Fartmanntettix undulatus Tan & Tumbrinck, 2024

Tan, Ming Kai, Tumbrinck, Josef, Rivera, Rodrin R. & Nuñeza, Olga Macas, 2024, A new genus and a new species of Cladonotinae (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from Mindanao, Philippines, Zootaxa 5506 (2), pp. 194-204 : 198-200

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5506.2.2

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scientific name

Fartmanntettix undulatus Tan & Tumbrinck

sp. nov.

Fartmanntettix undulatus Tan & Tumbrinck , sp. nov.

( Figs 2–5 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 )

Material examined. Holotype: PHILIPPINES: Mindanao Island: Misamis Occidental province: Don Victoriano Chiongbian: Lake Duminagat Barangay • ♂; Mount Malindang Natural Park , abandoned Abacá plantation near Lake Linao ; N8.30801, E123.61720, 1571.0± 8.1 m.a.s.l; 9 January 2024, 10h00; among wet decaying Abacá plant on the ground; coll. M.K. Tan; MIN.24.24 ( PNM). GoogleMaps

Paratype (allotype): PHILIPPINES: Mindanao Island: Misamis Occidental province: Don Victoriano Chiongbian: Lake Duminagat Barangay • 1♀; same locality as holotype; 9 January 2024, 10h00; among wet decaying Abacá plant on the ground; coll. M.K. Tan; MIN.24.25 ( ZRC) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Refer to the genus diagnosis.

Etymology. The species name refers to undulating carinae on the pronotum and femora.

Description. Habitus as shown in Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 . Different shades of brown, ranging from pale brown to dark brown, well camouflaged against leaf litter on the ground.

Head: In frontal view ( Figs 4A View FIGURE 4 , 5A View FIGURE 5 ): antennal groove inserted at lower margin of eyes, less than half a diameter of antennal groove below lower margin of eyes. Fastigium convex, carinae forming short horns. Face with numerous tiny white nodules. Frontal costa as long as half eye height in anterior view. Bifurcation of frontal costa in line with middle of eye; at widest between antennal groove; narrow ventrally just dorsal of median ocellus. Facial carinae slightly curved. Compound eyes hemispheric, not exerted above vertex. Lateral ocelli above antennal groove, at middle of eye just before bifurcation of frontal costa. In dorsal view ( Figs 4B View FIGURE 4 , 5B View FIGURE 5 ): apex of fastigium in line with frontal margin of eyes, emarginated at middle. Vertex 1.5–1.7 times wider than eye width. Lateral and median carinae of fastigium distinct, not surpassing apex of fastigium. In lateral view ( Figs 4C View FIGURE 4 , 5C View FIGURE 5 ): frontal costa arched and well protruding in front of eyes. Antenna of female, excluding scapus and pedicel, with 11 segments. 8 th segment significantly wider over the entire length than other segments. Mouthparts mostly brown to grey with small palecoloured nodules. Maxillary palps pale coloured with tint of grey; with segments stout and apical segment somewhat oval.

Pronotum: Pronotal process rugose, particularly at anterior half; reaching apex of posterior leg; 1.8–2.0 times longer than wide (pronotal lateral lobe width). In dorsal view ( Figs 2A View FIGURE 2 , 3A View FIGURE 3 ): Anterior margin of prozona straight, without processes pointing anteriorly, at middle faintly emarginated. Median carina distinct throughout length of pronotum, flanked by a network of irregular carinae. Prozona carina distinct, more or less parallel; interhumeral carina distinct, faintly curved, diverging posteriorly. Posterior half of pronotal process rugose and punctuated. Apex narrow and subacute, with small emargination. Lower margin of lateral lobe of pronotum bluntly triangular with obtuse angle. Apical end of pronotal disc acute ( Fig. 4D View FIGURE 4 ). In lateral view ( Figs 2B View FIGURE 2 , 3B View FIGURE 3 ): with median carina strongly and irregularly undulated, most prominent at anterior half and highest between prozona and interhumeral carinae; prozona and interhumeral carinae roundly raised ( Fig. 4C View FIGURE 4 ). At posterior half with two pairs of metamedian carina distinctly raised, the anterior ones higher than the posterior ones but not as high as interhumeral carina. Infrascapular area very broad, external lateral carina angularly sinuous. Angle of ventral sinus between lateral shoulder and lateral lobe deep and rounded.

Legs: Anterior and middle legs generally dark-brown coloured. Anterior femur with dorsal and ventral carinae undulated; dorsal carina forming two low nodules; ventral carina slightly distal of middle having triangular nodule with white apex and slightly basal of middle with nodule smaller and less distinct ( Figs 4E View FIGURE 4 , 5D View FIGURE 5 ). Anterior tibia dark coloured with three pale rings: one at base, large one at middle, small one just before apex ( Figs 4E View FIGURE 4 , 5D View FIGURE 5 ). Middle femur with dorsal and ventral carinae also undulating, forming each three weak peaks ( Figs 4F View FIGURE 4 , 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Middle tibia not different from anterior tibiae ( Figs 4F View FIGURE 4 , 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Posterior femur about 2.5–2.6 times longer than wide, about 1.1–1.2 times longer than posterior tibia. Dorsal margin with clear undulating carinae ( Figs 4G View FIGURE 4 , 5G View FIGURE 5 ); in dorsal view showing three nodules, largest one at middle, smallest one slightly after middle ( Figs 4H View FIGURE 4 , 5F View FIGURE 5 ). Antegenicular and genicular teeth distinct, triangular; at apex antegenicular tooth rounded, genicular teeth acute ( Figs 4G View FIGURE 4 , 5G View FIGURE 5 ). Posterior knee at apex nodular ( Figs 4G View FIGURE 4 , 5G View FIGURE 5 ). Posterior tibia at base dark coloured, becoming slightly lighter in colouration; with five spines on each lateral margin, with numerous spinules between these large dorsal spines ( Figs 4I View FIGURE 4 , 5H View FIGURE 5 ). Basal article of posterior tarsus generally pale coloured, 0.9–1.2 times as long as apical article; middle article dark coloured and very short; apical article white, except apex being black ( Figs 4I View FIGURE 4 , 5H View FIGURE 5 ).

Abdomen: Tergites and sternites typically dark coloured with some sparse patches of pale spots.

Male. Area between prozona carinae distinctly cream-coloured, colouration extending laterally into lateral lobe anterior of sulcus ( Figs 4B, 4C View FIGURE 4 ).

Female ( Figs 5I, 5J View FIGURE 5 ). Cercus tiny ( Fig. 5I View FIGURE 5 ). Subgenital plate elongated, at middle with distinct longitudinal carina, broadest at middle, gently tapering into broadly truncated apex; at middle of apex with rounded lobule and some setae ( Fig. 5J View FIGURE 5 ). Ovipositor long and slender ( Fig. 5I View FIGURE 5 ).

Measurements (in mm). ♂ holotype: BL = 7.9; VW = 0.80; EW = 0.53; SW = 0.21; MAL =?; MAW =?; 1 stAW = 0.27; PL = 6.9; PW = 3.8; PH = 2.3; IAH = 0.4; PAW = 2.1; PPW = 0.2; FFL = 2.0; FFW = 0.6; MFL = 2.1; MFW = 0.6; HFL = 4.5; HFW = 1.8; HTL = 3.8; 1 st TaL = 0.69; 3 rd TaL = 0.73.

♀ allotype: BL = 8.7; VW = 0.85; EW = 0.51; SW = 0.24; MAL = 0.50; MAW = 0.07; 1 stAW = 0.28; PL = 7.8; PW = 4.0; PH = 2.4; IAH = 0.4; PAW = 2.2; PPW = 0.3; FFL = 2.2; FFW = 0.6; MFL = 2.4; MFW = 0.6; HFL = 5.0; HFW = 1.9; HTL = 4.4; 1 st TaL = 0.86; 3 rd TaL = 0.74; SGPL = 2.25; SGPW = 1.56; OVDL = 2.7; OVDW = 0.6; OVVL = 2.8; OVVW = 0.4.

Ecology. The species was found dwelling and well-camouflaged among wet decaying Abacá ( Musa textilis , a banana species endemic to the Philippines) stem and leaves on the ground among abandoned Abacá plantation ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE6 ). The species can also be found to coexist with other Tetrigidae , including unknown members of Pseudoparatettix Günther, 1937 , Systolederus ? Bolívar, 1887, Thoradonta ? Hancock, 1909, Xistra Bolívar, 1887 and Diotarus verrucifer Stål, 1877 .

Type locality. PHILIPPINES (Mindanao Island: Misamis Occidental province: Don Victoriano Chiongbian: Lake Duminagat Barangay: Mount Malindang Natural Park)

Distribution. PHILIPPINES (Mindanao Island: Mount Malindang Natural Park)


Philippine National Museum


Zoological Reference Collection, National University of Singapore


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