Chyliza permixta Rondani, 1876

Sforzi, Alessandra & Sommaggio, Daniele, 2021, Catalog of the Diptera types described by Camillo Rondani, Zootaxa 4989 (1), pp. 1-438 : 179

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4989.1.1

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Chyliza permixta Rondani, 1876


Chyliza permixta Rondani, 1876 View in CoL

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1876d: 196 (key), 197 (description).

TYPE LOCALITY: “ hier [here (presumably Stolberg near Aachen in Germany where Meigen lived)]” ( Meigen 1826: 368) [locality for Chyliza leptogaster (Panzer, 1798) sensu Meigen (1826) ]; “ France? et Allemagne [ France? and Germany] ( Macquart 1835: 379) [locality for Chyliza leptogaster (Panzer, 1798) sensu Macquart (1835) ]; Schiner (1862b) gave no locality in the redescription of Chyliza leptogaster (Panzer, 1798) but presumably it is Austria or Germany because the work deals with Austrian and German species; “ in tota Italia [in all Italy]” ( Rondani 1876d: 197) [type locality for Chyliza permixta Rondani, 1876 ].

TYPE MATERIAL: 1 ♂, lectotype ( MZUF: Box 36): 1900 / Chyliza Fall. / permixta Rond. , ♂, Apen. [= Apennines], Parma / Lectotypus Chyliza permixta Rond. , ♂, desig. Á. Soós, 1978 / Chyliza scutellata Fabr. , det. Á. Soós, 1978.

PARALECTOTYPES EXAMINED: 2 ♂♂ ( MZUF: Box 36): Chyliza Fall. / permixta Rond. , ♂, Apen. [= Apennines], Parma / 1900; 4 ♂♂ ( MZUF: Box 36): Chyliza Fall. / permixta Rnd. , ♂ / 1900; 2 ♀♀ ( MZUF: Box 36): Chyliza Fall. / permixta Rond. , ♀, Pedem. [= Piedmont], Etrur. [= Etruria (Tuscany) ] / 1900 / Paralectotypus Chyliza permixta Rond. , ♀, desig. Á. Soós, 1978 / Chyliza scutellata Fabr. , det. Á. Soós, 1978; 1 ♀ ( MZUF: Box 36): Chyliza Fall. / permixta Rond. , ♀, Pedem. [= Piedmont], Etrur. [= Etruria (Tuscany) ] / 1900; 1 ♀ ( MZUF: Box 36): Chyliza Fall. / permixta Rnd. , ♀. / 1900.

PARALECTOTYPES NOT EXAMINED: 1 ♂ (MNHN): Paris ED3147 / Chyliza leptogaster ♂ / Meigen .

CURRENT STATUS: junior synonym of Chyliza leptogaster (Panzer, 1798) View in CoL ( Soós 1984a: 35, Nartshuk et al. 1995: 4).

REMARKS: Rondani (1876d: 197) proposed Chyliza permixta for Chyliza leptogaster (Panzer, 1798) sensu Meigen (1826: 368) , sensu Macquart (1835: 379) and sensu Schiner (1862b: 201), which he considered a new species. Rondani referred to Meigen’s, Macquart’s and Schiner’s redescriptions of Chyliza leptogaster , which were based on an unspecified number of specimens, and to an unspecified number of specimens in his collection. Therefore, the type material should be in the collections of Meigen (MNHN or Winnertz’s collection), Macquart (MNHN, MHNL and OUMNH), Schiner (NHMW) and Rondani. Schiner (1862b: 201) examined one specimen studied by Meigen in Winnertz’s collection. Ximo Mengual (pers. comm., November 2019) stated that Winnertz’s collection in Bohn was destroyed during the Second World War. There is no specimens labeled Chyliza leptogaster in the Macquart’s collection preserved in the MHNL (O. Boilly, pers. comm., May 2019), MNHN (Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle 2020), or OUMNH (Z. Simmons, pers. comm., May 2019), where Macquart’s collection is preserved. We found only one male in Meigen’s collection (MNHN). Soós (1982b: 157) designated a lectotype (♂) and paralectotypes (6 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀), labeling only the lectotype and one paralectotype. There are seven males and four females in the MZUF. We are unable to single out the male and the female not mentioned by Soós. Soós (1982b: 157) did not mention an additional male in the MNHN (this additional specimen is a paralectotype).


Museo Zoologico La Specola, Universita di Firenze














Chyliza permixta Rondani, 1876

Sforzi, Alessandra & Sommaggio, Daniele 2021

Chyliza leptogaster (Panzer, 1798)

sensu Macquart 1835
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF