Chrysolina (Chrysolina) staphylaea (Linnaeus, 1758)

Guskova, Elena V., 2017, The Chrysomelinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of the Mongolian Altai, The Coleopterists Bulletin 71 (1), pp. 120-130 : 125-127

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065X-71.1.120

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Chrysolina (Chrysolina) staphylaea (Linnaeus, 1758)


Chrysolina (Chrysolina) staphylaea (Linnaeus, 1758)

References. Mohr 1966: 368; Lopatin 1967: 160, 1968: 212, 1970: 252, 1975: 213, 1977: 154; Kaszab 1977: 65; Medvedev and Voronova 1977a: 332, 1977b: 219, 1979: 111; Medvedev 1982: 240; Kippenberg 2010: 405.

Material Examined. Elkhony-Ekhen-Tal, 5. v.2013, leg. R. Yakovlev ( EGC) .

126 Distribution. Mongolia (Hovd, Gobi-Altai, Khubsugul, 1977a: 335, 1979: 114; Medvedev and Zaitzev 1978: Arkhangai, Bulgan, Central, Eastern). Holarctic. 111; Medvedev 1982: 254; Kippenberg 2010: 393 .

Material Examined. Mogoijn-Gol, 11.07.200 9, Chrysolina (Euchrysolina) Bechyne, 1950 leg. E.V. Guskova and R.V. Yakovlev ( EGC); Il-

Gol, 15.vii.2009, leg. E.V. Guskova and R.V. Chrysolina (Euchrysolina) graminis Yakovlev ( EGC); Arshantyn-Nuruu, 9–, (Linnaeus, 1758) leg. R. Yakovlev ( EGC) .

Distribution. Mongolia (Hovd, Gobi-Altai,

Material Examined. Bulgan-Gol Valley , 6-7. Ubsunur, Selenge, Hentiysky, Eastern, Bayankhongor). v.2002, leg. R. Yakovlev ( EGC). Europe, Kazakhstan, Siberia, Japan, China, N Africa .

Distribution. Mongolia (Hovd). Europe, Russia

(European part, W and Middle Siberia, Yakutia).

Notes. This species is recorded here from the Gastrophysa (Gastrophysa) viridula lenta Mongolian Altai for the first time. (Weise, 1887)

References. Lopatin 1964: 371, 1966: 234, 1967:

Colaphellus Weise, 1916 102, 1970: 254, 1971: 226, 1975: 215, 1977: 154;

Medvedev and Dubeshko 1974: 190; Medvedev and

Colaphellus alpinus (Gebler, 1833) Voronova 1976: 228, 1977a: 335 , 1977b: 219, 1979:

114; Medvedev 1982: 255; Kippenberg 2010: 393.

References. Cherepanov 1956: 58; Lopatin

Material Examined. Elt-Gol, 1–8.vii.2005,

1964: 371, 1966: 234, 1967: 162, 1968: 213, leg. R. Yakovlev and D. Ryzhkov ( EGC).

1970: 253, 1971: 226, 1975: 214; Mohr 1966:

Distribution. Mongolia (Bayan-Ulegei (new aimak

368; Medvedev and Dubeshko 1974: 191; record), Hovd, Zavhan, Khubsugul, Arkhangai, Bulgan,

Medvedev and Voronova 1977a: 336, 1979: 117; Selenge, Central, Hentiysky, Eastern, Bayankhongor,

Medvedev and Zaitzev 1977b: 368, 1978: 113; Uverhang, East Gobi, Suhe Bator). Russia (Siberia).

Medvedev 1982: 255; Kippenberg 2010: 427.

Material Examined. Zagan-Nuur, 20.vii.1976,

leg. L. Medvedev and N. Voronova ( LMC); 55 km Phratora Chevrolat, 1836

NE Altai, 23.vii.2010, leg. E.V. Guskova and

R.V. Yakovlev ( EGC); Tsengel, 25-27.vii.2010, Phratora (Phratora) Chevrolat, 1836

leg. E.V. Guskova and R.V. Yakovlev ( EGC).

Distribution. Mongolia (Bayan-Ulegei, Hovd, Phratora (Phratora) vulgatissima

Gobi-Altai, Ubsunur, Arkhangai, Selenge, Central, (Linnaeus, 1758)

Hentiysky, Eastern, Bayankhongor, Uverhang).

References. Medvedev 1982: 249; Kippenberg

Russia (S and Middle Siberia). 2010: 395.

Material Examined. Dod-Naryin-gol,,

Gastrophysa Chevrolat, 1836 leg. R. Yakovlev and D. Ryzhkov ( EGC); Middle Bulgan-gol, , leg. R. Yakovlev and

Gastrophysa (Gastrophysa) Chevrolat, 1836 D. Ryzhkov ( EGC).

Distribution. Mongolia (Bayan-Ulegei (new

Gastrophysa (Gastrophysa) mannerheimi aimak record), Hovd (new aimak record), (Stål, 1858) Khubsugul, Arkhangai, Bulgan, Selenge, Central,

References. Cherepanov 1956: 58; Mohr 1966: Hentiy, Suhe Bator). Holarctic.

368; Medvedev and Dubeshko 1974: 190, 1975: Notes. This species is recorded here from the

237; Lopatin 1975: 215; Medvedev and Voronova Mongolian Altai for the first time. The beetles feed

1976: 228, 1977a: 335, 1979: 114; Medvedev on willows growing on river banks.

and Zaitzev 1978: 111; Medvedev 1982: 255;

Kippenberg 2010: 393. Phratora (Phyllodecta) Kirby, 1837

Material Examined. 55 km NE Altai, 23.vii.2010 ,

leg. E.V. Guskova and R.V. Yakovlev ( EGC). Phratora (Phyllodecta) polaris (Schneider, 1886)

Distribution. Mongolia (widespread). Russia

(Tuva, Amurland), NE China. References. Medvedev 1982: 250; Bienkowki 2004: 69; Kippenberg 2010: 395.

Gastrophysa (Gastrophysa) polygoni Material Examined. Dod-Naryin-gol, 14.

(Linnaeus, 1758) vii.2007, leg. E.V. Guskova and R.V. Yakovlev

(EGC); Tsengel, 21.vii.2007, leg. E.V. Guskova and

References. Cherepanov 1956: 58; Lopatin 1966: R.V. Yakovlev (EGC); Tsengel, 25–27.vii.2010,

234, 1970: 254, 1975: 215; Medvedev and Voronova leg. E.V. Guskova and R.V. Yakovlev (EGC).

Distribution. Mongolia (Bayan-Ulegei (new aimak record), Hovd (new aimak record), Zavhan, Arkhangai, Selenge, Central, Hentiy). Europe, Russia (European part, Tuva, Irkutsk region), North Korea.

Notes. This species is recorded from the Mongolian Altai for the first time. The beetles feed on willows growing on river banks.














Chrysolina (Chrysolina) staphylaea (Linnaeus, 1758)

Guskova, Elena V. 2017

Colaphellus alpinus (Gebler, 1833)

Voronova 1976: 228


Weise 1916

Phratora (Phyllodecta)

Kirby 1837
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