Coluber nattereri Mikan

Vanzolini, Paulo E. & Myers, Charles W., 2015, The Herpetological Collection Of Maximilian, Prince Of Wied (1782 - 1867), With Special Reference To Brazilian Materials, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2015 (395), pp. 1-155 : 47-48

publication ID 10.1206/910.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Coluber nattereri Mikan


Coluber nattereri Mikan View in CoL

Plate 25

1824 Isis : 665 (listed).

1825 Beitra¨ge: 277.

1831 Abbildungen: Lief. 14.

PRESENT STATUS: Thamnodynastes pallidus strigilis (Mikan, 1820) .

REMARKS: Wied described and figured two specimens, both from Espirito Santo, with 158 and 161 ventrals, and 71–72 and 64–65 subcaudals, respectively. Two extant AMNH snakes that have been identified as natteri ( AMNH R-3399, R-3863) lack specific locality data ; they are too badly broken for accurate scale counts but do not seem to correspond to either of the snakes figured by Wied .

The plate shows two intertwined snakes, one light orangish brown with a dark vertebral streak, the other a brown snake with several brown stripes.

Coluber bicarinatus Wied, 1820 Plate 26

1820 Reise 1: 181–182.

1824 Isis : 666 (diagnosis and reference to Reise 1). 1824 Abbildungen: Lief. 8.

1825 Beitra¨ge: 284, 600, 605.

PRESENT STATUS: Chironius bicarinatus ( Wied, 1820) .

REMARKS: What is generally taken as the original description (e.g., Bailey, 1955; Peters and Orejas-Miranda, 1970) in the Reise is so laconic and bare of data that its

validity might be doubted. The name dates from Reise 1. The original description consists of a two-line footnote plus elaboration on color and size in the accompanying text. The treatment in the Beitra¨ge is very good, as well as the Abbildungen plate of a green snake with yellow ventral surfaces and paravertebral keels. Bailey (1955) revalidated the species.

There are no specimens in the collection.

The type locality is a few kilometers south of the lower course of the Rio Jucu in Espirito Santo. Bailey’s choice of Barra do Jucu (20 ° 249S, 40 ° 199W) is sensible in that one otherwise would have to consider a series of localities cited in the Beitra¨ge, from the city of Rio de Janeiro to Vito´ ria.

Coluber pyrrhopogon Wied, 1824 Plate 27

1824 Isis : 666 (diagnosis).

1825 Abbildungen: Lief. 9.

1825 Beitra¨ge: 291.

PRESENT STATUS: Chironius pyrrhopogon (Wied, 1824) was relegated to the synonymy of Chironius exoletus (Linnaeus, 1758) by Dixon et al. (1993; Wiest, 1978), but we suspect that they have set up an extraordinarily wide-ranging composite species that needs dissecting.

REMARKS: The original description is in the 1824 Isis , as usual without indication of locality. In the Beitra¨ge there is a full treatment; two specimens were available and of one of them measurements and scale counts are given.

The species was revalidated by Bailey (1955).

There are no specimens in the collection.

The type locality is unequivocally the lower Rio Benevente, at 20 ° 479S, 40 ° 399W.


American Museum of Natural History














Coluber nattereri Mikan

Vanzolini, Paulo E. & Myers, Charles W. 2015

Coluber bicarinatus

Wied 1820
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