Cryptoporocyathidae Zhuravleva, 1960

Kouchinsky, Artem, Alexander, Ruaridh, Bengtson, Stefan, Bowyer, Fred, Clausen, Sébastien, Holmer, Lars E., Kolesnikov, Kirill A., Korovnikov, Igor V., Pavlov, Vladimir, Skovsted, Christian B., Ushatinskaya, Galina, Wood, Rachel & Zhuravlev, Andrey Y., 2022, Early-middle Cambrian stratigraphy and faunas from northern Siberia, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 67 (2), pp. 341-464 : 450

publication ID 10.4202/app.00930.2021

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scientific name

Cryptoporocyathidae Zhuravleva, 1960


Family Cryptoporocyathidae Zhuravleva, 1960 Genus Cryptoporocyathus Zhuravleva, 1960

Type species: Cryptoporocyathus junicanensis Zhuravleva, 1960 ; Medvezh’ya Formation , Tommotian stage (correlated with the upper part of Cambrian Stage 2); Moyero River, Siberian Platform, Russia .

Cryptoporocyathus junicanensis Zhuravleva, 1960 Fig. 79B View Fig .

Material. —Three phosphatised fragments, including SMNH Sp11538, from sample 21/21, Tyuser Formation, Lena River, Siberia, Russia. Dokodocyathus regularis Zone, Tommotian stage (correlated with the upper part of Cambrian Stage 2).

Description. —Phosphatic crusts replicating wall fragments penetrated by evenly distributed pores of two distinct sizes. Larger pores are elliptical in vertical direction, up to 200 × 100 µm in diameters. Smaller pores are rounded or elongated, up to 40 µm long and 20 µm wide. Inner ( Fig. 79B View Fig 1 View Fig ) and outer ( Fig. 79B View Fig 2 View Fig ) surfaces of the wall are similar. Traces of septa or tabula attachment are not observed.

Remarks.—The only archaeocyath possessing an outer wall with such a type of the porosity and lacking any intervallar elements on the entire Siberian Platform is Cryptoporocyathus junicanensis Zhuravleva, 1960 , belonging to single chambered capsulocyathines ( Zhuravleva 1960; Debrenne et al. 2015). A similar form occurring in the Tommotian and lowermost Atdabanian strata but studied in thin sections only, Korshunovicyathus melnikovi ( Korshunov and Zhuravleva, 1967) is characterised by an attached microporous sheath on the outer wall, rather than smaller pores situated between larger ones (Debrenne et al. 2015).

A similar wall fragment, SMNH Sp11539 ( Fig. 79E View Fig ), from sample 15/23 is found in the Chuskuna Formation, upper Kessyusa Group, at the Khorbusuonka River, beds attributed to the Watsonella Zone, Cambrian Stage 2. The fragment shows irregularly distributed rounded and elliptical pores, up to 70 µm across, smaller in diameter than those in Cryptoporocyathus junicanensis fragments from sample 21/21. They are surrounded by a pustulose structures with smaller pores. Archaeocyath fragments from the upper 10–12 m of the Kessyusa Group were previously reported without illustration by Missarzhevsky (1989) and Astashkin et al. (1991: 70) (see Kouchinsky et al. 2012: SOM, appendix 1).

Stratigraphic and geographic range.—Cambrian Stage 2, Siberia, Russia.


Department of Paleozoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History








Cryptoporocyathidae Zhuravleva, 1960

Kouchinsky, Artem, Alexander, Ruaridh, Bengtson, Stefan, Bowyer, Fred, Clausen, Sébastien, Holmer, Lars E., Kolesnikov, Kirill A., Korovnikov, Igor V., Pavlov, Vladimir, Skovsted, Christian B., Ushatinskaya, Galina, Wood, Rachel & Zhuravlev, Andrey Y. 2022

Cryptoporocyathus junicanensis

Zhuravleva 1960
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