Excalidiopsis bramanti, Rukmane-B‚rbale, 2022

Rukmane-B ‚ rbale, Anita, 2022, Anew genus and two new species of the tribe Celeuthetini Lacordaire, 1863 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from the Philippines, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 22 (2), pp. 421-428 : 425-427

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13203082

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Excalidiopsis bramanti

sp. nov.

Excalidiopsis bramanti View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 2 View Figure 2 , 3B, E View Figure 3 )

Type material. Holotype. Male. “ PHILIPPINES / Palawan / Brokes Point / X. 2018 /

local collector leg.” (white rectangular label, printed) // “ HOLOTYPE / Male / Excalidiopsis bramanti Rukmane­B‚rbale, 2022” (red rectangular label, printed) ( DUBC) .

Paratypes (3, 2): “ PHILIPPINES / Palawan / Brokes Point / IX. 2018 / local collector leg.” (2, 2) // “ PHILIPPINES / Palawan / Brokes Point / X. 2018 / local collector leg.” (1) (white rectangular labels, printed). With additional red label: “ PARATYPE / Exlacidiopsis bramanti Rukmane­B‚rbale, 2022” ( DUBC) .

Description. Male. Measurements: LB: 7.4­ 8.3 (holotype 7.8, mean 7.87); LP: 2.0­ 2.7 (holotype 2.2, mean 2.3); LE: 5.4­ 5.7 (holotype 5.6, mean 5.57); LR: 1.4­ 1.5 (holotype 1.4, mean 1.42); WP: 2.1­ 2.2 (holotype 2.1, mean 2.1); WE: 4.1­ 4.4 (holotype 4.4, mean 4.22); WR: 1.1­1.2 (holotype 1.2, mean 1.17). N=4 for all measurements. Dorsal habitus as shown in Fig. 2A View Figure 2 .

Body rather big, with markings of shiny green scales of round to eliptic shape; prothorax and elytra strongly rugose, head punctured at apical part, rostrum and legs strongly punctured in all length.

Forehead dorsally with longitudinal medial groove, separated from rostrum by sulcus at medial portion between eyes; eyes small, unprominent from outline of the head dorsally, widest just in the middle; rostrum longer than wide, LR/WR: 1.17; marked with round scales dorsally at basal half; eliptic shape scales at lateral parts along apical half; mingled with short light hairs in all length; antennal scrobes with dorsal furrow less sharp, wide V­shaped, peak rounded, just before the middle. Antennal scape without green scales in all length; segments of funicle I to VII subequal in length except segment II, segment II 1.5 times longer than rest, marked with round green scales; club slightly longer than wide, divided into three equal parts.

Prothorax nearly same length and width, LP/ WP: 1.05; with the following markings of shiny green scales: 1) longidutinal medial line medially at disc in all length; 2) narrow longitudinal line at each dorso­lateral part in all length; 3) ventral part sparsely covered with round scales; dorsal contour widest just before the middle, in lateral contour slightly bulged.

Elytra ovate, bulged, longer than wide: LE/WE: 1.27; apex more or less rounded; finer granulation, intervals less pronounced; each elytron with the following markings of shiny green scales: 1) three elongated patches at basal part, two from subbasal to basal 1/3, one along interval III, second redirected laterally and one just before the middle along intervals IV to V; 2) one medial patch along interval VII; 3) four patches at apical part, two at apicl 1/2, one along interval III and one along interval V, two more patches along interval III, one at subapical part, one before apex; 4) two sutural patches, one just before the middle, one at apical 3/4; 5) three small patches along lateral margin scattered in all length.

Female. Measurements: LB: 8.3­ 8.4 (mean 8.35); LP: 2.5; LW: 5.8­ 5.9 (mean 5.85); LR: 1.5; WP: 2.3­ 2.4 (mean 2.35); WE: 4.9­ 5.0 (mean 4.95); WR: 1.3­ 1.4 (mean 1.35). N=2 for all measurements. Dorsal habitus as shown in Fig. 2B View Figure 2 .

Differential analyses. The new species is similar to E. palawanensis sp. nov., differences between species are lister in description of E. palawanensis sp. nov.

Distribution. Palawan Island.

Etymology. The new species is named after enthusiastic entomologists, brothers Bramanti Alessandro and Andrea (Lucca, Itally) in appreciation of their contribution to Curculionid taxonomy, especially to fauna of Palawan Island.

Mimicry. The species consist in mimetic relationship with Expachyrhynchus granulatus Yoshitake, 2013 .

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