Eupolymnia magnifica ( Webster, 1884 )

Londoño-Mesa, Mario H., 2009, Terebellidae (Polychaeta: Terebellida) from the Grand Caribbean region 2320, Zootaxa 2320 (1), pp. 1-93 : 28-31

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.2320.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Eupolymnia magnifica ( Webster, 1884 )


Eupolymnia magnifica ( Webster, 1884) View in CoL

Figures 7 View FIGURE 7 D-K

Terebella magnifica, Webster, 1884:324 View in CoL , Pl. XI. Figs 58–60.— Welsh, 1934:339–345, Figs 1–8 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 .

Eupolymnia magnifica, Treadwell, 1924:17–18 View in CoL .

Eupolymnia nebulosa, Kritzler, 1984:52–57 View in CoL , Figs 52–53, 54A-D.— Londoño-Mesa & Carrera-Parra, 2005:15–17 View Cited Treatment , Figs 4 View FIGURE 4 D-F (non Montagu, 1818).

Type material: Syntypes USNM 4799 About USNM (10) Bermuda, 1876–77; Coll. by G.B. Goode, Rec. from Wesleyan University; Id. by H.E. Webster. Additional label: Eupolymnia crassicornis (Schmarda) Id. By M.L. Jones , 8.XI.1976 .

Additional material: Florida: AMNH 345 (3) Dry Tortugas, Florida, 1909, (as Polymnia (Terebella) magnifica Webster, 1884 ). UMML 22.204 (1) Sta. 106, 18.III.1939 (as Amphitrite ornata ). UMML 22.206 View Materials (3) Sta. 106 , 18.III.1939 (as Amphitrite ornata ). UMML 22.995 View Materials (2) Florida , CRR-F-296 (no more data). UMML 22.996 View Materials (1) Hopetown Reef, 318AH-26 (no more data). UMML 22.997 View Materials (1) Florida, 0504–7 ; 7.X.1971. Mexican Caribbean : Quintana Roo State: ECOSUR TERE-10 (1) Mujeres Island (21º13'39.7"N 86º43'53.5"W) GoogleMaps , 26.V.1962. TERE-10 (1) Puerto Morelos (21º36'53.2"N 87º04'31.9"W) GoogleMaps , 13.IX.1986. TERE-10 (2) Aventuras Beach (20º20'15.5"N 87º20'31.7"W) GoogleMaps , 22.III.1992, 2m, under coralline rock. TERE-10 QR7 (1) Chankanaab , Cozumel Island (20º25'53.3"N 87º00'19.3"W) GoogleMaps , 2.IV.1992. TERE-10 QR8 (2) Xcacel (20°20'17.2"N 87°20'50.6"W) GoogleMaps , 3.IV.1992, under rocks. TERE-10 M27 (1) Xahuayxol (18º30'15"N 87º45'32"W) GoogleMaps , 1.X.1996. TERE-10 (3) Xahuayxol (18º30'15"N 87º45'32"W) GoogleMaps , 1.X.1996. TERE-10 (1) Blanca Island (21º20'16.8"N 86º47'40.4"W) GoogleMaps , V.1997. TERE-10 (2) Majahual (18º40'09.6"N 87º43'01.4"W) GoogleMaps , 21.VII.1998, 1.5m. TERE-10 (5) Camping , Contoy Island (21º30'08.4"N 86º47'45.3"W) GoogleMaps , 23.II.1999. TERE-10 (3) Corona Beach , Cozumel Island (20º22'18"N 86º01'27"W) GoogleMaps , 25.II.1999. TERE-10 (2) Majahual , 21.III.2000. TERE-10 (1) Majahual (18º40'09.6"N 87º43'01.4"W) GoogleMaps , 22.III.2000, 2m. TERE-10 (1) Majahual (18º40'09.6"N 87º43'01.4"W) GoogleMaps , 19.I.2001. TERE-10 (19) Southern windward, Contoy Island (21º27'05"N 86º47'02"W) GoogleMaps , 28.II.2001. TERE-10 (2) Camping , Contoy Island (21º30'08.4"N 86º47'45.3"W) GoogleMaps , 1.III.2001. TERE-10 (4) Southern windward, Contoy Island (21º27'05"N 86º47'02"W) GoogleMaps , 2.III.2001. TERE-10 (1) Pelicanos , Contoy Island (21º29'N 86º47'03"W) GoogleMaps , 3.III.2001. TERE-10 (1) Rio Indio (18º54'15.4"N 87º38'36.1"W) GoogleMaps , 17.III.2001, in seagrass. TERE-10 (1) Northern Majahual (18º43'08.4"N 86º47'45.3"W) GoogleMaps , 18.III.2001. TERE-10 (1) Playa Azul , Cozumel Island , 25.III.2001. TERE-10 (1) Southern Cozumel Island (20º17'17.6"N 87º00'21.3"W) GoogleMaps , 26.III.2001, 3m. TERE-10 (3) Xcalac (18°15'56"N 87°49'45"W) GoogleMaps , 14.VI.2001; 2.5m. TERE-10 (8) Northern Majahual (18º43'08.4"N 86º47'45.3"W) GoogleMaps , 18.V.2002, in dead coral. TERE-10 (3) Xahuayxol (18º30'15"N 87º45'32"W) GoogleMaps , 2.VIII.2002, 1.5–2m. TERE-10 (1) Northern Cozumel Island , R /V “Edwin Link” Sta. 2772 (20º39'35.4"N 86º49'38.4"W), 19.VIII.1990. TERE-10 (1) Southern Chinchorro Bank, R/V “Edwin Link” Sta. 2777 (18º26'01.2"N 87º18'49.2"W), 21.VIII.1990; 237.4m. TERE-10 (4) Eastern Mujeres Island, R/V “Edwin Link” Sta. 2792 (21º14N 86º36W) GoogleMaps , 28.VIII. 1990, 157.6m. UQROO E-6 (2) Chacmochuk (21º21'22.2"N

86º50'22.2"W), 5.IV.2000. Antilles: AMNH 345 (3) Dry Tortugas, Florida, 1909 (as Polymnia (Terebella) magnifica ). AMNH 1432 (1) Andros Island, Bahamas, III-IV.1908 (as Loimia (Terebella) magnifica ). AMNH 1473 (3) Cuba, 31.VII.1918 (date when received) (as Terebella (Loimia) magnifica ). MCZ 46992 (1) La Parguera, Puerto Rico, 25.I.1971. ZMA V.Pol. 5314 (1) Caracoles Cay, Fosforescente Bay, La Parguera, Puerto Rico (17º58'20"N 67º00'52"W), 2.XII.1963. ZMA V.Pol. 1618 (4) Curaçao, Fuik Baai, E corner, 28.X.1967; Rhizophora , mud, 0–0.5m. Panama: MCZ 455A (2) Panama, 29.III.2002 (as E. regnans by A. Agassiz).

Description: Best syntype complete, 136 segments, 157mm long, thorax 22mm long, 10mm wide. Body grey with brown rings in life, and light brown in preservation. Thorax swollen ( Fig. 7D View FIGURE 7 ), tapering posteriorly; abdomen with visible segmentation. Tentacular membrane narrow, with rounded edge; eyespots absent ( Fig. 7E View FIGURE 7 ). Tentacles long, numerous. Upper lip short, wider than long, with free edge projected forwards. Lower lip visible, wide and swollen, laterally limited by tentacular membrane lobes. Three pairs of lateral lappets, short, margins folded, slightly increasing in size, from segment 2; first pair more ventral and narrower than others; third pair inserted more laterally. Fifteen ventral shields, laterally enlarged, and decreasing in size, with longitudinal wrinkles; abdomen with mid-ventral longitudinal groove. Nephridial papillae on segments 3–5, large, cylindrical, placed between noto- and neuropodia ( Fig. 7E View FIGURE 7 ); papillae on segments 6–10 ( Fig. 7F View FIGURE 7 , observed in additional specimens) shorter, rounded, surrounded by whitish notopodial glandular tissue. Branchiae branched, cauliflower-shaped, decreasing in length posteriorly; first pair almost twice as long as second, and second somewhat longer than third pair; three to four levels of ramification, with short digitate filaments ( Fig. 7G View FIGURE 7 ). Seventeen pairs of notopodia; notochaetae thin, symmetrically bilimbate, with long limbs, distally tapering, with longitudinal striations ( Fig. 7H View FIGURE 7 ); dorsal chaetae longer than ventral ones, in same fascicle. Uncini from segments 5–10 in single rows ( Fig. 7I View FIGURE 7 ); uncini MF:2; PP smoothly developed, PF thin, sometimes not easy to see; lower Oc concave, upper Oc convex; Cp with 2 teeth above MF, as long as less than one half MF; Sr narrow, USr concave; SrP developed, conical to rounded, at same level and near to MF tip; LSr concave, shorter and more sloped than USr; AP rounded, slightly developed; AF thin, sometimes not visible; Bs more concave in anterior middle region, and twice as long as high. Uncini from segment 11–20 in double intercalated rows, similar to those in single rows ( Fig. 7J View FIGURE 7 ). Abdominal uncini ( Fig. 7K View FIGURE 7 ) MF:2; PP conical, PF thin, long, sometimes not visible; lower Oc concave, upper Oc convex; Cp with 2 teeth above MF, as long as less than half of MF; Sr wide, USr slightly concave; SrP reduced; LSr straight; AP long and rounded, projected forwards; AF absent; Bs slightly concave. Abdominal neuropodia well developed. Pygidium circular, with 18–19 anal papillae. Tube made of large fragments of coral, shell and foraminifera, attached to thin membrane; tube can be more than 200mm long and 18–20mm wide, attached to rocks.

Staining pattern: All ventral shields stain deeply; the first 5–6 shields stain almost completely, appearing as thin lines near to anterior and posterior edges with no stain; rest of shields stain completely. Notopodial glandular tissue stains strongly, when present; other structures, e.g. tentacles, branchiae, and lateral lappets, do not stain.

Variations: Complete syntypes with 124–136 segments, 115–157mm long; thorax 21–35mm long and 7– 10mm wide. Additional specimens smaller, thorax 13–17mm long and 4–7mm wide. Nevertheless, these worms are fragile, having gelatinous consistency, and some variation could be due to the way the worms were relaxed and fixed. This consistency also makes the specimens susceptible to easily being fragmented in middle abdomen when collected. Complete specimens have 119–135 segments and 80–160mm long; thus, as they are more variable in length, possibly individuals grow by expanding segments rather than by the addition of new segments. Nephridial papillae could be on segments 3–5 or 3–9, possibly depending on the breeding season. One specimen from Chacmochuk ( UQROO E-6) is complete, with 75 segments, 21mm long, thorax 5mm long and 3mm wide; it has branchiae and nephridial papillae dark, with body pale. Specimen MCZ 46992 presumably had ontogenetic problems since it only has 16 pairs of notopodia, and five pairs of neuropodia with uncini in single rows, lacking one of the segments with uncini in single rows; the other characters presented by this specimen match with those described above.

Discussion: Eupolymnia magnifica was originally described as Terebella , but Hessle (1917) suggested that it could be better placed in Polymnia (now Eupolymnia ), without any comment. Treadwell (1924) followed Hessle’s statement and reported E. magnifica from Dry Tortugas. Nevertheless, Augener (1925) regarded this species as a junior synonym of Eupolymnia crassicornis ( Schmarda, 1861) , only because of the similar uncini shape. Hartman (1959) suggested that T. magnifica probably belonged to an unnamed genus, and Holthe (1986b) considered Terebella magnifica as a valid species.

On the other hand, this species has been confused and widely reported in the Caribbean region, according to Salazar-Vallejo (1996) and Londoño-Mesa and Carrera-Parra (2005), as Eupolymnia nebulosa ( Montagu, 1818) (originally described from England). Nevertheless, a detailed study and comparison of the uncini presented by these specimens and those from the type and near-by localities ( NHM 1910.2.1./45?6; NHM 1969.56; NHM 1971.137: LACM-AHF SMF4647; ZMA V.Pol. 2470, 1158, 1159), reveal consistent differences. Although no strong differences in chaetal shape were found, since both species present smooth bilimbate chaetae, distally tapering ( Fig. 7L View FIGURE 7 ), specimens from England have uncini from segment 5 MF:2:0–1 ( Fig. 7M View FIGURE 7 ), with Sr wider; USr longer and flat; LSr shorter, lower but parallel to Usr; Bs is curved only in the third anterior region, and more than three times as long as tall; LCp is straight and UCp is concave. The uncini from segment 11 also show some differences ( Fig. 7N View FIGURE 7 ); they are MF:2:0–1, with BS more curved than those anteriorly described, and PP more developed. Finally, uncini from segment 25 are more similar to those of the Caribbean specimens ( Fig. 7O View FIGURE 7 ), but with the SrP better developed, and Bs more curved from AP to PP. These apparently small differences in uncinal shape are regarded as consistent and sufficient as to conclude that the specimens reported and identified in the Caribbean as Eupolymnia nebulosa ( Montagu, 1818) belong to Eupolymnia magnifica ( Webster, 1884) . This species was compared with E. crassicornis and E. rullieri . For information about these comparisons, see the discussion section for each of this species.

Type locality: Bermuda .

Distribution: Grand Caribbean region; intertidal to 237m.


American Museum of Natural History


University of Miami Marine Laboratory


El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Mexico)


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Universiteit van Amsterdam, Zoologisch Museum














Eupolymnia magnifica ( Webster, 1884 )

Londoño-Mesa, Mario H. 2009

Eupolymnia nebulosa, Kritzler, 1984:52–57

Londono-Mesa, M. H. & Carrera-Parra, L. F. 2005: 15
Kritzler, H. 1984: 57

Eupolymnia magnifica, Treadwell, 1924:17–18

Treadwell, A. L. 1924: 18

Terebella magnifica, Webster, 1884:324

Welsh, J. H. 1934: 339
Webster, H. E. 1884: 324
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