Eupelmus (Eupelmus) niger Ashmead, 1901

Magnacca, Gary A. P. Gibson Paul D. Krushelnycky Karl N., 2022, Eupelmus niger (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae), a Parasitoid of the Endangered Hawaiian Yellow-faced Bee Hylaeus anthracinus (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 54, pp. 77-92 : 83-89

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13190872

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Eupelmus (Eupelmus) niger Ashmead


Eupelmus (Eupelmus) niger Ashmead View in CoL

Eupelmus niger Ashmead,1901:315 View in CoL (key), 316–317 (description). Published type information: one female taken in January, Lahaina, Maui [Hawai‘i].

Material examined. Type material. Holotype ♀ ( NHMUK), photographs only examined (see methods).Type labels: Type / Lahaina, Maui, coast 1.97 / Eupelmus niger Ash ♀ Type / B.M. TYPE HYM. 5.979 / NHMUK010370259 About NHMUK .

Holotype point-mounted ( Figs. 2A,B View Figure 2 ); contorted ( Fig. 2B View Figure 2 ); missing right antenna beyond pedicel ( Fig. 2H View Figure 2 ), ovipositor sheaths ( Figs. 2A,B View Figure 2 ), and apical two tarsomeres of right mesotarsus ( Fig. 3F View Figure 3 insert).

Other material. USA. Hawai‘i: O‘ahu, nr. Makapu Pt. [misspelling of Makapuʻu Pt], Aug 54, J.W.Beardsley,rearedex.wood Tournefortia (1♀ CNC). O‘ahu Is. , Kahuku , James Campbell Nat. Wildlife Refuge , 4m., P. Krushelnycky — 21.69470°N 157.95286°W, 22.XI.2021, ex. Hylaeus anthracinus nest / coll# PDK1092, spec/ lot# PKSP52275 (1♂ CNC) GoogleMaps ; 21.69470°N 157.95286°W, 23.XI.2021, ex. Hylaeus anthracinus nest / coll# PDK1093, spec/ lot# PKSP52276 (1♀ CNC) GoogleMaps ; 21.70147°N 157.95875°W, 6.XII.2021, ex. Hylaeus nest / coll # PDK1094, spec/lot# PKSP52277 (1♀, 1♂ CNC) GoogleMaps ; 21.69794°N 157.95644°W, 7.XII.2021, ex. Hylaeus anthracinus nest / coll# PDK1097, spec/ lot# PKSP52267 (1♀ CNC) GoogleMaps ; 21.69470°N 157.95286°W, 7.XII.2021, ex. Hylaeus anthracinus nest / coll# PDK1097, spec/ lot# PKSP52266 (1♂ CNC) GoogleMaps ; 21.69702°N 157.95567°W, 22.IX.2021, ex. Hylaeus anthracinus nest / coll# PDK 1088, spec/lot# PKSP51219 (1♀, 2♂ HDOA) GoogleMaps ; 21.70147°N 157.95875°W, 24.IV.2022, ex. Hylaeus nest / coll# PDK 1155—spec/ lot# PKSP52304 (1♀ BPBM) GoogleMaps , spec/ lot# PKSP52305 (1♀ BPBM) , spec/ lot# PKSP52306 (1♂ BPBM) , spec/ lot# PKSP52307 (1♀ BPBM) , spec/lot# PKSP52308 (1♂ BPBM) ; 21.70210°N 157.95966°W, 14.IV.2022, ex. bee nests, probably Hylaeus / coll# PDK1157— spec/lot# PKSP52326 (1♀ UHIM) GoogleMaps , spec/lot# PKSP52327 (1♀ UHIM) , spec/lot# PKSP52328 (1♂ UHIM) , spec/lot# PKSP52329 (1♂ UHIM) , spec/lot# PKSP52330 (1♂ UHIM) , spec/lot# PKSP52331 (1♀ UHIM) ; Kāne‘ohe, Marine Corps Base Hawai‘i, 4 m, P. Krushelnycky — 21.45625°N 157.75508°W, 5.XII.2021, ex. Hylaeus nest / coll# PDK1096—spec/lot# PSKP52263 (1♂ CNC) GoogleMaps , spec/lot# PSKP52264 (1♀ CNC) , spec/lot# PSKP52265 (1♂ CNC) ; 21.45625°N 157.75508°W, 6.IV.2022, ex. bee nests, probably Hylaeus / coll# PDK1154—spec/lot# PSKP52322 (1♀ BPBM) GoogleMaps , spec/lot# PSKP52323 (1♀ BPBM) , spec/lot# PSKP52324 (1♂ BPBM) , spec/lot# PSKP52325 (1♀

BPBM); 21.45392°N 157.74825°W, 13.IV.2022 GoogleMaps , ex. Hylaeus nest / coll# PDK1156—spec/lot# PSKP52332 (1♂ UHIM), spec/lot # PSKP52333 (1♀ UHIM) .

Diagnosis. Both sexes of E. niger are readily differentiated from those of all other known macropterous Hawaiian Eupelmus by a combination of hair-like body setae and extensively, darkly infuscate fore wings ( Figs. 3D, E View Figure 3 , 5D View Figure 5 ). Most Hawaiian Eupelmus species have hyaline or essentially hyaline fore wings or those females with partly infuscate fore wings have white, lanceolate to spatulate setae on the body ( Gibson 1995, e.g. Figs. 89, 182, Gibson and Fusu 2016, Figs. 77a–d). Both sexes are also atypically dark though with variably distinct metallic lusters under some angles of light depending on the type of light used ( Figs. 2 View Figure 2 , 3A–C View Figure 3 , 4 View Figure 4 , 5A–C, E View Figure 5 ), including the legs at least basal of the tarsi ( Figs. 2D View Figure 2 , 4B View Figure 4 ), and the ovipositor sheaths other than the extreme apex ( Figs. 3J, K View Figure 3 ), whereas at least females of other Hawaiian Eupelmus usually are a brighter green to blue and have more extensively pale legs and/or ovipositor sheaths.

Description. FEMALE (habitus: Figs. 2A–D View Figure 2 ). Length of uncontorted individual, including ovipositor sheaths, about 6.0– 7.3 mm. Head ( Figs. 2G, H View Figure 2 , 3A, B View Figure 3 ) dark, almost black, but with slight green to greenish-blue or violaceous lusters in part under some angles of light ( Figs. 2G View Figure 2 , 3A, C View Figure 3 ); setae dark, hair-like. Maxillary and labial palpi dark. Antenna dark except for paler micropilose sensory region of clava ( Fig. 3C View Figure 3 ). Mesosoma ( Figs. 2E, F View Figure 2 ) similarly dark with dark hair-like setae as head except as follows: frontal surface of prepectus pale ( Fig. 2F View Figure 2 ); mesonotum and propodealcallarregionswithslightgreen, blue and/or violaceous lusters under different angles of light, the scutellar-axillar complex in particular more distinctly and extensively violaceous under most angles of light, and acropleuron with very slight blue to violaceous luster under some angles of light. Fore wing ( Figs. 3D, E View Figure 3 ) with costal cell and/or base of basal cell variably distinctly brownish-infuscate, but at least mostly subhyaline to hyaline compared to more darkly, distinctly brownish-infuscate disc beyond level of base of parastigma, though disc progressively paler posterior of about level of medial fold and apically beyond venation; costal cell dorsally with row of dark setae nearleadingmarginonlyoveraboutapical one-third, but ventrally almost completely setose; basal cell entirely setose and with line of setae along mediocubital fold continuous to disc so as to differentiate bare cubital and vanal areas posterior of basal cell and oblique, rectangular speculum behind base of parastigma anterior to mediocubital setal line beyond basal cell, the disc otherwise uniformly setose except for oblique linea calva. Legs ( Figs. 2C, D View Figure 2 ) similarly dark as mesosoma, including row of mesotibial apical pegs and mesotarsal pegs ( Fig. 3F View Figure 3 ), except pro- and mesotarsi variably paler, brown to yellowish or white except for darker setae ( Fig. 3F View Figure 3 ), and metatarsus variably extensively pale, with at least extreme base ( Figs. 3G, H View Figure 3 ) and sometimes entire basitarsus ( Fig. 3I View Figure 3 ) white. Gaster ( Figs. 2C, D View Figure 2 ) dark with dark hair-like setae and obscure metallic lusters under some angles of light similar to head and mesosoma, the basal tergite dorsally sometimes with more distinct green luster; ovipositor sheaths entirely dark except for extreme apex ( Figs. 3J, K View Figure 3 ).

Head in dorsal view ( Figs. 3A, B View Figure 3 ) with interocular distance about 0.3× head width; in lateral view ( Fig. 2D View Figure 2 ) lenticular with face evenly convex and parascrobal region smoothly merged with frons; vertex alutaceous-imbricate, frons above level of scrobal depression coriaceous to indistinctly coriaceous-reticulate with setiferous punctures lateral anterior ocellus, parascrobal region and lower face more distinctly reticulate with setiferous punctures except for smooth, bare clypeal apex and more coriaceous paraclypeal region apically, scrobes and scrobal depression transversely reticulate to reticulate-rugulose and bare, and interantennal prominence more finely coriaceous to coriaceous-imbricate with setiferous punctures; OOL: POL: LOL: MPOD about 0.5–0.6: 1.6–1.8: 1.4–1.5: 1.0. Antenna ( Fig. 3C View Figure 3 ) with scape slightly curved, about 5.0–5.5× as long as wide and of similar width throughout; pedicel about 1.5–2.0× as long as wide; fl1 about 1.2–1.4× longer than wide and 0.55–0.66× as long as pedicel; fl2 about 2.3× as long as wide or length of fl1, and subsequent preclaval flagellomeres progressively shorterandwider,withfl3 about 1.9–2.3×, fl4about 2.2×, fl5 about1.5–1.6×,fl6about 1.3–1.4×, fl7 about 1.0–1.2× and fl8 about 0.9–1.0× as long as wide; clava about 2.2–2.3× as long as wide and about 0.7– 0.75×combined length of preceding three flagellomeres, with micropilose sensory region ventrally over apical two clavo- meres. Mesonotum ( Fig. 2E View Figure 2 ) with anteromedial lobe of mesoscutum transversely reticulate-imbricate to strigose anteriorly but increasingly more coriaceous medially to reticulate posteriorly compared to more distinctly reticulate posteriorly depressed region; lateral lobe minutely coriaceous and bare dorsolongitudinally, and coriaceous to coriaceous-reticulate with setiferous punctures laterally; scutellar-axillar complex low convex, mostly coriaceous with setiferous punctures exceptscutellummediolongitudinallyand posterior frenal area bare. Acropleuron ( Fig. 2F View Figure 2 ) shallowly reticulate anteriorly and posteriorly of much more minutely sculptured mesal region, the reticulations posterior of mesal region larger than anteriorly. Fore wing ( Figs. 3D, E View Figure 3 ) with cc: mv: pmv: stv = 4.0–4.7: 3.7–4.0: 1.2: 1.0, with stigma curved apically at abrupt angle relative to stigmal vein. Middle leg with row of 6–8 mesotibial apical pegs; mesotarsus ( Fig. 3F View Figure 3 ) with symmetrical peg pattern on basitarsus and pegs clear- ly differentiated into two rows apically; second tarsomere with 5 or 6, third tarsomere with 2 or 3, and fourth tarsomere with 1 or 2 pegs on either side. Propodeum with medial depression broadly V-shaped and extended almost to posterior margin ( Fig. 2E View Figure 2 ); callus with sparse setae not ob- structing view of cuticle ( Fig. 2F View Figure 2 ). Gaster ( Figs. 2C, D View Figure 2 ) not atypically modified, with posterodorsal margins of Gt1–Gt4 deeply emarginate ( Fig. 2C View Figure 2 ), posterior margin of Gt5 rounded and extending over medially divided Gt7 to base of syntergum ( Fig. 3J View Figure 3 ); syntergum dorsally ( Fig. 3J View Figure 3 ) strongly transverse to sublinear anterior of sclerotized anal plate comprising most of dorsal surface and extending to base of constriction separating exposed ovipositor sheaths from concealed second valvifers. Ovipositor sheaths in dorsal view ( Fig. 3J View Figure 3 ) with lateral margins out-curved so as to be widest medially and narrowed basally and apically, in lateral view ( Fig. 2K View Figure 2 ) length measured from apex of gaster about 1.0–1.1× as long as metatarsis (cf.

Figs. 3I, K View Figure 3 ) and about 1.1–1.2× as long as mv.

MALE (habitus: Figs. 4A, B View Figure 4 ). Length 3.6–5.3 mm. Head ( Figs. 4C, D View Figure 4 ), including maxillary and labial palpi ( Fig. 4E View Figure 4 ), and body color and setation similar to female, almost black with slight green to violaceous lusters under some angles of light, except tarsi mostly pale, white to yellowish, other than darker brown apical tarsomeres ( Fig. 5F View Figure 5 ) or sometimes metatarsus with only basitarsus pale and subsequent tarsomeres darker brown ( Fig. 5G View Figure 5 ). Fore wing ( Fig. 5D View Figure 5 ) similar in color to female, the extreme base brownish-infuscate but basally mostly hyaline to subhyaline to level about equal with apex of costal cell and with bare region of disc paler infuscate relative to surrounding setose region, the disc also paler posterior to level of medial fold and apically beyond venation; setal pattern similar to female except speculum continuous with linea calva, the bare regions not separated by setae.

Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 4D View Figure 4 ) with interocular distance slightly less than 0.5× head width; vertex smoothly rounded into occiput; vertex transversely reticulate to reticulate-imbricate ( Fig. 4D View Figure 4 ), frons above level of scrobal depression ( Figs. 4C, D View Figure 4 ) coriaceous-reticulate, the surface of most cells slightly depressed, to variably more distinctly reticulate and with setiferous punctures lateral of anterior ocellus, parascrobal region and lower face more distinctly reticulate with setiferous punctures except for smooth, bare clypeal apex and minutely coriaceous paraclypeal region, scrobes and scrobal depression transversely reticulate-strigose and bare, and interantennal prominence finely coriaceous to almost smooth except for setiferous punctures and shiny mediolongitudinally ( Figs. 4C, E, F View Figure 4 ); lower face and gena near malar sulcus with longer, but straight to only slightly curved dark setae ( Fig. 4E View Figure 4 ); OOL: POL: LOL: MPOD = 0.6–0.7: 2.3–2.4: 1.4–1.6: 1.0. Antenna ( Fig. 4F View Figure 4 ) with scape sub- rectangular, about 2.6–2.8× as long as wide; pedicel about 1.5× as long as apical width, ventrally with line of apically curved setae; fl1 strongly transverse but extensively setose with more than one row of setae, and subsequent preclaval flagellomeres with single row of mps apically and dense, short setae, with fl2 slightly longer than apical width, but fl3–fl8 all about as long as wide to slightly wider than long apically; clava about twice as long as wide and about as long as combined length of preceding two flagellomeres. Mesonotum ( Fig. 5A View Figure 5 ) reticulate, the reticulations somewhat larger posteriorly on middle lobe than lateral lobe lateral of notauli; scutellar-axillar sculpture pattern and setation similar to female, the scutellum more finely sculptured and bare mediolongitudinally and with bare frenal area; prepectus and mesofemoral depression similarly reticulate ( Fig. 5B View Figure 5 ); acropleuron reticulate anteriorly to coriaceous posteriorly; upper and lower mesepimeron not divided by line or pit, with upper mesepimeron almost smooth, only obscurely coriaceous relative to more coarsely coriaceous-reticulate lower mesepimeron. Metapleuron coriaceous to coriaceous-reticulate. Propodeum ( Fig. 5C View Figure 5 ) with complete median carina and a few short longitudinal carinae extending anteriorly from propodeal foramen ( Figs. 5C, E View Figure 5 ), and with posterolateral angle projecting into short denticle ( Figs. 5C, E View Figure 5 : arrow), but panels otherwise finely coriaceous; callar region with line of dark setae anterior to spiracle and sparsely setose lateral of spiracle. Petiole smooth, shiny, transverse. Gaster dorsally ( Fig. 5E View Figure 5 ) entirely coriaceous and either entirely, uniformly setose beyond Gt2 or tergites variably broadly bare basally depending on inflation of gaster telescoping seg- ments, but with Gt1 dorsally and Gt2 dorsomedially bare.

Variation. The metallic lusters evident in the plates of illustrations of both sexes, taken using the fibre optic light source, are more intense and extensive than when viewed using the halogen light source on which the descriptions are based.Further, the Makapuʻu female is more dark brown than black and the fore wings somewhat paler brown, more similar to those of the holotype ( Fig. 3D View Figure 3 ) than the dark brown infuscation of our reared females ( Fig. 3E View Figure 3 ). Both differences may result from the holotype and Makapuʻu specimen being older and, as a result, at least the Makapuʻu female possibly being somewhat faded. The metatarsi of both the holotype ( Fig. 3G View Figure 3 ) and the Makapuʻu female are almost completely brown except for the extreme base, but extent of the pale metatarsal region varies in our reared specimens (cf. Figs. 3H, I View Figure 3 ). The Makapuʻu female differs from both the holotype and our reared females in having one or two setae within the fore wing speculum so that the speculum is less conspicuous. The Makapuʻu female also has Gt7 more extensively exposed and an apical portion of the second valvifers visible beyond the syntergum basal to the ovipositor sheath constriction so that the sheaths super- ficially appear somewhat longer, but both differences likely are an artefact resulting from shrivelling of the gaster during air-drying. The ovipositor sheaths of the holotype are missing ( Figs. 2A, B View Figure 2 ), but the original description states they were the length of the hind tarsi and black. The original description also states the wings of the holotype to be “subhyaline, clear hyaline at extreme base” (Ashmead 1910, p. 326), though the fore wing disc of the holotype is extensively brownish-infuscate ( Fig. 2D View Figure 2 ).

Distribution. USA. Hawai‘i: Maui, O‘ahu.

Hosts. Hylaeus (Nesoprosopis) anthracinus (F. Smith) , Hylaeus (Indialaeus) strenuus (Cameron) .

Remarks. In the unpublished manuscript of C. Yoshimoto, six specimens (6♀ in one version, 3♀ and 3♂ in another version) are listed with similar data as the examined Makapuʻu Pt. female. The manuscript does not include the specimens being reared from Tournefortia wood, but provides the additional information they were collected August 1954, and “appar- ently parasite of Nesoprosopis sp.”. Also listed from the same site was a “pupa found in bee nest with remains of bee pupae in Tournefortia twig.” However, we were unable to locate any of these other specimens. Another six females with different collection and host data were also listed under E. niger in the manuscript, including two females collected by Bridwell stated as deposited in the United States National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC (USNM). These two specimens were located in the USNM, but photographs provided to us of the specimens revealed that one of the two is a male and neither is E. niger , the specimens having hyaline wings and a brighter green body color. Along with the Makapuʻu Pt. female under the name E. niger in the CNC is a male with the same data as one specimen cited in the manuscript as a female. It is possible that the manuscript sex citation is incorrect, but the CNC male is not E. niger . Because of the discrepancies between the manuscript and observed specimens we do not cite the collection data of the other manuscript-listed specimens.


Natural History Museum, London


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Hawaii Department of Agriculture


Bishop Museum














Eupelmus (Eupelmus) niger Ashmead

Magnacca, Gary A. P. Gibson Paul D. Krushelnycky Karl N. 2022

Eupelmus niger

Ashmead, W. H. 1901: 315
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF