Coelotes sacratus Wang et al., 1990: 222

WANG, XIN-PING, 2002, A Generic-Level Revision Of The Spider Subfamily Coelotinae (Araneae, Amaurobiidae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2002 (269), pp. 1-150 : 52-54

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2002)269<0001:AGLROT>2.0.CO;2

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scientific name

Coelotes sacratus Wang et al., 1990: 222


Coelotes sacratus Wang et al., 1990: 222 , figs.

103–107 (male and female types from Xishan,

Kunming, Yunnan, China, in HBI, examined).

– Song, et al., 1999: 378, figs. 224N, 224O,

226T, 228B.

DIAGNOSIS: Females resemble C. yunnanensis but can be distinguished by the small epigynal teeth, the different shape of copulatory ducts, and the short, laterally situated spermathecal heads (figs. 127, 128). Males can be recognized by the shape of patellar apophysis, the long, slightly curved conductor, and the long, slender conductor dorsal apophysis (figs. 129–131).

DESCRIPTION: See also Schenkel (1963) and descriptions of C. sacratus by Wang et al. (1990). Total length 9.00–18.0. From front, anterior eye row slightly procurved, posterior row procurved; eye sizes and arrangements: AME slightly smaller than ALE, PLE and PME subequal, slightly smaller than AME; AME­AME and AME­ ALE subequal, about two­thirds AME diameter, ALE­PLE close together, PLE­PME roughly 1.5 times their diameter, PME­PME slightly shorter than PME diameter. Clypeal height roughly twice AME diameter or slightly less; chilum divided, elongated (fig. 132). Chelicerae with three promarginal and three or four retromarginal teeth (fig. 133). Labium longer than wide. Length of female 1st leg patella + tibia shorter than carapace length.

Female spinnerets: apex of ALS with 2 major ampullate gland spigots (MAP), 30 piriform gland spigots; PMS with 22 aciniform gland spigots, 2 cylindrical gland spigots (CY), 1 or 2 minor ampullate gland spigots (mAP); PLE with about 23 aciniform

gland spigots and 2 cylindrical gland spigots (figs. 134–136).

Epigynum with epigynal teeth short, laterally situated; atrium reduced, only with more or less distinct anterior atrial margin; copulatory ducts broad, slightly sclerotized, with distinct shape; spermathecal heads situated laterad of spermathecae; spermathecae broad, convoluted, with indistinct bases and stalks (figs. 127, 128). Male palpi patellar apophysis relatively large, with apex slightly narrowed and curved ventrally; RTA long, with the distal end strongly extended beyond tibia; lateral tibial apophysis short, broad; cymbial furrow short; conductor long, slightly curved posteriorly; conductor lamella moderately developed; conductor dorsal apophysis long, slender, with sharp apex; embolus prolateral in origin, moderately long; median apophysis spoonlike, rounded, with no sharp distal end (figs. 129–131).

NOTES: The locality of this species, Lo Thoei­Tong ( Schenkel, 1963), has long been confusing. Brignoli (1983) wondered if it was in China. Zhu (1983) did not include this species (also C. denisi ) in his list of spiders of China. The types of this species and C. denisi can be confidently regarded to be distributed in Yunnan ( China) because (1) later large collections of this species were taken from Yunnan, and (2)

the types of C. yunnanensis , which has the close collection date (February 26, 1925) with C. pseudoterrestris and C. denisi (March 2, 1925), were collected from Yunnan fu, Yunnan.

MATERIAL EXAMINED: CHINA: Yunnan: Lo Thoei­Tong , March 2, 1925, 1 female holotype type ( MNHN, B2011 About MNHN bis), 1 female co­type ( NHMB, 1990a) ; Kunming, Xishan , October 24, 1986, 2 male and 2 female types of C. sacratus (J. F. Wang, HBI) ; Kunming, Xishan, Dragon Gate , 2000–2400 m, December 26, 1988, 1 male and 1 female (P. Beron, COLL. DEELE­ MAN­REINHOLD) ; Kunming , bamboo temple, December 29, 1988, 1 female (P. Beron, COLL. DEELEMAN­REINHOLD) ; Menzi County, v. Wulichong, January 6, 1989, 1 male and 1 female (P. Beron, COLL. DEELEMAN­REINHOLD) ; Menzi County, under stones near the village on the peathean, 1600–1800 m, January 31, 1989, 1 male (P. Beron, COLL. DEELE­ MAN­REINHOLD) ; Baoshan Prefecture, Pass over Gaoligongshan at 2100 m alt., Nankang , 36 air km SE TengChong, 24°50̍N, 98°47̍E, native forest, November 4–7, 1998, 6 males (C. Griswold, D. Kavanaugh, C.L. Long, CAS) ; Baoshan Prefecture, pass over Gaoligongshan at 2300 m, Luoshuidong, 28 air km E TengChong , 24°57̍N, 98°45̍E, native forest, October 26–31, 1998, 6 females and 8 males (C. Griswold, D. Kavanaugh, C.L. Long, CAS) .



Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


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Coelotes sacratus Wang et al., 1990: 222


Coelotes sacratus

Wang, J. F. & C. M. Yin & X. J. Peng & L. P. Xie 1990: 222
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