Dielis tolteca Saussure, 1857

Ramírez-Guillén, Luis Damián, Falcon-Brindis, Armando & Gómez, Benigno, 2022, The Scoliidae wasps (Hymenoptera: Scolioidea) of Mexico: taxonomy and biogeography, Zootaxa 5214 (1), pp. 47-88 : 60

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5214.1.2

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scientific name

Dielis tolteca Saussure, 1857


Dielis tolteca Saussure, 1857

Female. Body length 18.7 mm (range 13.9 mm – 27.7 mm); forewing length 14 mm; Structure. Clypeus dull with scattered punctures on upper margin, lower margin striated, middle striae tend to be stronger; interantennal area densely punctured; frons with sparse punctures; vertex and gena smooth with few punctures; pronotum densely punctured; dorsal surface or mesosoma with sparse and coarse punctures; coarse and close punctures on dorsal face of propodeum, posterior face of propodeum impunctate, with scattered punctures on the lateral and upper; hind tibial spurs spatulate. Color. Setae white; body black; ferruginous maculation on T2–T4 and sometimes T1; apical and subapical setae on T2–T6 ferruginous; wings dark with slight violaceous reflections ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ).

Male. Body length 15.4 mm (8.7 mm 19.9 mm); forewing length 11.6 mm; Structure. Clypeus margins, interantennal area and frons sparsely punctate; vertex and gena with some punctures; dorsal surface of mesosoma shiny, with shallow and scattered punctures; meso and metapleura covered with dense short appressed hairs; fore wings hairy along the anterior margin and the area without cells. Genitalia ( Fig. 42E View FIGURE 42 ). Parameres robust gently curved inward, apex rounded, ventral face polished with long thick setae in the mid area; volsellae with long sparse setae. Color. Setae white, those on apical terga (T5–T7) and sterna (S5–S7) black; vertical yellow bands on lateral margins of clypeus; yellow transversal line on frontal face of pronotum; yellow maculations on scutellum, metanotum and apical part of tegulae; femurs with yellow bands; irregular yellow stripes on dorsal face of fore and mid tibiae, ventral face of femora; yellow bands on apical margins of T1–T4, and apical margin of S2–S4; wings hyaline ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 ).

Distribution. NA and NT. Mexico: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Chiapas, Coahuila, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacán, Morelos, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Veracruz. El Salvador: San Salvador. Guatemala: Huehuetenango. Honduras: Comayagua. Nicaragua: Rivas ( Map 3 View MAP 3 ). Haiti and United States of America (Bradley 1828b; Hurd 1952; Porter 1981; MacKay 1987)















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