Cryptocephalus (Asionus) ergenensis kalbensis Mikhailov, 2021

Mikhailov, Yuri, Simanchuk, Elena, Yunussova, Gulnara & Kazkenova, Gulzhan, 2021, A new subspecies of Сryptocephalus ergenensis Morawitz, 1863 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) from Kazakhstan and significance of colour pattern polymorphism examination, Ecologica Montenegrina 49, pp. 79-87 : 83

publication ID 10.37828/em.2021.49.7

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scientific name

Cryptocephalus (Asionus) ergenensis kalbensis Mikhailov

subsp. nov.

Cryptocephalus (Asionus) ergenensis kalbensis Mikhailov , ssp. nov. ( Figs. 6–8 View Figures 1–10 )

Type material: Holotype, male ( ISEA), with labels: 1) Вост. КаЗахстан, Ю отроги Калбинского хр., 13 км ЮЗ с. Самарское, дол. р. Аксеновки, 550-600 м, 48°58.3' N, 83°11.5' E, 1- 2.06.2019, А.А. Гурина, Р.Ю. Дудко [East Kazakhstan, south spurs of Kalbinsky mt. range, 13 km SW Samarskoye, Aksenovka river valley, 550-600 m, 48°58.3' N, 83°11.5' E, 1- 2.06.2019, A.A. Gurina, R.Yu. Dudko], 2 GoogleMaps ) HOLOTYPUS Сryptocephalus (Asionus) ergenensis kalbensis ssp.n. Yu. Mikhailov design. 2020. Paratypes: 1 female ( YMC) collected together with holotype GoogleMaps ; 2 females ( YMC) with labels: Вост. КаЗахстан, Ю отроги Калбинского хр., 12 км ЮЗ с. Самарское, 575 м, 48°58.45' N, 83°11.86' E, 2.06.2019, А.А. Гурина, Р.Ю. Дудко [East Kazakhstan, south spurs of Kalbinsky mt. range , 12 km SW Samarskoye, 575 m, 48°58.45' N, 83°11.86' E, 2.06.2019, A.A. Gurina, R.Yu. Dudko] GoogleMaps .

Description of holotype (male). Measurements. Body length 4.4 mm, width of elytra at humeri 2.3 mm; length of elytra 3.1 mm; length of pronotum 1.4 mm and width 2.1 mm.

Head. Shiny, blackish green with small yellow maculae on genae. Surface of frons densely covered with small punctures and longitudinal wrinkles, with short white setae. Labrum blackish green; short, transverse, almost impunctate, anterior angles rounded, anterior margin shallowly convex. Mandibles black. Terminal palpomere of labial palpi acute. Eyes medium-sized, evenly convex, upper lobes distant, distance between them 1.2 times eye length in lateral view. Antennae 0.7× body length. Antennomere I from above, antennomeres II to IV entirely, base of antennomere V rufous; antennomeres III and IV elongate, narrow, ratio ratio of their length 0.9: 1.1; antennomere V similar to IV, but less widened at apex; antennomeres VI to IX distinctly widened; antennomere XI with pointed tip.

Thorax. Pronotum blackish green, shiny and covered with dense oblong middle sized punctures, its anterior and posterior angles and two small narrow transverse maculae before scutellum yellow ( Fig. 8 View Figures 1–10 ). Pronotum transverse, 1.5 times broader than long, widest at basal third, strongly convex. Basal margin feebly sinuose, evenly covered with small homogenous teeth without toothless sections; posterior angles triangularly extended, bearing setiferous pore and long seta; median lobe of basal margin emarginate and slightly raised; anterior and lateral margins narrowly bordered, not visible in dorsal view; anterior angles rectangular. Thorax ventrally black with white setae. Scutellum triangular, elongate, with narrowly rounded apex, covered with very small sparse punctures. Elytra subcylindrical, widened in middle in dorsal view, 1.35 times as long as wide at humeral part; glabrous, lustrous, blackish green with epipleura and broad lateral band yellow; punctures large, dense and entirely confused, intervals slightly convex. Punctures along anterior edge and on apex of elytra smaller and sparser, broad yellow lateral band almost devoid of punctures. Epipleuron reaching 4/5 of length of elytra, impunctate.

Legs blackish green with large yellow maculae at apices of middle and hind femora, small yellow maculae at apices of fore femora; fore tibiae as long as posterior tibiae, straight. Protarsomere I elongate and slightly broadened while mesotarsomere I broad and almost twice as broader as II. Ratio of length of protarsomeres: 1: 0.6: 0.6: 0.8; metatarsomeres: 1: 0.5: 0.5: 0.8; metatarsomere V narrow, more than half its length projecting out of lobes of metatarsomere III, claws simple.

Abdomen. Ventrites blackish green, ventrites and pygidium with short white setae; last ventrite with flat longitudinal median area and weak transverse depression on it, its base with small laterally compressed denticle in a middle; pygidium black with apical margin yellow. Aedeagus as in nominotypical subspecies ( Fig 12 View Figures 11–14 ).


Body length 5.0– 5.2 mm, width 2.8–2.9 mm. Colour pattern similar to holotype but rarely small yellow maculae may appear at sides of front near eyes and on sides of clypeus; maculae at basal angles of pronotum larger and rectangular, narrow band appear along fore margin ( Figs. 6-7 View Figures 1–10 ). Apices of all femora with broad yellow bands, all tibiae and tarsi rufous, only middle of inner surface of fore tibiae and apices of tarsomeres dark. Pronotum 1.6 times as broader as long, strongly convex, shining, covered with dense oblong middle sized punctures. Scutellum covered with very small sparse punctures. Elytra 2.2 times as longer as pronotum, puncturation as in male.


Nominotypical subspecies has pronotum and elytra with contrasting colouration ( Figs. 1-4 View Figures 1–10 ), pronotum covered with small and sparse punctures, scutellum impunctate, elytra with sparse middle sized punctures. New subspecies has predominantly blackish green dorsum with broad lateral yellow emargination of the elytra, dense oblong middle sized punctures on the pronotum, small sparse punctures on the scutellum and dense large punctures on the elytra. С. apicalis , which lives in sympatry with the new subspecies, differs in aedeagus shape ( Fig. 13 View Figures 11–14 ) and has yellow lateral emargination of the elytra clearly interrupted behind middle ( Fig. 10 View Figures 1–10 ). From smaller С. lateralis easily differs by larger body size. From С. pseudolateralis, known also from East Kazakhstan and having similar colour pattern differs in small laterally compressed denticle in a middle of last ventrite of males and aedeagus shape. The key below helps to distinguish the new taxon among the respective species group.

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