Euhesma albamala Hogendoorn & Leijs

Hogendoorn, Katja, Stevens, Mark & Leijs, Remko, 2015, DNA barcoding of euryglossine bees and the description of new species of Euhesma Michener (Hymenoptera, Colletidae, Euryglossinae), ZooKeys 520, pp. 41-59 : 45

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scientific name

Euhesma albamala Hogendoorn & Leijs

sp. n.

Taxon classification Animalia Hymenoptera Colletidae

Euhesma albamala Hogendoorn & Leijs sp. n. Figs 2 A–H, 3 A–D

Material examined.

Holotype: ♀, RL1807C, Cane River Conservation Park, Western Australia, 22.0936°S, 115.3507°E, 26 June 2011, R. Leijs, on flowers of a red flowering Grevillea (WAM). BOLD: AUSBS082-12. Paratypes: ♂, RL1811, same date and locality as holotype (WAM). BOLD: AUSBS009-12; 4♀, all same date and locality as holotype (SAMA 32-033287, -288, -289, -290).


Most like Euhesma spinola ; however, the combination of the white mandibles with dark tips and the simple claws distinguishes this from all other species. The absence of both pothook and clubbed setae is a character shared with Euhesma lobata , Euhesma spinola and Euhesma walkeriana .


Female. Length approximately 5.0 mm; wing length about 3.2 mm. Head width 1.5 mm. Relative head measurements: width 50, length 41; clypeal length 11; lower interocular distance 30; upper interocular distance 28; interantennal distance 8; antennocular distance 7; interocellar distance 10; ocellocular distance 8.

Supraclypeal area, frons and mesosoma with metallic bronze-green sheen; mandibles translucent white with dark tips; labrum brown; legs amber with coxae and tibiae dark brown, and hind basitarsi pale yellow; face with long white hairs; forelegs with coxal lobes weakly developed with long hyaline unbranched setae; clubbed and pothook setae absent; hind basitibial plate with carina; hind-tibia with a row of tubercles beyond basitibial area; claws simple; metasoma brown with posterior margins of terga translucent, creating a banded effect; pygidial plate broadly spathulate.

Male. Length approximately 3.8 mm; wing length approximately 3 mm. Head width 1.2 mm. Relative head measurements: width 50, length 45; clypeal length 10; lower interocular distance 30; upper interocular distance 30; interantennal distance 8; antennocular distance 7; interocellar distance 10; ocellocular distance 8. Coloration and pubescence as in female, but pronotum with metallic purple sheen; metasoma dark brown with posterior margins of terga translucent. The apical five flagellar segments of the male look crumpled, however this could be an artifact. Terminalia as in Fig. 3 A–D.


The specific name refers to the white mandibles.











