Coelioxys (Coelioxys) elongata LEPELETIER, 1841

Özbek, Hikmet, Schwarz, Maximilian & L, Coelioxys, 2016, Distribution data of the kleptoparasitic bees in Turkey: Part 2. Genera Coelioxys and Radoszkowskiana (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae: Megachilinae) with their checklist, Linzer biologische Beiträge 48 (2), pp. 1753-1771 : 1761

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5356172

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scientific name

Coelioxys (Coelioxys) elongata LEPELETIER, 1841


Coelioxys (Coelioxys) elongata LEPELETIER, 1841 View in CoL

S y n o n y m s: Coelioxys simplex _homonym NYLANDER, 1852; C. tricuspidata FÖRSTER, 1853 , C. denticulata SCHENCK, 1855, C. stigmatica SCHENCK, 1855, C. distincta SCHENCK, 1855 , C. sponsa SMITH, 1855 , C. tridenticulata SCHENCK, 1861, Coelioxys gracilis SCHENCK, 1861 , C. obscura SCHENCK, 1861, C. claripennis SCHENCK, 1870; C. kudiana COCKERELL, 1924, C. popovici FRIESE, 1925.

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Erzurum: Atatürk University Campus, 1900 m, 27.VI.2003, 6, leg. H. Özbek.

B i o l o g y: C. elongata was first recorded form Bursa by FRIESE (1895). Remarkably, WARNCKE (1992) did not encounter this species. ÖZBEK & ZANDEN (1994) collected one sample from each province, Erzurum and Tunceli at the altitudes of 1400 and 1800 m, respectively in bushed land. On the contrary, in the present study, one sample was collected in an open area. Megachile leachella , M. bombycina RADOSZKOWSKI, 1874 , M. centuncularis , M. circumcincta , and M. ligniseca (KIRBY, 1802) , M. willughbiella (KIRBY, 1802) were listed as the hosts of C. elongata ( WARNCKE, 1992; AMIET et al., 2004). Cirsium sp. was noted as visiting plant (ÖZBEK & ZANDEN 1994).

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Almost all European counties including European Russia; in Asian countries, Caucasus, Turkey, Iran, far east Russia; in Africa, Morocco and Tunisia ( WARNCKE 1992; AMIET et al. 2004; NADIMI et al., 2013). In Turkey: Bursa ( FRIESE 1895); Erzurum, Tunceli (ÖZBEK & ZANDEN 1994).













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