Edaphus batrisoides, Comellini, 1977

Herman, Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium IV. Staphylinine Group (Part 1) Euaesthetinae, Leptotyphlinae, Megalopsidiinae, Oxyporinae, Pseudopsinae, Solieriinae, Steninae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2440 (265), pp. 1807-2440 : 1807-2440

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/0003-0090.265.1.4

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scientific name

Edaphus batrisoides


batrisoides Comellini, 1977 View in CoL , see: remyi Jarrige, 1963 .

benicki Puthz, 1975c: 178 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: China: West-Szechuan , Wassuland,

Bezirk San-kiang-kou, Sankiang, 1600 m).

— Puthz, 1979: 147 ( Edaphus ; characters).


bernhaueri Székessy, 1939: 101 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Neu-Guinea: Montes Hansemann).


besucheti Comellini, 1977: 258 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Sri Lanka: province Northern , Mullaittivu).

— Puthz, 1979: 140 ( Edaphus ; characters).


beszedesi Reitter, 1914: 189 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Umgebung von Abazia, Istrien).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1203 ( Edaphus ; cited as beczedesi; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1936: 202, 219 ( Edaphus ; characters; Istria).

— Horion, 1963: 401 ( Edaphus ; Istria; Yugoslavia; Hercegovina; Montenegro; Austria).

— Lohse, 1964: 130 ( Edaphus ; characters; central Europe).

— Puthz, 1974t: 913, 923 ( Edaphus ; characters; notes; Illinois; Kansas).

— Puthz, 1975c: 174, 176 ( Edaphus ; characters; France; Germany; Switzerland; Italy; Austria; Hungary; Czechoslovakia; Yugoslavia; Bulgaria; Asia Minor; Japan; North America).

— Puthz, 1983g: 163 ( Edaphus ; notes; China).

— Coiffait, 1984f: 358 ( Edaphus ; characters; France; central Europe; Balkans; Turkey; Japan; USA).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 149 ( Edaphus ; synonym of beszedesi ).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 149 ( Edaphus ; Holarctic).

— Kuschel, 1990: 26 ( Edaphus ; cited as beczedesi; introduced, Palaearctic species; winged; habitat; New Zealand).

— J. Li, 1993: 27 ( Edaphus ; China).

— Terlutter, 1995: 54 ( Edaphus ; Germany).

— Zanetti, 1995: 19 ( Edaphus ; Italy).

— Downie and Arnett, 1996: 461 ( Edaphus ; characters; USA).

- DISTRIBUTION: Europe, Turkey, China, Japan, New Zealand, USA.

piceus Cameron, 1933a: 169 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Japan: Kobe ).

— Puthz, 1975c: 176 ( Edaphus ; synonym of beszedesi ).

— Coiffait, 1984f: 358 ( Edaphus ; synonym of beszedesi ).

rosskotheni Wüsthoff, 1935: 48 ( Rhenanus ; Type locality: Nordabhang des Lousberges).

— Holdhaus, 1936: 10 ( Edaphus ; synonym of beszedesi ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1936: 202, 215 ( Edaphus ; characters; Germany).

— Horion, 1963: 401 ( Edaphus ; Germany).

— Lohse, 1964: 130 ( Edaphus ; synonym of bluehweissi).

— Puthz, 1971p: 202 ( Edaphus ; cited as valid species; notes).

— Puthz, 1974t: 923 ( Edaphus ; synonym of beszedesi ).

— Puthz, 1975c: 176 ( Edaphus ; synonym of beszedesi ).

— Coiffait, 1984f: 358 ( Edaphus ; synonym of beszedesi ).

bluehweissi Scheerpeltz, 1936: 201, 210 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Gebiet des Kahlenberges bei Wien) .

— Scheerpeltz, 1949: 29 ( Edaphus ; ecological and distributional notes; Austria).

— Lohse, 1963: 176 ( Edaphus ; valid species).

— Horion, 1963: 400 ( Edaphus ; Austria; Germany; Switzerland; Italy).

— Lohse, 1964: 130 ( Edaphus ; characters; central Europe).

— Jarrige, 1968a: 141 ( Edaphus ; characters; notes; France).

— Puthz, 1971p: 203 ( Edaphus ; synonym of rosskotheni ).

— Puthz, 1974t: 923 ( Edaphus ; synonym of beszedesi ).

— Puthz, 1975c: 176 ( Edaphus ; synonym of beszedesi ).

— Coiffait, 1984f: 358 ( Edaphus ; synonym of beszedesi ).

bicicatrix Comellini, 1977: 251 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Sri Lanka: province Eastern , Kantalai).

— Puthz, 1979: 127 ( Edaphus ; characters; Nepal; Thailand).

- DISTRIBUTION: Nepal, Thailand, Sri Lanka.

bidenticollis Puthz, 1990a: 217 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Côte d’Ivoire: Agboville, Forêt de Yapo , près Yapo-Gare).

— Puthz, 1992b: 18 ( Edaphus ; characters).

- DISTRIBUTION: Ivory Coast.

biforatus Puthz, 1985c: 356 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Paraguay: Canendiyu prov. , Estancia “La Cordillera ”, env. 8 km sud de Ypé Jhu).


biformatus Puthz, 1992b: 26 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Zaire: Mwenga , 1250 m).


biformis Puthz, 1992b: 25 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Zaire: Bendera , terr. Albertville, 1000 m). - DISTRIBUTION: Congo.

bifoveicollis Puthz, 1992b: 29 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Angola: Saurimo , Foret-galerie chutes R. Chicapa).


bifurcus Puthz, 1990a: 196 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Côte d’Ivoire: Abidjan: Parc national du Banco).

- DISTRIBUTION: Ivory Coast.

biimpressus Puthz, 1981 h: 403 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Vietnam: Cuc phuongl, Ninh binh). - DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam.

biliranensis Bernhauer, 1929c: 96 , 110 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Biliran).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1203 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Philippines.

binodulus Cameron, 1943: 5 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Darjeeling district: Ghum, Tiger Hill, altitude 8500– 10,000 feet).

— Puthz, 1979: 137 ( Edaphus ; characters; India).


bipunctatus Puthz, 1979: 126 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Vietnam: Co xan).


bipunctipennis Puthz, 1987a: 452 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Nepal: Gorkha Distr. , Chuling Khola, Djinshi Kharka, 3400 m).


biroi Székessy, 1939: 103 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Neu-Guinea: Friedrich-Wilhelms-Hafen, Astrolabe-Bay).


bisulcatus Bernhauer, 1929c: 95 , 102 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Siargao).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1203 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Philippines.

bisulcicollis Puthz, 1990a: 209 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Côte d’Ivoire: Man : Mt. Tonkoui).

- DISTRIBUTION: Ivory Coast.

bitalensis Kistner, 1962a: 622 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Congo Republic: Kivu: Kalehe territory, Bitale, northwest of Kahuzi , 1800 m. Also cited from Ruanda).

— Kistner, 1963: 198 ( Edaphus ; notes; Congo Republic).

- DISTRIBUTION: Congo, Rwanda.

bluehweissi Scheerpeltz, 1936, see: beszedesi reitter, 1914 .

boettcheri Bernhauer, 1929c: 94 , 97 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Luzon: Mt. Polis).

bolamanus Puthz, 1990d: 39 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: [ Guinea Portoghese] Guinea Bissau: Bolama).

- DISTRIBUTION: Guinea Bissau.

borneensis Cameron, 1930d: 330 , 331 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Borneo: Mt. Matang. Also cited from Sumatra).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1203 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia, Borneo.

brachypterus Puthz, 1979: 123 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Nepal: Barahbise gegen Ting Sang La [Wald oberhalb Durumtali am Aufstieg zum Ting Sang La], 2200–2300 m).


brasilianus Wendeler, 1956: 41 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Brasilien: Nova Teutonia ).

— Puthz, 1973k: 52 ( Edaphus ; characters; Brazil).

— Puthz, 1974q: 36 ( Edaphus ; aedeagus).

— Puthz, 1985c: 355 ( Edaphus ; Paraguay).

- DISTRIBUTION: Brazil, Paraguay.

brevialatus Puthz, 1979: 123 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Malaya, Kuala Buka bei Trengganu). - DISTRIBUTION: Malaysia.

brevicornis Székessy, 1939: 103 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Neu-Guinea: Erima, Astrolab-Bay). - DISTRIBUTION: New Guinea.

brevipennis Cameron, 1943: 5 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Darjeeling district: Ghum).

— Puthz, 1979: 120 ( Edaphus ; characters; India).

— Puthz, 1987a: 452 ( Edaphus ; Nepal).

- DISTRIBUTION: India, Nepal.

brittoni Puthz, 1978c: 125 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Queensland: Winescrub forest near Maipoton , 350 m).

- DISTRIBUTION: Australia.

brunneiventris Puthz, 1974 r: 92 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Nepal: Gurjakhan   GoogleMaps , 83°14′E, 28°37′N, 8500 feet).

— Puthz, 1979: 129 ( Edaphus ; characters; Nepal).

— Puthz, 1987a: 452 ( Edaphus ; Nepal).


bryanti Puthz, 1973 k: 58 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Corcovado ).


bufo Puthz, 1985c: 352 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Peru: Loreto: Samiria ).


cambeforti Puthz, 1987: 33 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Malawi: Forêt de Likhubula , 1100 m). - DISTRIBUTION: Malawi.

cameroni Comellini, 1977 , see: duplex Puthz, 1979 .

cameroni Puthz, 1974 r: 91 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: India: Ghum District , Tiger Hill, 8500– 10,000 feet).

— Puthz, 1979: 133 ( Edaphus ; characters; India).


camponoti Oke, 1933 , see: termitophilus Bernhauer, 1916 .

capitatus Bernhauer, 1929c: 95 , 100 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Luzon: Los Banos).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1203 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Philippines.

carinatus Casey, 1884 , see: nitidus Motschulsky, 1857 .

carinicollis Bernhauer, 1907: 380 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Not cited).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 187 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

— Ito, 1992: 63 ( Edaphus ; Yakushima Island).

— J. Li, 1993: 26 ( Edaphus ; China).

- DISTRIBUTION: Japan, China.

carinipennis Bernhauer, 1929c: 96 , 108 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Luzon: Mt. Polis).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1203 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Philippines.

carinulifer Puthz, 1986c: 315 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Gabun: Makokou ).


chalcographus Puthz, 1979: 134 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: India: Maharashtra, Bhaja ).


chinense J. Li, 1993: 155 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Not cited but presumably China).


chinensis Bernhauer, 1934: 5 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Mittel-Szechuan: Hwa-Yin-Shan,

1600 m).

— Puthz, 1975c: 174 ( Edaphus ; characters; China).

— Puthz, 1979: 155 ( Edaphus ; characters).

— Puthz, 1983g: 163 ( Edaphus ; China).


cinghalicus Comellini, 1977: 264 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Sri Lanka: province Central , Mululla).

— Puthz, 1979: 114 ( Edaphus ; characters; India).

- DISTRIBUTION: India, Sri Lanka.

claripennis Puthz, 1990a: 219 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Côte d’Ivoire: env. Gregbeu ).

— Puthz, 1992b: 19 ( Edaphus ; characters).

- DISTRIBUTION: Ivory Coast.

clavator Comellini, 1977: 265 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Sri Lanka: province Central, Kandy). — Puthz, 1979: 158 ( Edaphus ; characters).


clavicornis Puthz, 1989c: 57 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Malaysia: Pahang: Bukit Rengit

c/o Lanchang, 120 m).


clypeopunctus Puthz, 1990b: 277 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Neu Guinea: Astrolabe Bay:

Mt. Hansemann).


coiffaiti Puthz, 1986c: 314 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Gabun: Makokou ).

— Puthz, 1990a: 221 ( Edaphus ; characters).

— Puthz, 1992b: 18, 19 ( Edaphus ; characters).


colossus Comellini, 1977: 262 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Sri Lanka: province Central , Horton Plains, 2100 m).

— Puthz, 1979: 124 ( Edaphus ; characters).


columbianus Puthz, 1973 k: 54 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Colombia: C. Amara, Tequendama, 7600 feet).


confusus Puthz, 1992b: 27 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Zaire: Kibali-Ituri , terr. Epulu, Mambasa-Mungbere, 900 m).


congener Puthz, 1974 q: 35 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Brazil: Nova Teutonia ).

— Moore, 1975e: 30 ( Edaphus ; depository of holotype).

congerminalis Puthz, 1986d: 620 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Brasilien: Guanabara : Represa Rio Grande).


cooki Puthz, 1991: 278 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Niue: Liku F.).


cordicollis Puthz, 1990c: 818 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Sumatra: Aceh-Selatan , 100 m,

Paya Laot, Meulaboh).

- DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia.

coriaceus Puthz, 1987: 29 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Zaïre: Katanga: Kundelungu, 1750 m. Also cited from Gabon, Angola, and N. Rhodesia).

— Puthz, 1989a: 74 ( Edaphus ; South Africa).

- DISTRIBUTION: Angola, Congo, Gabon, Zambia.

corpulentus Puthz, 1979: 125 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Malaya: Penang: Penang Hills ,

Tiger Hill, 2100 feet).


costaricensis Puthz, 1973 k: 58 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Costa Rica: Hamburgfarm, Reventazon, Ebene Limon).


crassus Puthz, 1973 k: 55 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Brazil: r. Santo , near São Paulo).


cribricollis Schaufuss, 1887: 109 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Sumatra).

— Fauvel, 1905e: 81 ( Edaphus ; Java; Sumatra; Celebes).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 187 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

— Bernhauer, 1928: 10 ( Edaphus ; Sumatra; Java).

— Cameron, 1930d: 330 ( Edaphus ; Sumatra).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1203 ( Edaphus ; characters; catalog).

— Puthz, 1974r: 89 ( Edaphus ; characters).

— Puthz, 1979: 115 ( Edaphus ; Malaya).

— Puthz, 1990c: 823 ( Edaphus ; characters; Sumatra; Malaya).

- DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia, Malaysia.

crinitus Puthz, 1979: 125 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Thailand: Sakaerat Experimental Station , Wald oberhalb der Station. Also cited from Malaya and possibly Nepal).

- DISTRIBUTION: Malaysia, Nepal (?), Thailand.

cubanus Puthz, 1997d: 138 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Cuba: Playa Marianao ).


cuspidiventris Puthz, 1990c: 818 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Sumatra: Aceh-Selatan, Babahrot , 100 m).

- DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia.

dapanus Bernhauer, 1929c: 96 , 106 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Siargao: Dapa; Luzon: Imugan). — Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1203 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Philippines.

densatus Fauvel, 1905e: 81 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Tjibodas).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 187 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1979b: 168 ( Edaphus ; characters; Java).

- DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia.

densepunctatus Puthz, 1983f: 174 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Zaïre: Kivu: Terr. Kalehe, Bitale, N.O. Kahusi, 1600 m).


densipennis Cameron, 1929b: 451 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Selangor: The Gap ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1203 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

densus Bernhauer, 1934: 5 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Mittel-Szechuan: Hwa-Yin-Shan, 1600 m).

— Puthz, 1975c: 172 ( Edaphus ; characters; China).


dentiventris Fauvel, 1905a: 137 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Singapore. Sumatra : Buitenzorg).

— Fauvel, 1905e: 81 ( Edaphus ; Java).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 188 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1921a: 369, 401 ( Edaphus ; characters; Singapore).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1203 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1979: 157, 159 ( Edaphus ; characters).

— Puthz, 1979b: 169 ( Edaphus ; characters; Singapore; Sumatra).

— Puthz, 1990c: 824 ( Edaphus ; characters; Sumatra).

- DISTRIBUTION: Singapore, Indonesia.

mandibularis Cameron, 1930d: 330 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Fort de Kock).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1204 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1979b: 169 ( Edaphus ; synonym of dentiventris ).

depressus Puthz, 1973 k: 56 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Brazil: Alexandra, 20 km. W. Paranagua).


dilutus Schaufuss, 1887: 109 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Tabac., Sumatra; [Note: See lectotype designation by Puthz, 1974r]).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 188 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1930d: 330 ( Edaphus ; Sumatra).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1204 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

Puthz, 1974r: 87 ( Edaphus ; lectotype designation: Tabac., Sumatra ; characters; Vietnam; Java) .

— Watanabe and Shibata, 1976: 330 ( Edaphus ; Malaysia).

— Puthz, 1979: 142 ( Edaphus ; characters).

— Puthz, 1990c: 824 ( Edaphus ; characters; Sumatra; Java; Vietnam; Luzon).

- DISTRIBUTION: Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam.

luridus Blattny´, 1925: 185 ( Microphthartus ; Type locality: Birma) .

— Puthz, 1974t: 930 ( Edaphus ; synonym of dilutus ).

magnipennis Bernhauer, 1929c: 96 , 108 ( Edaphus ; Type locality: Luzon: Manila, Zambales).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1204 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1979: 142 ( Edaphus ; synonym of dilutus ).

— Puthz, 1990c: 824 ( Edaphus ; synonym of dilutus ).

discipunctus Puthz, 1974 , see: variabilis Puthz, 1974 .

dissimilis Aubé, 1863: 37 ( Euaesthetus ; Type locality: Toulon).

— Fauvel, 1873: 61 [= 1873a: 219] ( Euaesthetus ; characters; France; Corsica).

— Mulsant and Rey, 1878a: 302 ( Edaphus ; characters; France).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 543 ( Edaphus ; characters; France; Corsica; Italy; Dalmatia).

— Sainte-Claire Deville, 1906: 80 ( Edaphus ; Corsica).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 188 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

— Reitter, 1914: 188 ( Edaphus ; characters; Corfu).

— Portevin, 1929: 390 ( Edaphus ; characters; France).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1204 ( Edaphus ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1936: 200, 202 ( Edaphus ; characters; Pyrenees; Italy; France; Corsica; Corfu; Crete; Bosnia).

— Lohse, 1964: 130 ( Edaphus ; characters; central Europe).

— Jarrige, 1968a: 142 ( Edaphus ; characters).

— Puthz, 1975c: 172, 174 ( Edaphus ; characters; notes; France; Italy; Yugoslavia; Greece).

— Coiffait, 1984f: 357 ( Edaphus ; characters; Pyrenees; Crete; Corsica; Italy; Dalmatia).

— Orousset, 1986b: 20 ( Edaphus ; notes).













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