Desplatsia chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret

Wellsow, Julia, Hart, Michelle, Wilkie, Peter & Harris, David J., 2019, A taxonomic revision of the African genus Desplatsia Bocq. (Malvaceae - Grewioideae), European Journal of Taxonomy 584 (584), pp. 1-38 : 10-16

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Felipe (2021-09-01 16:56:09, last updated 2024-12-10 23:55:03)

scientific name

Desplatsia chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret


Desplatsia chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret View in CoL

Figs 1B View Fig , 2A, E View Fig , 3B View Fig , 4A–B View Fig , 5 View Fig

Notizblatt des botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 9: 819 ( Burret 1926). – Ledermannia chrysochlamys Mildbr. & Burret, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, 1907–1908, unter Führung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzogs zu Mecklenburg. Vol. 2: Botanik: 499 ( Mildbraed 1912). – Type: CAMEROON • Yaoundé; 3°52′ N, 11°31 E; 1897; G.A. Zenker 1406; syntype: B†, lectotype: K, isolectotypes: BM, E[E00930373], HBG, M, P[MNHN-P-P06731541], L[L.2352858].

Desplatsia floribunda Burret, Notizblatt des botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 9: 819 ( Burret 1926), syn. nov. – Type: CAMEROON • Moloundou; 26 Mar. 1911; G. W. J. Mildbraed 4761; syntype: HBG Deng Deng; 5°10′ N, 13°50′ E; Apr. 1914; G. W. J. Mildbraed 8831; lectotype: K [ K000241878 ], isolectotype: K [ K000241879 ] GoogleMaps .

Other material studied

CAMEROON • Ngolebang ; 10 May 1980; J. N. Asonganyi 3; P Bitye ; 3°01′ N, 12°22′ E; G. L. Bates 711; BM GoogleMaps 46 km NW of Bertoua, near village Ndjangané ; 4°52′ N, 13°23′ E; 18 May 1967; F. J. Breteler 1357; BR [ BR0000019963396 ], K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845866] 3sheets GoogleMaps Yaoundé ; 3°52′ N, 11°31′E; 26 Nov. 1960; E. Endengle 183; P GoogleMaps 1935; P. Foury 62; P Mebaé , Ebolowa; 3°54′ N, 11°54′ E; 22 Feb. 1987; H. Huber 985; P GoogleMaps Mopanya ; G. Kalbreyer 107; BM, K km 14 Melong-Dschang road; 5°17′ N, 9°59′ E; 5 Jun. 1972; A. J. M. Leeuwenberg 9553; BR [ BR0000019963341 ], K, M, P, WAG [ WAG.1845857] 3 sheets GoogleMaps 1946; R. Letouzey 1072; P Essam ; 13 Feb. 1959; R. Letouzey 1082; P Asia ; 3°38′ N, 13°07′ E; 21 Apr. 1961; R. Letouzey 3898; BR [ BR0000019963372 ], K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845863] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Nyabibete ; 15 km NW of Djoum; 2°46′ N, 12°34′ E; 22 Nov. 1966; R. Letouzey 8442; P GoogleMaps Bolifamba ; 4°10′ N, 9°18′ E; Mar. 1929; T. D. Maitland 562; K, P GoogleMaps Station du Cacaoyer de N`Koemvone; 2°49′ N, 11°08′ E; 26 Feb. 1975; J. J. F. E. de Wilde 8013; BR [ BR0000019963358 ], K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845855] 3 sheets GoogleMaps S of the Sanaga between Yaoundé and Deng Deng close to where Lom (Sanaga) and Djerem meet, about 105 km NE of Yaoundé; 4°30′ N, 12°05′ E; Feb. 1914; G. W. J. Mildbraed 8229; K GoogleMaps 1 km from Reserve Ngoandou ; 12 Sep. 1953; B. Mpom 48; P Yaoundé ; 3°52′ N, 11°31′ E; 8 Feb. 1956; B. Mpom 194; P GoogleMaps ibid.; 2 May 1959; B. Mpom 322; P GoogleMaps Melen , fishery station of Yaoundé; 3°53′ N, 11°37′ E; 11 Oct. 1960; B. Mpom 431; K, P GoogleMaps Deng Deng ; 5°11′ N, 13°31′ E; 27 Apr. 1955; P. Nana 45; P GoogleMaps Ndemba I; 4°49′ N, 13°22′ E; 23 Jul.1955; P. Nana 185; P GoogleMaps 80 km from Bertoua , road to Esseleke; 4°48′ N, 13°16′ E; 17 Feb. 1956; P. Nana 484; P GoogleMaps Forest Reserve of Metchiengoun , 14 km W of Bafang; 5°09′ N, 10°10′ E; 17 Nov. 1982; B. A. Nkongmenek 236; P GoogleMaps ibid.; 18 Dec. 1981; B. A. Nkongmenek 243; P GoogleMaps “Réserve de faune du Dja” [ Dja Faunal Reserve ] 24 km S of Djolimpoum; 3°20′ N, 12°52′ E; 27 Feb. 1994; B. Sonké 965; BR [ BR0000019963327 ] GoogleMaps forest and meadows on the gently sloping side of Mount Cameroon above small Koto village; 4°18′ N, 9°06′ E; 6 Mar. 1985; D. W. Thomas 4471; BR [ BR0000019963310 ], K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845871] GoogleMaps Sangha River ; 2°22′ N, 16°08′ E; 21 Jul. 1987; D. W. Thomas 7204; K, WAG [ WAG.1845729] GoogleMaps 5 km SE of Mundongo, 34 km WNW of Muyuka ; 4°24′ N, 9°07′ E; 2 Dec. 1984; J. F. Villiers 2336; P GoogleMaps about 5 km S of M`Balmayo, S of Yaoundé, on border of Nyong River ; 3°31′ N, 11°30′ E; 12 Feb. 1964; W. J. J. O. de Wilde 1903; K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845868] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Centre agronomique N′Kolbisson, 8 km W of Yaoundé; 3°53′ N, 11°27′ E; 24 May 1964; W. J. J. O. de Wilde 2622; BR [ BR0000019963365 ], P, WAG [ WAG.1845861] 2 sheets GoogleMaps N′Koemvone ; 2°49′ N, 11°08′ E; 26 Nov. 1975; J. J. F. E. de Wilde 8013; P GoogleMaps Yaoundé ; 3°52′ N, 11°31′ E; G. A. Zenker 364; E [ E00930372 ], HBG GoogleMaps .

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC • Ndakan ; 2°23′ N, 16°12′ E; 16 May 1988; D. J. Harris 680; BR [ BR0000019963433 ], E [ E00930959 ] GoogleMaps Dzanga-Sangha Reserve , Ndakan camp; 2°25′ N, 16°13′ E; 19 Sep. 1988; D. J. Harris 1163; E [ E00930955 ] GoogleMaps Dzanga-Sangha Reserve , Ndakan; 2°21′ N, 16°10′ E; 10 Oct. 1988; D. J. Harris 1388; E [ E00930953 ] GoogleMaps 25 km SE of Bayanga, Kongana research camp; 2°47′ N, 16°25′ E; 2 Feb. 1994; D. J. Harris 4433; E [ E00930957 ] GoogleMaps ibid.; 21 May 1994; D. J. Harris 4908; E [ E00930958 ] GoogleMaps ibid.; 2°47′ N, 16°25′ E; 29 May 1994; D. J. Harris 4977; E [ E00930960 ] GoogleMaps Sangha-Mbaere , 15 km from Kongana on road to Bayanga, ca 15 km SE of Bayanga; 2°49′ N, 16°19′ E; 19 Jan. 1996; D. J. Harris 5402; E [ E00930948 ] GoogleMaps Boukoko ; 3°57′ N, 17°55′ E; 20 Sep. 1947; Tisserant (Équipe) 264; BM, P GoogleMaps Boukoko ; 3°57′ N, 17°55′ E; 20 Feb. 1951; Tisserant (Équipe) 2001; BM, P GoogleMaps Oubangui ; C. Tisserant 129; BM, K, P Bayanga ; 2°54′ N, 16°15′ E; 20 Feb. 1976; Wraber LJU 49481; K GoogleMaps .

CONGO • Komone ; 3°15′ N, 13°10′ E; 24 Jan. 1968; A. Bouquet 2438; P GoogleMaps north side of Sombo stream, 8 km N of Makao; 2°39′ N, 17°10′ E; 21 Apr. 1995; D. J. Harris 5241; E [ E00930954 ] GoogleMaps ca 43 km NE of Kabo, Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park ; 2°20′ N, 16°20′ E; 6 May 2007; D. J. Harris 9117; E GoogleMaps ca 39.5 km NE of Kabo, Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park ; 2°05′ N, 16°21′ E; 22 Sep. 2013; V. P. Medjibe 742; E GoogleMaps ca 12.5 km NE of Kabo; ca 2°07′ N, 16°10′ E; 11 Sep. 2006; G. Moukassa 142 B; E GoogleMaps ca 16 km NE of Kabo ; 2°07′ N, 16°13′ E; 20 Sep. 2006; G. Moukassa 239; E GoogleMaps ca 6.5 km SE of Kabo ; 1°59′ N, 16°05′ E; 13 Oct. 2006; G. Moukassa 611; E GoogleMaps ca 5 km E of Kabo ; ca 2°01′ N, 16°07′ E; 12 Feb. 2007; G. Moukassa 2595; E GoogleMaps ibid.; 13 Feb. 2007; G. Moukassa 2607; E GoogleMaps ibid.; 14 Feb. 2007; G. Moukassa 2627; E GoogleMaps ca 49 km NE of Kabo, Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park ; 2°22′ N, 16°23′ E; 27 Mar. 2007; G. Moukassa 3404; E GoogleMaps ca 39.5 km NE of Kabo, Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park ; 2°15′ N, 16°22′ E; 15 Apr. 2007; G. Moukassa 3725; E [ E00930956 ] GoogleMaps ca 27 km ENE of Kabo ; 2°06′ N, 16°19′ E; 19 May 2007; G. Moukassa 4355; E GoogleMaps Nouablé-Ndoki National Park , Goualougo Study Site, 37.84 km E of Bomassa; 2°11′ N, 16°31′ E; 2 Dec. 2007; S. T. Ndolo Ebika 270; E [ E00486065 ], WAG [ WAG.1845835] GoogleMaps ca 12.5 km NE of Kabo ; 2°07′ N, 16°10′ E; 7 Sep. 2006; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 100; E GoogleMaps ibid.; 8 Sep. 2006; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 147; E GoogleMaps ca 2 km S of Kabo ; 2°02′ N, 16°06′ E; 2 Oct. 2006; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 375; E GoogleMaps ibid.; 4 Oct. 2006; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 434; E GoogleMaps ibid.; 4 Oct. 2006; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 437; E GoogleMaps ca 6.5 km SE of Kabo ; 1°59′ N, 16°05′ E; 12 Oct. 2006; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 547; E GoogleMaps ibid.; 13 Oct. 2006; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 569; E GoogleMaps ibid.; 16 Oct. 2006; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 637; E GoogleMaps ca 8 km ENE of Kabo ; 2°04′ N, 16°09′ E; 24 Nov. 2006; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 1429; E GoogleMaps ca 33 km E of Kabo ; 2°05′ N, 16°23′ E; 8 Dec. 2006; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 1554; E GoogleMaps ca 29 km E of Kabo ; 2°04′ N, 16°20′ E; 8 Jan. 2007; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 1952; E GoogleMaps ca 43 km NE of Kabo, Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park ; 2°20′ N, 16°20′ E; 3 Feb. 2007; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 2524; E GoogleMaps ca 5 km E of Kabo ; 2°01′ N, 16°07′ E; 12 Feb. 2007; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 2596; E GoogleMaps ibid.; 12 Feb. 2007; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 2597; E GoogleMaps ibid.; 13 Feb. 2007; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 2610; E GoogleMaps ca 47.5 km NE of Kabo, Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park ; 2°22′ N, 16°22′ E; 30 Mar. 2007; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 3432; E GoogleMaps ca 39.5 km NE of Kabo, Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park ; 2°15′ N, 16°22′ E; 14 Apr. 2007; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 3610; E GoogleMaps ca 42.5 km NE of Kabo, Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park ; 2°17′ N, 16°23′ E; 17 Apr. 2007; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 3763; E GoogleMaps 24 km ENE of Kabo ; 2°06′ N, 16°17′ E; 22 May 2007; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 4321; E GoogleMaps ca 10.5 km ESE of Kabo ; 1°59′ N, 16°09′ E; 30 May 2007; F. O. Nzolani Silaho 4562; E GoogleMaps .

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO • Penghe ; 4°26′ S, 28°27′ E; 28 Jan. 1914; J. C. Bequaert 2159; BR [ BR0000019963495 ] 3 sheets GoogleMaps Walikale-Lubutu ; 0°44′ S, 26°35′ E; 11 Jan. 1915; J. C. Bequaert 6567; BR [ BR0000019963518 ] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Kisangani ; 0°30′ N, 25°11′ E; 3 Mar. 1915; J. C. Bequaert 7021; BR [ BR0000019963532 ] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Nala ; 2°52′ N, 27°39′ E; 1911; A. Boone s.n.; BR [ BR0000019963556 ] GoogleMaps Woud La Kulu ; 20 Jun. 1931; J. F. van den Brande 664; BR [ BR0000019964034 ] ibid.; 20 Jun. 1931; J. F. van den Brande 684; BR [ BR0000019964041 ] Muetshi ; 4°41′ S, 22°39′ E; 7 May 1983; P. Casier 449; BR [ BR0000019963464 ], P GoogleMaps Muhula, road Walikale-Lubutu ; 1°03′ S, 27°16′ E; 16 Nov. 1955; R. A. Christiaensen 1198; BR [ BR0000019963563 ] GoogleMaps Bambesa ; 3°26′ N, 25°41′ E; H. du Bois 407; BR [ BR0000019963600 ] GoogleMaps Station Inéac Bokatea ; 3°11′ N, 19°64′ E; 3 Apr. 1955; C. Evrard 627; BR Bambesa ; 3°26′ N, 25°41′ E; 6 Feb. 1961; P. Gérard 4827; BR [ BR0000019963631 ] GoogleMaps ibid.; 16 May 1961; P. Gérard 4851; BR [ BR0000019963648 ], K GoogleMaps ibid.; 24 Apr. 1962; P. Gérard 5172; BR [ BR0000019963662 ] 2 sheets GoogleMaps ibid.; 13Aug. 1962; P. Gérard 5312; BR [ BR0000019963822 ] GoogleMaps DignaAngo ; 8 Nov. 1963; P. Gérard 5666; BR [ BR0000019963679 ] 2 sheets, K Yangambi Insolo à Okamba ; 0°46′ N, 24°27′ E; 1948; G. Gilbert 9209; BR [ BR0000019963693 ] GoogleMaps Yambata ; 2°25′ N, 21°57′ E; 5 Jan. 1914; S. de Giorgi 1606; BR [ BR0000019963570 ] 2 sheets GoogleMaps near Kisangani ; 0°30′ N, 25°11′ E; 15 May 1921; V. Goosens 2890; BR [ BR0000019963709 ] 3 sheets GoogleMaps “Station de l′Epulu” [ Epulu ]; 1°25′ N, 28°35′ E; 28 Apr. 1981; T. Hart 46; BR [ BR0000019963747 ] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Ituri Forest, Afarama ; 1°33′ N, 28°32′ E; 6 Apr. 1993; T. Hart 1527; BR [ BR0000019963730 ] GoogleMaps between Masisi and Walikale ; 1°25′ N, 28°04′ E; Mar. 1932; J. P. A. Lebrun 5176; BR [ BR0000019963778 ] 2 sheets, P GoogleMaps Urega , Maniema; July 1932; J. P. A. Lebrun 5704; BR [ BR0000019963754 ] 2 sheets, P Kisangani, Île Kongolo, at junction of Lindi with River Zaïre ; 0°34′ N, 25°50′ E; 23 Jun. 1978; J. Lejoly 3760; BR [ BR0000019963792 ] GoogleMaps ibid.; 14 Dec. 1978; J. Lejoly 4408; BR [ BR0000019963808 ] GoogleMaps km 30, road Kisanganito Wanié, Rukula 5 km of road; 0°25′ N, 25°27′ E; 29 Jun. 1979; J. Lejoly 5253; BR [ BR0000019963815 ] GoogleMaps road Yabaondo-Yangandi, Lubiaye River ; 0°45′ N, 23°54′ E; 19 May 1958; A. Léonard 710; BR [ BR0000019963839 ] GoogleMaps Kabunga Terr. ; 24 Feb. 1958; A. Léonard 1841; BR [ BR0000019963846 ] 2 sheets Bengamisa ; 0°56′ N, 25°12′ E; 2 May 1947; J. Léonard 1184; BR [ BR0000019963877 ], K, WAG [ WAG.1845833] GoogleMaps Kamisuka ; 18 Aug. 1957; J. Léonard 5948; BR [ BR0000019963860 ], K Dembia-lbale ; 3°30′ N, 25°50′ E; 16 Apr. 1936; J. Louis 1681; BR [ BR0000019963884 ] 2 sheets, K, P GoogleMaps Urega ; July 1932; J. Louis 5704; P Namoya ; 4°00′ S, 27°33′ E; 12 Aug. 2008; W. R. Q. Luke 12483; K GoogleMaps Beni, Muera ; 0°29′ N, 29°28′ E; Jan. 1908; G. W. J. Mildbraed 2302; BM GoogleMaps Dundusana ; 2°53′ N, 22°23′ E; 1913; M. G. Mortehan 854; BR [ BR0000019963914 ] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Kivu between Mwenda and Kalasabango ; 0°24′ N, 29°46′ E; 8 Sep. 1952; H. A. Osmaston 2490 B; BR [ BR0000019963938 ] GoogleMaps Kembe ; 10 Jun. 1958; R. Pierlot 2248; BR [ BR0000019963952 ], K Kisangani ; 0°30′ N, 25°11′; 31 Dec. 1983; L. Pauwels 6728; BR [ BR0000019963945 ] • F. Reygaert 156; BR • Kisangani ; 25 Jan. 1926; F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 1416; BR [ BR0000019963983 ] 2 sheets, WAG [ WAG.1845831] Kalehe km 110, road Kavumu-Walikale, Irangi Reserve I. R. S. A. C.; 21 Jun. 1958; G. Troupin 7727; BR [ BR0000019964003 ] 2 sheets Yambata ; 2°25′ N, 21°57′ E; F. Vermoesen 20; BR [ BR0000019964058 ] 2 sheets GoogleMaps .

GABON • Oyem ; 2°08′ N, 11°21′ E; G. M. P. C. Le Testu 9102; BM, BR [ BR0000019963426 ] 2 sheets, K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845837] 2 sheet GoogleMaps .

GHANA • Sefwi Bekwai ; 6°11′ N, 2°19′ W; 16 Oct. 1943; G. K. Akpabal 885; K GoogleMaps Sefwi Bekwai ; 6°11′ N, 2°19′ W; 16 Oct. 1943; G. K. Akpabal 890; K GoogleMaps Anibil ; 4°59′ N, 2°10′ W; J. E. Andoh 3252; BM, BR [ BR0000019963297 ], K GoogleMaps Subiri Forest Reserve , Benso; Sep. 1951; J. E. Andoh FH5569 ; BR [ BR0000019963303 ], K, P Juaboso ; 6°20′ N, 2°49′ W; 23 Jul. 1947; N. K. Lovi WACRI4930 ; K GoogleMaps Bia National Park ; 6°23′ N, 3°00′ W; 22 Nov. 1996; H. H. Schmidt 2204; BR [ BR0000009037618 ], K, WAG [ WAG.1845746] GoogleMaps 1941; J. Scholes 175; WAG [ WAG.1845780] 3 sheets Achimkrom , 15 miles NW of Prestea; 5°33′ N, 2°15′ W; July 1928; C. Vigne 1260; BM, K GoogleMaps .

GUINEA • Nimba Mountains , plot PERS02 ; 7°34′ N, 8°28′ W; 8 Jul. 2008; Nimba Botanic Team PD666 ; WAG [ WAG.1845747] GoogleMaps “Monts Nimba” [ Nimba Mountains ]; Aug. 1947; R. Schnell 3429; P .

IVORY COAST • Rasso; A. Aubréville 155; BR [ BR0000019963082 ], K, P ibid.; 30 Oct. 1929; A. Aubréville s.n.; P Bébasso; Feb. 1970; P. Bamps 2423; BR [ BR0000019963105 ] 2 sheets, P Teké ; 23 Feb. 1962; L. Bernardi 8165; P Yapo north; 5°48′ N, 4°08′ W; 15 Mar. 1962; L. Bernardi 8684; K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845761] GoogleMaps LeBanco , Abidjan; 5°18′ N, 4°00′ E; Mar. 1951; N. Boubéé 6297; P GoogleMaps Yapo Forest , near Abidjan; 5°48′ N, 4°08′ W; 29 Jul. 1954; A. S. Boughey 14546; K GoogleMaps 20 km SE of Aboisso; 25 Jul. 1968; F. J. Breteler 5293; BR [ BR0000019963129 ], M, P, WAG [ WAG.1845758] 2 sheets Banco Forest Reserve, N of centre, near Banco River ; 5°24′ N, 4°03′ W; 16 Jun. 1975; W. J. van der Burg 558; WAG [ WAG.1845816] 2 sheets GoogleMaps “Forêt de l′Anguédédou” [ Anguédédou Forest ]; 5°23′ N, 4°08′ W; 25 Aug. 1975; W. J. van der Burg 783; BR [ BR0000019963136 ], WAG [ WAG.1845814] 2 sheets GoogleMaps A. J. B. Chevalier 11441; WAG [ WAG.1845828] Abidjan; 5°18′ N, 4°00′ W; A. J. B. Chevalier 15441; BR [ BR0000019963228 ] 2 sheets, K, P GoogleMaps Bouroukrou ; 7°40′ N, 3°12′ W; Jan. 1907; A. J. B. Chevalier 16722; P GoogleMaps Bouroukrou ; km 92, railway line; 7°40′ N, 3°12′ W; 10 Jan. 1907; A. J. B. Chevalier 16933; BR [ BR0000019963204 ] 2 sheets, K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845827] GoogleMaps Bouroukrou ; 7°40′ N, 3°12′ W; 20 Jan. 1907; A. J. B. Chevalier 16969; P GoogleMaps between Moyen Sassandra and Moyen Cavally ; 1 Jul. 1907; A. J. B. Chevalier 19225; P ibid.; Jul. 1907; A. J. B. Chevalier 19246; P ca 15 km NW of Sassandra on road to San Pedro ; 5°00′ N, 6°11′ W; 11 Jul. 1978; A. J. F. M. Dekker 93; WAG [ WAG.1845796] 2 sheets GoogleMaps “forêt de Banco” [Banco Forest], ca 2 km W of Abidjan, beside the road in direction of Route des Aviateurs, ca 2 km before bridge over the Banco River ; 5°23′ N, 4°03′ W; 1 Aug. 1978; A. J. F. M. Dekker 107; WAG [ WAG.1845797] GoogleMaps pass near Dabou; Aug.1958; C. Farron s.n.; WAG [ WAG.1845763] 2 sheets “Forêt d′ Yapo”[Yapo Forest]; 9 Oct. 1957; C. Farron s.n.; WAG [ WAG.1845767] 2sheets E of Dakpadou ; 5°16′ N, 6°00′ W; 24 Aug. 1967; C. Geerling 776; BR [ BR0000019963167 ], K, WAG [ WAG.1845764] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Banco Forest Reserve, North-west part, near Anguédédou Forest ; 5°25′ N, 4°04′ W; 28 Jul. 1973; J. de Koning 2028; WAG [ WAG.1845820] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Anguédédou Forest ; 5°23′ N, 4°08′ W; 28 Aug. 1973; J. de Koning 2190; BR [ BR0000019963211 ], WAG [ WAG.1845824] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Banco Forest Reserve, South-central part; 5°22′ N, 4°03′ W; 8 Nov. 1973; J. de Koning 2612; BR [ BR0000019963181 ], WAG [ WAG.1845818] 2 sheets GoogleMaps along Agnéby River, 30 km new road Abidjan-Ndouci ; 5°30′ N, 4°15′ W; 28 May 1979; A. P. M. de Kruif 74; BR [ BR0000019963075 ], WAG [ WAG.1845798] GoogleMaps Yapo Forest , 40 km N of Abujan; 5°48′ N, 4°08′ W; 31 Oct. 1958; A. J. M. Leeuwenberg 1849; BR [ BR0000019963150 ], K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845809] 2 sheets GoogleMaps km 44 Abidjan-Adzope road; 5°37′ N, 4°03′ W; 27 Jul. 1970; A. J. M. Leeuwenberg 7961; BR [ BR0000019963198 ], K, L [ L.4216445], M, P, WAG [ WAG.1845822] 3 sheets GoogleMaps Banco ; 5°21′ N, 4°03′ W; 15 Jan. 1931; Martineau 307; BR [ BR0000019963099 ], K, P GoogleMaps Lobykro ; 7°42′ N, 6°50′ W; 22 Aug. 2001; L. Nusbaumer LN 539; P, WAG [ WAG.1845802] GoogleMaps Lobykro ; 7°42′ N, 6°50′ W; 10 Aug. 2001; L. Nusbaumer LN 745; P GoogleMaps “forêt du Banco” [ Banco Forest ], ca 3 km NW of Abidjan; 4 Jul. 1963; R. A. A. Oldeman 118; BR [ BR0000019963143 ], WAG [ WAG.1845845] Mbaso , E of Adzopé; 6°06′ N, 3°53′ W; 26 Jul. 1963; R. A. A. Oldeman 198; BR [ BR0000019963280 ], K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845777] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Banco Forest ; 5°21′ N, 4°03′ W; 29 Jul. 1954; R. Schnell 5830; P GoogleMaps Guiflo-Tai ; Aug. 1954; R. Schnell 6047; P Abidjan, “forêt d` Anguédedou” [ Anguédédou Forest ]; 5°24′ N, 4°07′ W; 5 Sep. 1969; M. T. Thijssen 305; BR [ BR0000019963068 ], K, WAG [ WAG.1845778] 2 sheets GoogleMaps San Pedro ; 4°44′ N, 6°38′ W; 3 Aug. 1901; Thoiré 316; K, P GoogleMaps surroundings of Akoupé , 30 km NW of Abidjan; 5°28′ N, 3°48′ W; 22 May 1969; C. Versteegh 114; U [ U.1380068], WAG [ WAG.1845844] 3 sheets GoogleMaps ; • Yapo Forest ; ca 5°41′ N, 4°05′ W; 30 Aug. 2001; J. J. Wieringa 4259; WAG [ WAG.1845801] 3 sheets GoogleMaps Adiopodoumé , “forêt d′O. R. S. T. O. M.” [forest of O. R. S. T. O. M.]; 7 Jul. 1956; J. J. F. E. de Wilde 77; WAG [ WAG.1845774] 3 sheets 17 km W of Abidjan, Idert Forest ; 5°18′ N, 4°00′ W; 12 Jul. 1963; W. J. O. de Wilde 449; BR [ BR0000019963273 ], K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845769] 3 sheets GoogleMaps 3 km NW of Adiopodoumé ; 5°20′ N, 4°07′ W; 23 Jul. 1963; W. J. O. de Wilde 516; BR [ BR0000019963266 ], K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845810] 3 sheets GoogleMaps Nigbi II, 11 km SSW of Soubré W of the Sassandra River ; 18 Nov. 1961; J. J. F. E. de Wilde 3253; WAG [ WAG.1845841] 3 sheets “Forêt de Tebe” [ Tebe Forest ]; 23 Aug. 1955; H. C. D. de Wit 8014; WAG [ WAG.1845806] 2 sheets Banco , “Forêt classée” [forest]; 16 Jan. 1961; H. C. D. de Wit 9058; WAG [ WAG.1845847] 2 sheets .

LIBERIA • Zokatown; 28 Nov. 1958; J. G. Adam 16206; P Nimba; 7°29′ N, 8°34′ W; 20 Sep. 1971; J. G. Adam 26117; K, P GoogleMaps Webo district , Diebla; 7°31′ N, 8°35′ W; 2 Jul. 1947; J. T. Baldwin 6367; K GoogleMaps Tchien-along the road from Zwedru to Sinoe; 6°00′ N, 8°10′ W; 23 Jul. 1969; F. Blyden 928; BR [ BR0000019963006 ], WAG [ WAG.1845783] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Grand Gedeh county, near Tobli, Sica road; 6°19′ N, 8°33′ W; 20 Jan. 1967; J. J. Bos 2925; WAG [ WAG.1845791] 4 sheets GoogleMaps • 1936; W. J. Harley 995; K • 10 miles SE of Kakata, Firestone division 33; 6°24′ N, 10°18′ W; 21 Jun. 1970; J. W. A. Jansen 1945; BR [ BR0000019963044 ], WAG [ WAG.1845756] 2 sheets GoogleMaps 10 miles NW of Tchien, Fijnhout exploitation; 6°11′ N, 8°11′ W; 22 Jul. 1970; J. W. A. Jansen 2097; BR [ BR0000019963051 ], WAG [ WAG.1845754] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Kakata ; 6°36′ N, 10°28′ W; Aug. 1970; J. W. A. Jansen 2186; P GoogleMaps Cestos-Sanguin area , Logging Consession of the Cooper′s; 5°32′ N, 9°23′ W; 7 Dec. 2002; C. C. H. Jongkind 5699; WAG [ WAG.1845743] 2 sheets GoogleMaps east slope of the Putu Hills East Range W of Tiama Town; 5°39′ N, 8°09′ W; 20 May 2005; C. C. H. Jongkind 6250; BR [ BR0000019963037 ], WAG [ WAG.1845751] GoogleMaps between Geeblo Town and top of Tiele Hill; 5°36′ N, 8°11′ W; 4 Jun. 2005; C. C. H. Jongkind 6603; WAG [ WAG.1845760] GoogleMaps North Lorma National Forest ; 8°02′ N, 9°44′ W; 21 Nov. 2005; C. C. H. Jongkind 6791; WAG [ WAG.1845749] GoogleMaps Grebo Forest ; 5°24′ N, 7°44′ W; 9 Dec. 2005; C. C. H. Jongkind 7249; WAG [ WAG.1845750] GoogleMaps Inside Sapo NP close to cano crossing of Sinoe River; 5°20′ N, 8°47′ W; 7 Mar. 2009; C. C. H. Jongkind 8873; WAG [ WAG.1845741] GoogleMaps Putu Hills, East Range ; 5°38′ N, 8°10′ W; 25 Jan. 2010; C. C. H. Jongkind 9234; BR [ BR0000019962993 ], WAG [ WAG.1845748] GoogleMaps SW of Togba Ville ; 5°28′ N, 9°16′ W; 2 Dec. 2010; C. C. H. Jongkind 10019; WAG [ WAG.1845745] GoogleMaps Sino , E of Greenville-Zwedu road; 5°16′ N, 8°57′ W; 23 Sep. 2013; C. C. H. Jongkind 12105; BR [ BR0000019963020 ] GoogleMaps Sino , ca 50 km E of Greenville; 5°04′ N, 8°32′ W; 22 Mar. 2014; C. C. H. Jongkind 12615; BR [ BR0000019963013 ] 2 sheets GoogleMaps along “Babooni Road”; 5°30′ N, 8°37′ W; 30 Jan. 2016; C. C. H. Jongkind 12870; BR [ BR0000015223876 V], WAG [ WAG.1943852] GoogleMaps Division 16, Firestone Plantations, Harbel; 6°24′ N, 10°26′ W; 11 Sep. 1965; J. Kokulo 9; WAG [ WAG.1845789] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Gbnaga; 26 Sep. 1926; D. H. Linder 781; K, WAG [ WAG.1845785] 2 sheets .

SIERRA LEONE • Levuma (Koya); 8°10′ N, 10°28′ W; 12 Dec. 1939; F. C. Deighton 3850; K GoogleMaps Gola National Park ; 7°15′ N, 11°18′ W; 25 Oct. 2013; B. Saradugu 32; K, WAG [ WAG.1962832] 2 sheets GoogleMaps .

UGANDA • near Busingiro , Budongo Forest; 1°43′ N, 31°28′ E; 8 Apr. 1950; H. C. Dawkins 557; BM, BR [ BR0000019963457 ], K GoogleMaps Busingiro area , Budongo Forest; 1°43′ N, 31°28′ E; W. J. Eggeling 1234; K GoogleMaps slopes of Ruwenzori down to Bwamba; Dec. 1924; T. D. Maitland 1059; K Kabango , Bwamba; 0°46′ N, 30°7′ E; 22 Nov. 1935; A. S. Thomas 1517; BR [ BR0000019963440 ], K GoogleMaps .


HABIT. Tree, to 4–8(–12) m tall, DBH to (6–) 10–25 cm; branches and twigs with dense, long, coarse, orange hairs.

LEAVES. With (2–)3–4(–5)-fid stipules, almost divided to base into linear to lanceolate lobes with acute apex, (3–) 6–15 mm long, 1–5 mm wide at base, rusty-tomentose; petioles rusty-velvety, 1–3.2(–4.5) cm long; leaf blades usually drying brown, oblong-oblanceolate to oblong-elliptic, sub-leathery, often bullate, 9–40 cm long, 3.5–19 cm wide, orange-pubescent above and below, below more so with evenly but not densely spaced stellate hairs easily visible using a 10× lens, feeling soft when touched; midrib prominent and densely orange-pubescent below, secondary veins rarely looping, apex acute or only slightly acuminate, base cordate or subcordate and sometimes slightly asymmetrical, margins coarsely and irregularly toothed, particularly in upper part of the leaf; domatia absent.

INFLORESCENCE. An axillary or terminal cyme of 3–6 flowers, usually condensed; peduncle up to 1.5 cm long, pubescent; involucral bracts 6–8, 3 inner roundish, about up to 8 mm in diameter, silky tomentose, enveloping the buds, occasionally falling off early during anthesis; 3–5 outer oblong-lanceolate, orange tomentose, not enveloping the buds, falling off early during anthesis.

FLOWERS. Subsessile or shortly pedicellate, occasionally pedicels up to 1 cm long, orange-silky tomentose; buds roundish, silky-orange tomentose; sepals greenish-white or pinkish, oblong, 0.8–1.7 cm long, 3–4 mm wide, fringed at the tip, tomentose; petals ovate-oblong, 4 mm long, 1.5 mm – 2.4 mm wide, curled back at top; ovary 5–7-locular.

FRUITS. Subglobose to globose, (5–) 8–12 cm long, (4–) 8–9 cm wide, smooth to obscurely grooved, when young with orange hairs, soon almost glabrous, with visible remnants of hairs.

SEEDS. Obovoid, 1 cm long, 5 mm wide.

Distribution (see Fig. 5 View Fig )

Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Uganda.


Terra firma and seasonally flooded forest, often in light gaps and open places. At altitudes of 100– 1250 m a.s.l. In Ghana D. chrysochlamys is reported (W. Hawthorne pers. comm.) to be commoner in the higher rainfall evergreen forest than in the lower rainfall semi-evergreen and semi-deciduous forests.


Flower: February–May, September, December; fruit: July, September, December.

Proposed IUCN status

Least Concern (LC). Desplatsia chrysochlamys has an EOO of 3 916 983 km 2 and an AOO of 504 km 2, with a wide distribution across the forests of West and Central Africa. There are no major threats. Several collections are recorded from protected areas which give this species some level of protection.


Harris (2002) observed that some specimens identified as D. chrysochlamys from the Dzanga-Sangha area in the south west of the Central African (e.g., Wraber 49481 (K)) have expanded inflorescences and flowers with obvious pedicels and no involucral bracts, which makes the specimen very similar to Mildbraed 8831 (K) from Deng Deng ( Cameroon), which is one of the two syntypes mentioned in the protologue of D. floribunda syn. nov. ( Burret 1926). Since the vegetative characters fit those of D. chrysochlamys and there is some variation in the degree of inflorescence expansion, we have treated D. floribunda syn. nov. as a synonym of D. chrysochlamys . This view is further supported by the here newly defined key characters for D. chrysochlamys , of the leaves drying brown and the lower side of the leaves feeling soft when touched, both characters which are already mentioned in the protologue of D. floribunda syn. nov. ( Burret 1926).

Burret M. 1926. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Tiliaceen. Notizblatt des botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 9: 592 - 880.

Harris D. J. 2002. The Vascular Plants of the Dzanga-Sangha Reserve, Central African Republic. National Botanic Garden of Belgium, Meise.

Mildbraed J. 1912. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, 1907 - 1908, unter Fuhrung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzogs zu Mecklenburg. Vol. 2: Botanik. Klinghardt und Biermann, Leipzig.

Gallery Image

Fig. 1. Illustration of Desplatsia Bocq. leaves. A. D. subericarpa Bocq. (Harris 1387 (E)). B. D. chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret (Harris 5402 (E)). C. D. dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret (Harris 7025 (E)). D. D. mildbraedii Burret (Harris 4397 (E)). Scale bars = 2 cm. Boxed enlargements of petiole (in B–D) and midrib (A–D) are magnified 10× to represent the view through a typical 10× hand lens. Boxed enlargements of petiole (A) and stipules (A–D) are magnified 6×. Images are taken from Harris & Wortley (2008), illustrated by Rosemary Wise, with additional enlargements by Sanna Olander.

Gallery Image

Fig. 2. Desplatsia Bocq. leaf images. A. D. chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret (Harris 4977 (E)). B. D. dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret (Harris 9664 (E)). C–D. D. subericarpa Bocq. (Harris 10194). C. Leaves. D. Leaf base with subulately divided stipules and distinctly inflated petiole in upper part. E–F. Stellate hairs on leaf undersurface. E. D. chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret (Harris 5241 (E)). F. D. mildbraedii Burret (Harris 4397 (E)). E–F at the same magnification (40× with microscope). Scale bars = 1 mm. A–D images by D. Harris (RBGE); E–F images by J. Wellsow (RBGE).

Gallery Image

Fig. 3. Outline of Desplatsia Bocq. leaf margins. A. D. subericarpa Bocq. (Harris 1387 (E)). B. D. chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret (Harris 5402 (E)). C. D. dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret (Harris 7025 (E)). D. D. mildbraedii Burret (Harris 4397 (E)). Shown at 1.5× actual size. Illustrations by Sanna Olander.

Gallery Image

Fig. 4. Desplatsia Bocq. fruit images. A–B. D. chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret. A. Fresh fruit (Jongkind 8725). B. Cut fresh fruit (Jongkind 9717). C–D. D. dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret. C. Fresh fruit (Harris 9652 (E)). D. Cut fresh fruit (Jongkind 8142). E. D. mildbraedii Burret (Harris 4005 (E)), fresh fruits.F. D. subericarpaBocq. (Harris 10194), fresh fruit.A–B, D images by C. Jongkind; C, E–F images by D. Harris (RBGE).

Gallery Image

Fig. 5. Distribution map for Desplatsia chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret.


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


University of the Witwatersrand


Hiroshima Botanical Garden


Royal Botanic Gardens


Nanjing University


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Bristol Museum


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


Wageningen University


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


University of Helsinki


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


University of New England


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


University of Copenhagen


University of Ljubljana


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Universidad Central


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland















