs. 32. E–K): Similar to G. asterobothros n. sp. with a long slender, lamellar embolus, adjacent to an embolic accessory appendage and a lamellar conductor. Embolus with subdistal retrolateral spermatic opening, without prolateral excavation, distally stout and indented, mesal embolic acessory appendage shorter than embolus, with dorsoanterior row of small teeth and a ventral projected lamellar appendix. Conical extension fairly pronounced. Cymbium not extending beyond distal tip of bulb.

FEMALE: Body length 2.39. Sternum anterior margin unmodified. Mouthparts setae sparse, not as dense as in male. Booklung covers smooth, slightly elevated from surface. Epigastric scutum without lateral joints. Female genitalia: Ventral view (fig. 33. C): Without external features. Ventral view (figs. 34. B, D): with independent internal genital sclerite semi-attached to the anterior border of the abdominal ventral plate; anterior apodemes of genital independent sclerite present, reaching to the anterior portion of the spiracle interconnecting groove; receptaculum well delimited, squared, elongated, anterior portion position around the area between the anterior border of ventral plate and tracheal spiracle interconnecting groove, as long as posterior spiracle apodemes; robust dorsal glandular duct as long as receptaculum, connecting from the anterior paddle-like sclerite to the dorsal part of the receptaculum at some point at the posterior 3/4 portion of this one.

Other material: 1 male and 2 females, Sri Lanka ( PBI_OON_00005505 ), deposited at MNHN ( AR 5701 ). Remark: vial labeled “MUSEUM PARIS AR 5701; 15229 Gamasomorpha nigripalpis E.S; Colombo! Galle!”, clear misidentification; Colombo and Galle are located at the southwest coast of Sri Lanka. The problems around Simons type material of this species are discussed in Platnick et al. 2011 (The goblin spider genus Brignolia ( Araneae , Oonopidae ) (see PBI homepage)).

Distribution: Sri Lanka

Intraspecific variation: Males, total 2.38-2.52 mm, cephalothorax 1.07-1.12 mm, abdomen dorsal scutum 1.21- 1.55 mm; females, total 2.39-2.73 mm, cephalothorax 1.01-1.08 mm, abdomen dorsal scutum 1.59-1.74 mm.


France, Paris, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle














Gamasomorpha taprobanica Simon, 1893

Eichenberger, Beata, Kranz-Baltensperger, Yvonne, Ott, Ricardo, Graber, Werner, Nentwig, Wolfgang & Kropf, Christian 2012

Gamasomorpha taprobanica

Simon 1893: 303

Gamasomorpha nigripalpis

Simon 1893: 304
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