Erysivena drepanomorpha, Symonds & Cassis, 2018

Symonds, Celia L. & Cassis, Gerasimos, 2018, Systematics And Analysis Of The Radiation Of Orthotylini Plant Bugs Associated With Callitroid Conifers In Australia: Description Of Five New Genera And 32 New Species (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2018 (422), pp. 1-229 : 161-165

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090-422.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Erysivena drepanomorpha

sp. nov.

Erysivena drepanomorpha , new species

Figures 14 View FIG , 51–53 View FIG View FIG View FIG , 74 View FIG , map 4

DIAGNOSIS: Defined by the following characters: medium size; head strongly expanded anteriorly; eyes medium size; labium extending to metacoxae; forewing membrane veins red, cuneus tip with only slight hint of red; pygophore with one left lateral tergal process, sickle shaped with angular margins; pygophore with right lateral tergal lobe; left paramere directed anteriorly across outer ventral surface of pygophore at rest; left paramere moderately expanded, with round and broad sensory lobe, elongate apophysis, unhooked apex; right paramere C-shaped, medial flange on dorsal margin weakly expanded, broad and serrate, weakly curved distally, smooth subdistal shaft before serrate apex; phallotheca compressed slightly to right of midline at apex; aedeagus with complex PES and DES1; PES strongly constricted above base, with short, straplike basal process; DES2 unbranched; DES1 not expanded basally, with two basal processes attached parallel, bifurcate medially with branches unequal in length; female laIRL slightly broader distally, curved inward, without spiniferous basal lobe; mIRL half height of laIRL, subrectangular.

DESCRIPTION: Male: Midsized, elongate ovoid, body length 3.38–3.83 mm, pronotal width 0.97– 1.05 mm. COLORATION: Dorsum yellowish green, faded; cuneus tip with very slight hint of red; forewing membrane light gray-brown with darker patches laterally and in major cell, membrane veins red with color confined to veins (fig. 14). VESTITURE: Dorsum with moderately dense distribution of pale simple setae. STRUC-

TURE: Head: Strongly expanded anteriorly (fig. 51A, B); eyes midsize, extending slightly beyond anterolateral angle of pronotum (fig. 51A, C); antennae with AI 0.9× vertex width, AII 1.1× pronotal width; labium medium length, extending to metacoxae. Hemelytra: Cuneus and major cell of membrane moderately elongate, major membrane vein straight (fig. 14). GENITALIA: Pygophore: Dorsal margin of genital opening strongly concave (fig. 51H); one left lateral tergal process, sickle shaped, with posterior portion tumescent and serrate (figs. 51H, 52A, 53A); far right lateral tergal lobe present, smooth margins and round to subquadrate in shape (figs. 51H, 53A); ventral margin of genital opening straight with V-shaped incision medially; round cupshaped phalloguide situated inside and protruding over ventral margin, slightly sclerotized ventrad to right paramere articulation (figs. 52B, 53A); left paramere directed anteriorly across outer ventral surface of pygophore at rest (fig. 52B). Left paramere: moderately expanded medially; sensory lobe broad, round; apophysis greatly elongate, inner margin with several small spines; apex curved inward slightly, not hooked (figs. 52B, 53B, D). Right paramere: C-shaped, medial flange on dorsal margin, broad weakly expanded edge; apex weakly curved; medial flange and apex serrate, separated by smooth subapical shaft; outer lateral surface with simple setae (figs. 51H, 52B, 53C). Phallotheca: dorsal opening large (fig. 53E), round distally (figs. 53E, 52B); compressed at apex, slightly to right side of ventral midline (figs. 51H, 52B, 53F); right dorsal margin without lobe (fig. 53). Aedeagus: Spicule arrangement (fig. 53): PES left ventrolateral and almost entirely wrapped sheathlike around secondary gonopore (fig. 52D, E), DES2 dorsal to secondary gonopore and PES (fig. 52E), DES1 left dorsolateral to DES2 (fig. 52E), PES and DES2 joined by membrane sheath on right side of secondary gonopore (figs. 52E, 53G), base of all spicules originating proximal to base of secondary gonopore; PES complex, acutely constricted above base (fig. 53G), with short subbasal straplike process and basal process on broad section of base before bifurcation point, both processes subequal length (figs. 52C, 53H); DES2 unbranched, twisted distally, medial threadlike process absent (figs. 52E, 53G); DES1 complex, base not expanded, basal processes attached parallel (one behind other), unequal lengths, bifurcate medially with branches differing in length, basal keel (DESk) elongate (figs. 52C, E, 53G).

Female: Subequal size to male, body length 3.38–3.66 mm, pronotal with 0.98–1.08 mm.

GENITALIA: IRS posterior margin medially convex. Interramal lobes (fig. 74): mIRL entirely separated from laIRL; laIRL curved inward and slightly broader distally, base spiniferous but without lobe; mIRL half height of laIRL, subrectangular, distally round and serrate.

ETYMOLOGY: Species name derived from a combination of the Greek words drepanon (“sickle”) and morph ē (“shape”) after the distinctive left tergal process on the dorsal margin of the genital opening of the pygophore.

HOST PLANTS: Known from five identified Callitris species : C. canescens , C. drummondii and C. tuberculata in Western Australia, C. verrucosa and C. gracilis in Victoria and South Australia (table 2). Callitris verrucosa , C. tuberculata , and C. gracilis are closely related species. Specimens collected near Varley in Western Australia were labelled ex. Callitris preissii . The Western Australia Herbarium has confirmed that this plant voucher is Callitris tuberculata (Sue Carroll, personal commun.; note that these two latter species are sometimes considered synonyms).

HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: 1 km S of Lillian Stoke Rock , 33.07681 ° S 120.0982 ° E, 380 m, 21 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Callitris tuberculata , det. WA Herbarium PERTH 05670799, 1♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00016373 About AMNH ) ( WAMP). GoogleMaps

PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: South Australia: 15 km S of Bews, 35.48474 ° S 140.4332 ° E, 130 m, 08 Nov 1998, Schuh, Cassis, Silveira, Callitris verrucosa , det. RBG Sydney NSW427485, 1♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00016369) ( AM). 18 km S of Bews, Ngarkat Cons. Park, 35.55197 ° S 140.4332 ° E, 60 m, 09 Nov 1998, Schuh, Cassis, Silveira, Callitris verrucosa , det. RBG Sydney NSW427485, 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00016370) ( AM). Scorpion Springs Cons. Park, 35.60421 ° S 140.8646 ° E, 125 m, 10 Nov 1998, Schuh, Cassis, Silveira, Callitris verrucosa , det. RBG Sydney NSW427497, 1♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00016351), 4♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00016355–00016358) ( AM), 2♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00000187, 00000194), 2♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00000192, 00000193) ( AMNH), 3♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00000191, 00000196, 00000198), 3♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00016352–00016354) ( SAMA). Scorpion Springs Cons. Park, 35.62872 ° S 140.8598 ° E, 100 m, 09 Nov 1998, Schuh, Cassis, Silveira, Callitris verrucosa , det. RBG Sydney NSW427497, 4♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00016359– 00016362), 2♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00016363, 00016364) ( AM), 4♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00016365– 00016368) ( SAMA). Victoria: Wyperfeld National Park, Moonah Track, 35.45218 ° S 142.066 ° E, 78 m, 05 Nov 2002, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Callitris verrucosa , det. RBG Sydney NSW658107, 1♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00005285), 5♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00005287– 00005291) ( AM). Wyperfeld National Park, Moonah Track, 35.46302 ° S 142.0464 ° E, 65 m, 04 Nov 2002, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Callitris gracilis , det. RBG Sydney NSW658101, 2♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00003953, 00003954) ( AMNH). Western Australia: 1 km S of Lillian Stoke Rock, 33.07681 ° S 120.0982 ° E, 380 m, 21 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Callitris tuberculata , det. WA Herbarium PERTH 05670799, 2♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00016371, 00016372), 10♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00016377– 00016386) ( AM), 2♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00016374, 00016375), 5♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00016387– 00016390, 00016394) ( WAMP). 27.8 km S of Varley, 33.00504 ° S 119.5856 ° E, 500 m, 05 Dec 1997, Schuh, Cassis, Brailovsky, Asquith, Callitris preissii , det. WA Herbarium PERTH 05055520, 3♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00016343- AMNH _PBI 00016345), 3♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00016348– 00016350) ( AM), 3♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00000095, 00000099, 00000103), 4♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00000096, 00000100, 00000102, 00000109) ( AMNH), 3♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00016346, 00000097, 00000098), 5 ♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00016347, 00000101, 00000105, 00000107, 00000108) ( WAMP). 92.5 km W of Coolgardie at east side of Boorabbin National Park on Great Eastern Hwy, 31.21233 ° S 120.31 ° E, 445 m, 17 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Callitris tuberculata , det. WA Herbarium PERTH 05672058, 3♂ ( AMNH _PBI 00016395– 00016397), 2♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00016398, 00016399) ( AM).

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: AUSTRA- LIA: South Australia: 27 km toward Kimba from Lincoln Hwy, 33.15792 ° S 138.4123 ° E, 100 m, 21 Oct 1996, Schuh and Cassis, Callitris sp. , 2♂ (AMNH_PBI 00016552, AMNH_PBI 00016553), 1 juv. (AMNH_PBI 00016554) (AM). Gawler Ranges National Park: ca. 13 km S of Pine Well, 32.43294 ° S 135.32338 ° E, 200 m, 16 Nov 2012, M. Cheng, G.S. Taylor & D. McLaughlin, Callitris gracilis , det. SA Herbarium BS838–922, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00400958) (UNSW). Scorpion Springs Cons. Park, 35.60421 ° S 140.8646 ° E, 125 m, 10 Nov 1998, Schuh, Cassis, Silveira, Callitris verrucosa , det. RBG Sydney NSW427497, 1♂ (AMNH_PBI 00000188) (AMNH). Victoria: Wyperfeld National Park, Moonah Track, 35.45218 ° S 142.066 ° E, 78 m, 05 Nov 2002, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Callitris verrucosa , det. RBG Sydney NSW658107, 1 juv. (AMNH_PBI 00005286) (AM). Western Australia: 1 km S of Lillian Stoke Rock, 33.07681 ° S 120.0982 ° E, 380 m, 21 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Callitris tuberculata , det. WA Herbarium PERTH 05670799, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00016391), 2 juv. (AMNH_PBI 00016392, AMNH_PBI 00016393) (AM). Credo Station, 4.8 km along Telstra track off Coolgardie Nth Rd, 30.07069 ° S 120.57025 ° E, 503 m, 08 Sep 2011, M. Cheng & C. Symonds, Callitris canescens , det. WA Herbarium, 3♂ (AMNH_PBI 00400977, UNSW_ENT 00027088, UNSW_ ENT 00027089), 1♀ (UNSW_ENT 00027093) (UNSW), 3♂ (UNSW_ENT 00027090–UNSW_ ENT 00027092) (WAMP). Quaalup Homestead, 34.27038 ° S 119.40955 ° E, 22 m, 07 Aug 2005, G. Cassis, Callitris drummondii , det. WA Herbarium PERTH 07619995, 1♂ (AMNH_PBI

00005292), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00005293, AMNH_PBI 00005294) (AM).

DISTRIBUTION: Known from 13 localities across southern Australia in semiarid sandplain shrubland and woodland. The western populations extend from the Goldfields region to the south coast of Western Australia and eastern populations extend from western Victoria to Adelaide and the Eyre Peninsula regions (map 4). Collected with seven other callitroid-inhabiting Orthotylini across its range (table 2), including four Callitricola species and two other Erysivena species.

REMARKS: Although Erysivena drepanomorpha is disjunctly distributed on either side of the Nullarbor Plain, we consider all materials examined as conspecific. There are only minor differences in the male genitalia, for example, DES1 of western populations has the longer half of the bifurcation with a spine medially, proximal to the serrate distal portion (absent in the eastern populations) and the inner margin of this longer half is sometimes more serrate (cf. to the eastern populations that have minor serrations near the apex with the proximal region smooth).

Erysivena drepanomorpha is most closely related to E. notodytika , recognized by the complex bifurcate DES1, with basal processes (cf. figs. 53G and 67E), and the apically compressed phallotheca (cf. figs. 53E–F and 67D). Externally E. drepanomorpha is slightly smaller and more subovate than E. notodytika . The membrane sheath connecting PES and DES2 on the right side of the secondary gonopore (figs. 52E, 53G) is also found in the related species E. notodytika , E. kalbarri , and E. apta .

Erysivena drepanomorpha and E. schuhi , which cooccur in South Australia, are the only species in the genus where the left paramere rests over the ventral margin of pygophore (vs. typical position on inside of margin). The males of these two species can be differentiated by the different shapes of the tergal processes of the pygophore and the right paramere, with the latter larger and curved distally in E. schuhi (fig. 69C). Erysivena drepanomorpha is also distinguished from E. schuhi by the uniformly green cuneus without or with only a hint of a red tip (cf. fig. 14), which is true in both sexes. Erysivena drepanomorpha also cooccurs with E. schwartzi , and differs from it by the lack of a prominent red cuneal tip (cf. red tip in E. schwartzi , fig. 14) and its males possess a reflexed left paramere (fig. 52B) and large sickle-shaped left tergal process of the pygophore (fig. 53A) (cf. E. schwartzi with left paramere more subtriangular [fig. 70B] and situated inside ventral margin of pygophore, and digitiform left tergal process, as well as the presence of a linear and narrow right tergal lobe [fig. 70A]).


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