Ektopodon litolophus Pledge et al. 1999

Pledge, Neville S., 2016, New specimens of ektopodontids (Marsupialia: Ektopodontidae) from South Australia, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 74, pp. 173-187 : 185

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.24199/j.mmv.2016.74.15



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scientific name

Ektopodon litolophus Pledge et al. 1999


Ektopodon litolophus Pledge et al. 1999 .

Holotype. SAM P30176 View Materials , an isolated right M 1 (fig. 6D).

Locality. Leaf Locality ( UCMP V-6213), Wipajiri Formation, eastern edge of Lake Ngapakaldi, South Australia.

Local Fauna and Age. The Kutjamarpu Local Fauna is estimated to be approximately early Miocene (see above).

Remarks. This unique specimen is noticeably larger than its contemporary E. serratus , and has a simpler morphology, with a longer, more loph-like parastyloph, suggesting that it is the most autapomorphic member of the family.


South African Museum


University of California Museum of Paleontology

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