Erysivena paluma, Symonds & Cassis, 2018

Symonds, Celia L. & Cassis, Gerasimos, 2018, Systematics And Analysis Of The Radiation Of Orthotylini Plant Bugs Associated With Callitroid Conifers In Australia: Description Of Five New Genera And 32 New Species (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2018 (422), pp. 1-229 : 191-194

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090-422.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Erysivena paluma

sp. nov.

Erysivena paluma , new species

Figures 5E–F, 14 View FIG , 68 View FIG , 74 View FIG ; map 5

DIAGNOSIS: Defined by the following characters: midsized; head strongly expanded anteriorly; large eyes; labium extending past metacoxae; basal inner third of cuneus and forewing membrane veins red; pygophore with one left lateral tergal process, reduced right lateral tergal lobe, elongate lobe on phalloguide ventrad to right paramere articulation, with two spines on dorsal and left lateral margin of lobe; left paramere strongly expanded, subtriangular, sensory lobe round, apophysis moderately elongate, apex not hooked; right paramere C-shaped, medial flange on inner dorsal margin round, with serrate margin, apex weakly curved and smooth; aedeagus with PES simple unbranched, distally sparsely serrate, DES2 bifurcate in distal third, expanded medially; DES1 simple, short, distally serrate only; female laIRL uniform width without spiniferous basal lobe; mIRL twothirds height of laIRL, subrectangular.

DESCRIPTION: Male: Midsized, elongate-ovoid, body length 3.79–3.95 mm, pronotal width 0.99– 1.12 mm. COLORATION: Dorsum bright yellowgreen; cuneus tip and half of inner margin dark red, remainder pale green-yellow; forewing membrane dark gray-brown with slightly darker patches laterally and in major cell, membrane veins red with color confined to vein (fig. 14).

VESTITURE: Dorsum with sparse distribution of pale to medium-brown simple setae. STRUC-

TURE: Head: Strongly expanded anteriorly; eyes large, extending well beyond anterolateral angle of pronotum; antennae with AI 1.3× vertex width, AII 1.3× vertex width; labium elongate, extending beyond metacoxae, over abdomen. Hemelytra: Cuneus and major cell moderately short, major membrane vein very slightly rounded (fig. 14).

GENITALIA: Pygophore: Dorsal margin of genital opening strongly concave, asymmetrically; one sclerotized, elongate, distally serrate tergal process, positioned left lateral; apex of left tergal process expanded, leaf shaped, spinose; right tergal process absent; right lateral tergal lobe present, reduced, broad; ventral margin of genital opening sinuous, slightly concave on left side; phalloguide with elongate process ventrad to right paramere articulation, process flattened and curved, with two spines, on left margin, posteriorly and medially (fig. 68A). Left paramere: Strongly expanded medially, subtriangular shape; sensory lobe prominent expanded; apophysis moderately elongate, inner margin smooth; apex curved inward slightly, not hooked (fig. 68B). Right paramere: C-shaped; medial flange on inner dorsal margin directed inward, expanded and round in shape; apex short and weakly curved; medial flange with serrate margin, apex smooth; setae absent (fig. 68C). Phallotheca: Dorsal opening small and subovate; closed dorsal surface of translucent membrane; round distally; not compressed; slight subapical tumescence on ventral surface; lobes on dorsal margin absent (fig. 68D, E). Aedeagus: Spicule arrangement (fig. 68): PES left ventrolateral to and partially sheathing secondary gonopore, DES2 dorsal to secondary gonopore and PES, DES1 left lateral to DES2, base of PES originating distad to base of secondary gonopore, DES2 and DES1 originating proximal to base of secondary gonopore; PES simple, unbranched, apex acuminate, sparsely serrate in distal third; without medial process; DES2 bifurcate in distal third, branches subequal, left branch bent downward, medially serrate before bifurcation point on right margin; DES1 simple, unbranched, apex blunt and serrate, significantly shorter than PES and DES2 spicules, with basal keel (DESk) elongate, situated adjacent to DES2 (fig. 68F).

Female: Subequal in size to male, body length 3.73–4.01 mm, pronotal width 0.96–1.08 mm.

GENITALIA: IRS posterior margin medially convex. Interramal lobes (fig. 74): laIRL curved inward slightly, uniform width, base spiniferous without lobe; mIRL two-thirds height of laIRL, subrectangular, serrations confined to margin mostly, with few small spines on distal surface.

ETYMOLOGY: Named after the type locality near Paluma in northeastern Queensland. Noun in apposition.

HOST PLANT: Known from Callitris endlicheri “Paluma ,” an aberrant population with some morphological characteristics of C. endlicheri . It is only known from Paluma, where it grows along a small ephemeral watercourse, and is possibly a new species ( Pye et al., 2003) (Paul Gadek, personal commun.).

HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Queensland: Hidden Valley, 20 km west of Paluma , 18.98853 ° S 146.0507 ° E, 756 m, 21 Apr 2005, C. Symonds, Callitris endlicheri (Paluma) , det. Field ID (ref. Pye et al., 2003), 1♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005518 About AMNH ) ( QM). GoogleMaps

PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: Queensland: 20.3 km W of Paluma, 18.98536 ° S 146.04188 ° E, 711 m, 20 May 2006, Cassis, Barrow, Finlay, and Symonds, Callitris endlicheri (Paluma) , det. RBG Sydney (see Pye et al., 2003), 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00005499), 2♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00005500, 00005501) ( AM), 2♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00005502, 00005503) ( QM). Hidden Valley, 20 km west of Paluma, 18.98853 ° S 146.0507 ° E, 756 m, 21 Apr 2005, C. Symonds, endlicheri (Paluma) , det. Field ID (ref. Pye et al., 2003), 5♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00005489, 00005490, AMNH _PBI 00005515– 00005517), 7♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00005492, 00005493, 00005495, 00005522–00005525) ( AM), 4♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00005491, 00005519– 00005521), 5♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00005494, 00005526–00005529) ( QM).

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: AUSTRA- LIA: Queensland: 20.3 km W of Paluma, 18.98536 ° S 146.04188 ° E, 711 m, 20 May 2006, Cassis, Barrow, Finlay, and Symonds, endlicheri (Paluma) , det. RBG Sydney (see Pye et al., 2003), 3 juv. (AMNH_PBI 00005496–00005498) (AM). Hidden Valley, 20 km west of Paluma, 18.98853 ° S 146.0507 ° E, 756 m, 21 Apr 2005, C. Symonds, Callitris endlicheri (Paluma) , det. Field ID ref. Pye et al., 2003, 7 juv. (AMNH_PBI 00005488, 00005504–00005509) (AM), 5 juv. (AMNH_PBI 00005510–00005514) (QM).

DISTRIBUTION: Known from one locality on the road to Hidden Valley, west of Paluma in the dry tropics of northeastern Queensland (map 5).

REMARKS: Erysivena paluma is most closely related to E. emeraldensis on the basis of the distinct right paramere and the endosomal spicule configuration. In particular, the flattened medial flange on the inner dorsal margin and smooth apex of the right paramere, the similar endosomal spicule substructure, and the structure of the elongate phalloguide, which has marginal spines (figs. 68, 54). Erysivena majori , E. bundjalung and E. mareeba also have similar endosomal spicule configuration and structure. However, E. emeraldensis and E. paluma can be distinguished by the following characters: PES does not taper from base to apex (figs. 64C, 65C), but tapers to just above the midpoint and then widens again slightly with a broader serrate apex (fig. 68F, 54E); and DES1 is significantly shorter than PES and DES2 (figs. 68F, 54F), rather than subequal (figs. 64E, 65E). The elongate phalloguide and left and right paramere shapes are similar to the E. schwartzi , E. endlicheriphila , and E. sydneyensis clade (cf. figs. 68, 73). The endosomal spicule configuration and tergal processes on the pygophore are similar to the E. majori , E. bundjalung , and E. mareeba clade (cf. figs. 68 and 65).

Erysivena paluma is distinguished from E. emeraldensis by the lack of a right tergal process and the leaf-shaped left tergal process on the genital opening of the pygophore (cf. figs. 68A, 54A), the more subtriangular left paramere without a strongly hooked apex (cf. figs. 68B, 54B), and the more elongate apex on the right paramere (cf. figs. 68C, 54C). There are also subtle differences in body shape (fig. 14); E. paluma has shorter hemelytra, with the cuneus and major cell of the membrane shorter, the major vein slightly rounded and the membrane slightly truncate. Conversely, E. emeraldensis has more elongate hemelytra including the cuneus membrane and major cell, and a straight major vein that is parallel to the inner cuneal margin.


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