Chrysocoris stockerus (Linnaeus)

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S., 2013, Revision of the genus Chrysocoris Hahn (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) from India, The Bioscan 8 (1), pp. 219-232 : 229-230

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13153330


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scientific name

Chrysocoris stockerus (Linnaeus)


Chrysocoris stockerus (Linnaeus)

( Fig. 2h View Figure 2 , 3h View Figure 3 , 4h View Figure 4 , 5h View Figure 5 , 6g View Figure 6 , 7g View Figure 7 , 8g View Figure 8 , 9g View Figure 9 ; Plate II-G and III-G). Cimex stockerus Linnaeus, 1758: 441 ; Stal, 1873: 20

Diagnosis: Body metallic green or blue, generally a black elongate spot from base to middle, lateral pronotal abgles tapered, 1 st pair of conjunctival appendages blunt, spermathecal duct dilation globular.

Colour: Dorsally metallic green or indigo blue, with black spots over pronotum and scutellum. Head beneath, sternum, apices of femora, tibiae and round spots on ventro-lateral margins of abdomen shining brassy green. Basal margin of head beneath, I antennal segment, base of I labial segment, coxae, trochanters, femora (except apices), posterior margin of meso and metasterna, and abdomen ochraceous; rest of the antennal and labial segments and all tarsal segments brown to black, a large quadrate spot at base, stigmatal spots, inner lateral spots and apex of abdomen black.

Head: ( Fig. 2h View Figure 2 ) declivent, with breadth (3.39±0.25) more than length (2.65±0.35mm), lateral margins before eyes deeply sinuated, tylus longer than jugal lobes, preocular distance (1.23±0.06) almost 1.8x to postocular distance (0.67±0.12). Eyes projected laterally, ocelli located below eyes, nearer to eyes than to each other (1.13±0.07), eyes 2.15±0.08 apart.

Antennae: five segmented, attached beneath head, near to eyes; I antennal segment (1±0.11) longer than II (0.74±0.97); later smallest amongst all; III (1.85±0.1) 2.2x to II; IV (2.32±0.28) 1.2x to III and V (2.48±0.24) longest and almost 3.35x to II; the latter two segments flat and slightly grooved medially; total antennal length 8.4±0.9 and covered with small bristles.

Labium: Four segmented; I labial segment smallest; II longest and 1.7x to I; III slightly longer than IV; total labial length 5.8±0.33 and extends upto II or III abdominal segment.

Pronotum: ( Fig. 3h View Figure 3 ) convexed at base, anterior margin slightly sinuated, anterior angles acute while lateral obtuse, distance between lateral pronotal angles (8.11±0.9) 2.27x to that of anterior (3.56±0.25), while central pronotal length (3.55±0.36) subequal to the later; eight spots on surface, 3 somewhat transverse spots near anterior margin, 3 large irregular sized discal spots near base and a single on each lateral pronotal angle.

Scutellum: ( Fig. 4h View Figure 4 ) with anterior margin almost straight, basally convexed, projecting posteriorly, covered almost whole of the abdomen, apically round, length (9±0.78) 1.3x to breadth (6.91±0.52). Seven spots present on dorsal surface; 6 round spot arranged in pairs located more towards lateral scutellar margins and one elongated present centrally.

Legs: with fore, middle and hind femora 3.31±0.18, 3.42±0.23 and 4.24±0.24, respectively while fore, middle and hind tibiae 3.35±0.17, 3.34±0.22 and 4.2±0.22, respectively.

External efferent system of metathoracic scent gland: ( Fig. 5h View Figure 5 ) with ostiole oval, peritreme transverse and elevated, grooved medially upto exterior end, evaporatorial surface rugulose and surface seemed distinct from sternum.

Abdomen: with ventral surface convex medially, breadth (7.13±0.4), almost 1.1x to length (6.42±0.46), spiracles located on lateral sides and below a pair of trichobothria from III to VII abdominal segments, small hairs distributed all over the surface and more at genital plates.

Male genitalia having pygophore ( Fig. 6g View Figure 6 ) with posterior margin possessed small setae, proctiger oval to quadrangular, patches of strigils at anterior and latero-posterior margins, ventrally cup shaped, ventro-lateral pygophoral angles round.

Aedeagus: ( Fig. 7g View Figure 7 ) with phallotheca cup shaped and distally broad, 3 pairs of conjunctival appendages present, I pair completely sclerotized, medially broader with distal end round, II pair semisclerotized, apically membranous, III pair sclerotized and distally tapered; vesica completely sclerotized and curved dorsally and bears the gonopore.

Paramere: ( Fig. 8g View Figure 8 ) consists of a long broad stem and a curved blade at distal end, the proximal inner edge of the blade beset with dense setae.

Female genitalia having ovipositor with VIII paratergites small, triangular, fused dorsally; IX paratergites small, inner margin round, unlike VIII paratergites not fused; first pair of gonocoxae large and somewhat quadrangular, small setae on plates.

Spermatheca: ( Fig. 9g View Figure 9 ) with bulb elongated but distally round; distal and proximal pump flanges separated by a distinct pump region; spermathecal dilation large and spherical; within dilation present sclerotized rod through which passed spermathecal duct; proximal spermathecal duct small and narrow.

Body size: Female 16.4±0.9 and male 14.01±0.6 long.

Habitat: Recorded on Zizyphus oenoplia , Canthium didymium , Santalum album ( Chatterjee 1934) , Santalum album and Lantana ( Beeson 1941), Jatropha curcas and Ricinus communis ( Miller 1934) .

Material examined (NPC): 7 and 12; India: Maharashtra: Pune , 1, 14.xii.1918, coll. Fletcher, host unknown. Sri Lanka: Arawa ( Madulsima ), 900ft, 1, 9.xii.1908 (1, 11.xii.1908; 1, 10.xii.1908; 1, 13.i.1909),), coll. T.B. Fletcher, host unknown; Hambantota, 1, 4 (1, 16.xi.1907; 1, 9.i.1909; 3, 1, 6.ii.1909; 1, 7.ii.1909; 1, 30.xii.1908), coll. T.B. Fletcher, host unknown; Welibama , 1, 21.i.1908, coll. T.B. Fletcher, host unknown .

Comments: it is studied by Distant (1902) in brief and then in detail by Mushtaq (1996) from Pakistan. The present study deals with all taxonomically important characters and it is at par with the earlier literature.














Chrysocoris stockerus (Linnaeus)

Parveen S., Ramamurthy V. V. & Khokhar S. 2013

Cimex stockerus

Linnaeus 1758: 441
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