Entyloma flavoluteum K.G. Savchenko & Carris, 2017

Savchenko, Kyrylo G. & Carris, Lori M., 2017, Two new Entyloma (Entylomataceae, Basidiomycota) species on North American Sanicula, Phytotaxa 327 (2), pp. 191-195 : 192

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.327.2.8



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Entyloma flavoluteum K.G. Savchenko & Carris

sp. nov.

Entyloma flavoluteum K.G. Savchenko & Carris View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig.1 View FIGURE 1 , d–f)

MycoBank: MB 822001

Type: — USA. California: Santa Cruz Co., Santa Cruz, Lagoon near, on Sanicula crassicaulis (as S. menziesii ), Apr 1885, Anonimous ( BPI 176517, holotype, designated here).

Diagnosis:—Differs from E. californiensis by having smaller spores with thinner spore walls, and from E. saniculae by the color of the sori, larger spores and thicker spore walls.

Sori in leaves, forming round or elongate to polyangular, amphigenous, flat, scattered or sometimes gregarious, initially pale yellowish to pale orange spots, 0.2–1 mm diameter or larger when confluent. Spores in small irregular groups, sometimes in chains, globose, subglobose, ovoid, ellipsoidal to slightly irregular, 9–15 × 11.5–17 (18) μm diameter [av. ± SD, 12.6 ± 1.5 × 14.5 ± 2.3 μm] with subhyaline content. Spore wall uniform, 1.5–2.5 μm thick, hyaline to subhyaline, smooth. Anamorphic state present as fascicles of conidia and conidiophores, forming yellowish to pale orange, abaxial cover.

Etymology: —Named after the yellowish color of the sori.


Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research

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