Elmomorphus mazzoldii, Selnekovič & Jäch & Kodada, 2024

Selnekovič, Dávid, Jäch, Manfred A. & Kodada, Ján, 2024, Taxonomic revision of the genus Elmomorphus Sharp, 1888. II. Redescription of the genus and review of the species from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam (Coleoptera: Dryopidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 957, pp. 1-229 : 77-81

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.957.2651

publication LSID




persistent identifier


taxon LSID


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scientific name

Elmomorphus mazzoldii

sp. nov.

Elmomorphus mazzoldii sp. nov.


Figs 35–36 View Fig View Fig , 37B View Fig , 110C View Fig

Differential diagnosis

Elmomorphus mazzoldii sp. nov. ( Fig. 35 View Fig ) is characterised by having a plastron on the cranial surface (missing only on the semicircular glabrous area of the vertex), in anterior angles of the pronotum and along lateral sides of the elytra. Such a combination of characters is shared with E. ellipticus sp. nov., E. corpulentus sp. nov., E. montanus , E. paramontanus sp. nov. and E. prosternalis . Elmomorphus mazzoldii differs from the mentioned species (except E. ellipticus ) in the shape of the body, which is widest closely before elytral midlength in E. mazzoldii ( Fig. 35 View Fig ), but widest behind elytral midlength in the other species. Moreover, the body dimensions are smaller in E. mazzoldii , with TL up to 2.8 mm versus at least 2.8 in other mentioned species, except E. ellipticus . Elmomorphus mazzoldii most closely resembles E. ellipticus , from which it differs in the more strongly convex pronotum and elytra ( Fig. 35 View Fig ), narrower plastron bands on elytra, each covering less than ⅓ of elytral width (in elytral midlength), and the shape of the aedeagus with shorter and broader phallobase and shorter parameres, PhL/PrL: 1.67 (n =1) in E. mazzoldii versus PhL/PrL: 1.53 (n =1) in E. ellipticus ( Fig. 36 View Fig ). Bursa copulatrix with numerous scattered spines ( Fig. 37B View Fig ).


The epithet is a proper noun in the genitive case honouring Paolo Mazzoldi, an Italian entomologist who kindly provided interesting material.

Type material


THAILAND – Loei Province • ♂; “THAILAND: Loei Prov. Phu Kradung NP 1150 m, 29.12.1999 leg. P. Mazzoldi (17)”; NMW.


THAILAND – Loei Province • 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; NMW • 1 ♀; “ THAILAND: Loei Prov. Phu Kradung NP 1270 m 27.12.1999 leg. P. Mazzoldi (12)”; NMW .

Type locality

Thailand, Loei Province, Phu Kradueng National Park.


Dimensions (mm): TL: ♂ 2.63 (n =1), ♀♀ 2.60–2.83 (n=2); PL: ♂ 0.67 (n= 1), ♀♀ 0.61–0.71 (n =2); PW: ♂ 1.23 (n= 1), ♀♀ 1.16–1.26 (n =2); EL: ♂ 2.03 (n= 1), ♀♀ 1.96–2.21 (n =2); EW: ♂ 1.40 (n=1), ♀♀ 1.33–1.46 (n= 2); PhL: 0.48 (n =1); PrL: 0.29 (n=1).

Body oval, strongly convex, widest around middle of elytra ( Fig. 35 View Fig ). Integument black; mouthparts, antennae, and legs reddish brown. Pubescence consisting of short, sparse, decumbent yellowish setae. Dorsal plastron present on head (except for semicircular area on vertex), anterior angles of pronotum, and lateral portions of elytra. Ventral plastron absent on prosternal process, median part of metaventrite, median part of abdominal ventrite 1 and antero-median part of ventrite 2.

Dorsal surface of head with round setiferous punctures, each slightly smaller than eye facet, separated by ca 1.0–1.5 × puncture diameters. Plastron present on dorsal surface, except on semicircular area on vertex reaching to midlength of eyes. Labrum transverse, anterior margin straight, exposed portion microreticulate with setiferous punctures. Anterior margin of clypeus straight. Eyes oval, protruding, ID: ♂ 0, 46 mm (n= 1), ♀♀ 0.41–0.47 mm (n =2). Antennae 9-segmented, densely setose.

Pronotum transverse, moderately convex, PW/PL ratio: ♂ 1.82 (n= 1), ♀♀ 1.76–1.90 (n =2); lateral pronotal sides convergent, rounded; anterior angles strongly deflexed, protruding; surface smooth with round setiferous punctures ca as wide as those on elytra; plastron on anterior pronotal angles, posteriorly reaching pronotal midlength. Prosternal process without clusters of long setae, with lateral margins straight, posterior margin rounded, lateral portions weakly raised, median keel nearly flat. Scutellum longer than wide, smooth, with several setiferous punctures. Median part of metaventrite slightly convex, without clusters of long setae. Elytra oval, strongly convex, widest closely before midlength, EL/EW: ♂ 1.44 (n=1), ♀♀ 1.48–1.52 (n= 2); surface smooth with scattered, round setiferous punctures; plastron confined to lateral portions, anteriorly not reaching humeral callus, weakly expanding posteriad, covering less than ⅓ of elytron width (at elytral midlength). Tibiae straight; protibia as long as protarsus; PrTiL/PL: ♂ 1.04 (n=1), ♀♀ 1.00–1.03 (n =2). Terminal protarsomere as long as all preceding segments combined.

Abdominal ventrites covered with plastron except for middle of ventrite 1 and antero-median portion of ventrite 2. Ventrite 1 with two indistinct admedian keels. Male ventrite 5 narrowly truncate at apex; female ventrite 5 with short apical keel. Aedeagus ( Fig. 36 View Fig ): phallobase moderately long, PhL/PrL: 1.67 (n=1); parameres weakly curved ventrad, with rounded apices (lateral aspect); penis narrowly rounded at apex; sclerotised fibula present. Ovipositor with right coxite ca 1.3× as long as left coxite; bursa copulatrix with numerous scattered microsclerites ( Fig. 37B View Fig ).

Secondary sexual dimorphism

Male abdominal ventrite 5 narrowly truncate at apex, female ventrite 5 arcuate at apex with short apical keel.


Thailand ( Fig. 110C View Fig ).


Austria, Wien, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien













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