Cichlidogyrus omari Jorissen, 2018

Jorissen, Michiel W. P., Pariselle, Antoine, Huyse, Tine, Vreven, Emmanuel J., Snoeks, Jos, Decru, Eva, Kusters, Thomas, Lunkayilakio, Soleil Wamuini, Bukinga, Fidel Muterezi, Artois, Tom & Vanhove, Maarten P. M., 2018, Six new dactylogyrid species (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea) from the gills of cichlids (Teleostei, Cichliformes) from the Lower Congo Basin, Parasite (Paris, France) 25 (64), pp. 1-21 : 14-15

publication ID 10.1051/parasite/2018059

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scientific name

Cichlidogyrus omari Jorissen


Cichlidogyrus omari Jorissen View in CoL ,

Pariselle & Vanhove n. sp.

Type host: Tylochromis praecox Stiassny, 1989 .

Infection site: Gills.

Type locality: Muila Kaku, mangroves near Lower Congo River 05° 5903300 S 12° 35003.200 E.

Material: One whole-mounted specimen fixed in Malmberg’s solution.

Holotype: M. T. 38342.

Etymology: The species epithet is a homage to lead guitarist Omar Rodriguez-Lpez from bands At the drive-in, The Mars Volta, Antemasque, The Omar Rodriguez-Lopez group and Bosnian Rainbows and is a noun (name) in the genitive case.

Authorship: Note that the authors of the new taxon are different from the authors of this paper; Article 50.1 and Recommendation 50A of International Code of Zoological Nomenclature [13].

Description ( Table 3 View Table 3 , Figs. 8c–8d View Figure 8 , 9 View Figure 9 )

Dorsal anchors small (a = 31 µm) with a short point

(e = 7 µm). Ventral anchors of similar size (a = 32 µm) with a slightly longer point (e = 8 µm) and a slightly bulkier base. All hooks are small. Ventral transverse bar small (X = 39 µm), thin (W = 5 µm) and V-shaped. Extension absent. Dorsal transverse bar with short, stubby auricles (h = 11 µm). Penis has a rectangular basal bulb with rounded edges and a small rectangular heel with rounded edges. Penis is thin, tubular and curved. Accessory piece lies distally of the penis and consists of two parts, the most proximal one being a mantle-like structure that engulfs the penis at the height of the curvature and further distally from there. This mantle-like structure ends proximally in a point. Distally, it is connected to a second part, which is an elongated, blunt structure with rounded edges.


Cichlidogyrus omari n. sp. has a small, rectangular heel, an accessory piece divided into two parts, and small transversal bars, anchors and hooks. These features have not been seen until now for species of Cichlidogyrus infecting Tylochromis spp. However, the accessory piece is large, mantle-shaped and partially engulfs the penis, which is also seen in C. kothiasi Pariselle & Euzet, 1994 ; C. djietoi Pariselle, Bitja Nyom & Bilong Bilong, 2014 ; C. chrysopiformis and C. mulimbwai Muterezi Bukinga, Vanhove, Van Steenberge and Pariselle, 2012 . Cichlidogyrus bixlerzavalai n. sp. and C. omari n. sp. are easily distinguishable by the size difference in ventral transversal bar, anchors and hooks pair I. Furthermore, C. omari n. sp. has a penis that is curved once and it has a large accessory piece that partially engulfs the penis, whilst C. bixlerzavalai n. sp. has a penis that makes one loop and has a smaller accessory piece with three indentations at the distal end. It is not common practice for species of Cichlidogyrus to be described based on a single specimen (see Cichlidogyrus sp. ‘‘ T. polylepis 3’’ in [36]), but on the specimen of C. omari n. sp. all characters are discernible and are clearly different from already described species.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics

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