Deutella margaritae, GUERRA-GARCÍA, 2003

GUERRA-GARCÍA, J. M., 2003, Revision of the genus Deutella (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidea) with description of a new species, redescription of Deutella venenosa Mayer, 1890 and a key to the species of Deutella, Journal of Natural History 37 (9), pp. 1059-1084 : 1065-1070

publication ID 10.1080/00222930110104267

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scientific name

Deutella margaritae

sp. nov.

Deutella margaritae View in CoL new species

(figures 4–7)

Material examined. Holotype male ( USNM 1000206 About USNM ), allotype female ( USNM 1000207 About USNM ) and paratypes (three males, seven females, USNM 1000208 About USNM ), 11 January 1964, Venezuela. Type locality. Puente de la Restinga, Isla Margarita, Venezuela. Etymology. Deutella margaritae is dedicated to Isla Margarita, the beautiful place where the specimens were collected. Ecology. The specimens were collected in boulders near Rhizophora .


Holotype male

Body length. 7.80 mm.

Lateral view (figure 4A). Body dorsally smooth. Anterolateral margin of pereonites 2, 3 and 4 with triangular projection. Pereonites 3 and 4 subequal. Pereonite 5 the longest.

Gills (figure 4A). Elongate, length about 3.5 times width.

Mouthparts. Upper lip (figure 5F) symmetrically bilobed, smooth. Mandibles (figure 5A, B) with three-articulate palp; distal article of palp with knobs and a setal formula 1-9-1; mandibular molar process strong, bordered by teeth; left mandible with incisor five-toothed, lacinia mobilis four-toothed followed by a row of three serrate spines; incisor of right mandible divided into five teeth, lacinia mobilis deeply serrate followed by a row of two serrate spines; molar flake present, serrate distally and carrying minute setulae. Lower lip (figure 5G) with inner lobes well demarcated; outer lobe without setae. Maxilla 1 (figure 5D) outer lobe carrying five spine-like setae; distal article of the palp with four distal spine-like setae and one seta medially. Maxilla 2 (figure 5C) outer lobe with three setae distally; inner lobe rectangular, two-thirds of outer lobe in length, provided with four setae. Maxilliped (figure 5E) inner plate small and elongate with one tooth, three simple setae distally and a plumose seta laterally; outer plate about 2.5 times as long as inner plate, with four setae; penultimate article of palp without distal projection; dactylus wide, with rows of setulae.

Antennae. Antenna 1 (figure 6A) about half of body length; peduncle not setose; flagellum 14-articulate. Antenna 2 (figure 6B) about two-thirds of antenna 1 length; proximal article of peduncle with an acute projection; flagellum two-articulate; peduncle and flagellum scarcely setose.

Gnathopods. Gnathopod 1 (figure 6C) basis as long as ischium to carpus combined; propodus elongate with a pair of grasping spines; grasping margin of propodus palm and dactylus smooth. Gnathopod 2 (figure 6D) inserted on the anterior half of pereonite 2; basis as long as pereonite 2; ischium rectangular; merus rounded; carpus short and triangular; propodus somewhat longer than basis; palm provided with a rectangular projection proximally, provided with a small tooth and small distal projection; dactylus thickened medially with three fine setae.

Pereopods. Pereopods 3 and 4 (figure 7A, B) with two articles; distal article carrying six setae; pereopods 5–7 missing; insertion of pereopod 5 posteriorly in pereonite 5.

Penes (figure 7C, D). Large, length 2.5 times width.

Abdomen (figure 7C, D). Abdomen with a pair of two-articulate appendages, a pair of lateral lobes and a single dorsal lobe. Distal article of appendages minutely toothed, carrying small setulae distally.

Allotype female

Body length 6.20 mm. Flagellum of antenna 1 with 10 articles (figure 4B). Propodus of gnathopod 2 (figure 6E) lacking the rectangular projection present in males; dactylus not thickened medially, without setae. First pair of oostegites scarcely

setose; second pair smooth (figure 4B). Abdomen (figure 7E) without appendages; lateral lobes not setose and single dorsal lobe provided with two plumose setae.


Deutella margaritae nov. sp. posses two characteristics unique in the genus Deutella : male abdominal appendages two-articulate and a left lacinia mobilis fourtoothed. In connection with other morphological characters, D. margaritae resembles D. mayeri and D. schieckei in the absence of dorsal projections. Nevertheless, the mandibular palp is very different; there are knobs in D. margaritae and the setal formula is 1-9-1 while D. mayeri and D. schieckei lack knobs and have only one or two setae distally on the terminal article of the mandibular palp.













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